Author Topic: 25mph + Floor = Ow  (Read 6621 times)

25mph + Floor = Ow
on: August 10, 2006, 18:03:36 PM
Yup... put my "dont wear a helmet" mentality to the test this afternoon.

Riding down nantgarw Hill in Caerphilly, tried to set off a speed camera. Hit 25.4mph according to the speedo and decided to call it at that, tried turning into a bus stop to make the transition from road to bike trail/path thing, wheels hit the kerb and slid for a bit, then the front wheel spun around completely, snapped the speedo cable, and I think the rear brake one is snapped too. Pitched me over the handlebars, I flew over, smashed my right thigh into the barend on the right hand side, and thats now pointing at the ground.

Landed in a heap and slid for a bit (evident by blood trailage! :yuk:).

Was in shock for a bit on the side of the road, hunting for my glasses that flew off of my face.

Ended up in A&E, nothing broken. Ive got grazes and brusing, but the left arm is more like a burn, in that Ive completely removed the skin, so they are worried about infection, so I have a wierd burn dressing thing on it, and theyve splinted it so I cant move my elbow properly. had xrays and stuff, but all is okay.

bike however is in a sorry state, front wheel is buckled. cables are snapped. and neither wheel will turn at all.

main thing gained out of this, even if thrown over your handlebars at nigh on 30mph, hitting your head is bloody difficult. :) and a helmet shant be worn in future, because guess what... my arms saved my life, not a piece of expensive polystyrene. :)

Re:25mph + Floor = Ow
Reply #1 on: August 10, 2006, 18:13:37 PM
aaooowwww that sounds painful.

I think the burn on your arm is commonly called road rash

Ive been fortunate enough to never fall off at high speeds on tarmac yet..  I generally dont go round corners hard enough, or ever go near pavements on my racer. straight lines = fast, but corners I dont push the limits.. not worth scratching the bike / me :lol:

Fallen plenty of times on the MTB - true enough, helmet never met the ground..  hands take a real beating everytime (inside gloves of course, never go biking without them!!!! -essential protection)

I dont find my helmet uncomfortable...  ill keep wearing it  every little helps ;)

25mph + Floor = Ow
Reply #2 on: August 10, 2006, 18:16:53 PM
Lucky one mate, glad to hear youre ok. I wear my helmet becuase Ive broken 3 of the buggers coming off mine in similar fashion to yourself. Twice my noggin went straight for the edge of the curb so I guess you take your chances.

Re:25mph + Floor = Ow
Reply #3 on: August 10, 2006, 18:17:40 PM
Ouch matey.

Ive fell off bikes loads in the past and have lots of scars all over. Dont think i have ever damaged my bike to that extent though, usually the paint is scratched and maybe the pedal and rubber grips gashed a bit.

my mate fell off his bike and parlysed part of his side. Lost control of his arm and that wasnt even going fast. It was before helmets were widely used though.

Re:25mph + Floor = Ow
Reply #4 on: August 10, 2006, 23:50:12 PM

 Riding down nantgarw Hill in Caerphilly, tried to set off a speed camera.

what a tool, if you cant ride a bike safely, stay off the roads...  and by todays evidence, you cant ride a bike.

also, i could and have hit 30MPH on the flat quite easily... just to make you feel even more silly...  :roll:

25mph + Floor = Ow
Reply #5 on: August 10, 2006, 23:56:24 PM
Its all about crossing bumps and tracks and curbs at 90 degree angles. :lol:

25 is plenty fast on a hybrid, though you should have been going faster! :lol: I get the Brodie up to about 28 or so headed down to my local beer market, but its got some high gears compared to the single speed. The single sees 30mph in downhills as I dont like going faster than I can stop, and manages 27 on a flat if you spin at 140rpm or something like it. You have to hold on to the bars hard to keep from bouncing in the saddle like a proper whore. :lol:

You havent broken your bike, so much as begun a project. :D

Youre lucky you didnt whack your head as such wrecks usually involve getting a brow stitch or two. They do provide manly scars though. :D When I got whacked from behind by a car once, I landed flat on my face--now that I dont recommend, as it sort of rearranged things.

Re:25mph + Floor = Ow
Reply #6 on: August 11, 2006, 09:48:35 AM
Quote from: Badabing

 Riding down nantgarw Hill in Caerphilly, tried to set off a speed camera.

what a tool, if you cant ride a bike safely, stay off the roads...  and by todays evidence, you cant ride a bike.

also, i could and have hit 30MPH on the flat quite easily... just to make you feel even more silly...  :roll:

Speed limit is 40mph on that particular road.

Its a dual Carriageway, so such speed is justified on that road.

The only reason I came off of my bike was because I misjudged the kerb on a bus stop.

Regardless of what speed you could reach, I chickened out at 25mph as I had already passed said speed camera, the road surface was a bit crap (really bumpy), and it had drizzled about 30 seconds before I started my mad run down the hill, so I was unsure as to how good my brakes would hold up.

If that isnt being "safe" or cycling correctly, then perhaps I should try the same stunt on the MUP that runs alongside maybe?? I chose the road to be safe.

25mph + Floor = Ow
Reply #7 on: August 11, 2006, 09:52:32 AM
Quote from: maximusotter
Its all about crossing bumps and tracks and curbs at 90 degree angles. :lol:

Yup... realise that now ;)


25 is plenty fast on a hybrid, though you should have been going faster! :lol: I get the Brodie up to about 28 or so headed down to my local beer market, but its got some high gears compared to the single speed. The single sees 30mph in downhills as I dont like going faster than I can stop, and manages 27 on a flat if you spin at 140rpm or something like it. You have to hold on to the bars hard to keep from bouncing in the saddle like a proper whore. :lol:

Its obvious I wasnt topped out, and was infact freewheeling I think when I had my accident. I could definately have gone well past the 30 barrier :) lol may try again in future :)


You havent broken your bike, so much as begun a project. :D

But I only just bleedin fixed it like 3 days ago! :(


Youre lucky you didnt whack your head as such wrecks usually involve getting a brow stitch or two. They do provide manly scars though. :D When I got whacked from behind by a car once, I landed flat on my face--now that I dont recommend, as it sort of rearranged things.

lol, aye, I basically remember landing in a heap, and my arms were in front of my head (place both hands on the head and pull your elbows together) like that, so considering the damage especially on the one arm (bandaged up) Would have left me with some hellish face scars if my arms didnt do that :)

Re:25mph + Floor = Ow
Reply #8 on: August 11, 2006, 13:10:03 PM
Quote from: Badabing

 Riding down nantgarw Hill in Caerphilly, tried to set off a speed camera.

what a tool, if you cant ride a bike safely, stay off the roads...  and by todays evidence, you cant ride a bike.

also, i could and have hit 30MPH on the flat quite easily... just to make you feel even more silly...  :roll:

^^ obviously doesnt have any concept of fun or compassion in him at all. Reads something he doesnt quite agree with and goes off on one!

I think you seriously need to chill out once in a while...  

Unforunately (well, good if you are a car user) the 30mph ones are set to 35+ so its quite unlikely youll be setting any off really.


25mph + Floor = Ow
Reply #9 on: August 11, 2006, 16:15:45 PM
Nah, a voice saying, "If you do that again, dumbass, Ima gonna put this boot up your ass" is a necessary component of the greek choir. :lol:

25mph + Floor = Ow
Reply #10 on: August 11, 2006, 18:43:45 PM
ive noticed something when messing around with things which involve tarmac etc...

when you come off, you might as well curl up into a ball an tuck your head into your shoulders.

and roll, dont try an stop yourself, you did good rich, its an accident no one can prevent it.

Re:25mph + Floor = Ow
Reply #11 on: August 11, 2006, 20:08:34 PM
ive had to go to work this evening and it appears my hand has taken the opportunity to dump a shed load of bloody pus and gunk all over my trousers.

Oh how I love my oozing arm.

25mph + Floor = Ow
Reply #12 on: August 11, 2006, 20:11:43 PM
Mmmm, puddin! :lol:

25mph + Floor = Ow
Reply #13 on: August 11, 2006, 20:38:16 PM
lol sorry not hand... meant arm :)

Re:25mph + Floor = Ow
Reply #14 on: August 31, 2006, 20:59:18 PM
Sorry forgot to say that I have now had my bandages off completely :) nowt on me arm anymore. Took them off back on monday morning.

Fk me... I did some damage, I have about a 4cm swatch of flesh thats still purple on my arm, and about 13 cm patch of no hair where its just growing back.

Will probably take piccies but not much to see really :D Just purpleness and wierd grooves in my skin and flesh.

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