Author Topic: CO2 Emissions  (Read 3430 times)

  • Offline zpyder

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CO2 Emissions
on: September 28, 2009, 18:18:05 PM
Out of interest, does anyone actually care?

All the ads for new cars say about CO2 emissions being xxg/m or whatever, but it wasnt until a few years ago that they started to say this. Im thinking that for most people they dont care one way or the other so long as it means lower tax. But then, why not just advertise the car as being lower tax to start with. Obviously people like to feel theyre being green, but I have a feeling that the kind of people who care the most about CO2 emissions like walk/cycle or use public transport anyway.

For me if I am looking for a new car I want to get one that is cheap to run/maintain. This means low tax, and high MPG. Both of which are a result of being green admittedly, but how green it is doesnt factor in the decision making process in my head.

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Re:CO2 Emissions
Reply #1 on: September 28, 2009, 18:24:08 PM
Im also looking for a new car, i want a turbo, i couldnt give a monkeys about the emissions, but the tax price is a concern for me, but ill probably end up with a pre 2001 car anyway, so again im back at couldnt give a monkeys :D

The only time ill consider getting something better is if i buy a car newer than 2001 (which i might) but then i will end up getting a TDI or something i guess.
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CO2 Emissions
Reply #2 on: September 28, 2009, 20:24:55 PM
It's all fun and games until a 200' robot dinosaur shows up and trashes Neo-Tokyo… Again.

Re:CO2 Emissions
Reply #3 on: September 28, 2009, 20:56:24 PM
I think theyre trying to make it like a competition, so youre down the pub with your mates and they say "oh yeah my car does 0-60 in 8 seconds" ... "oh yeah but my car only has 130g of co2 / km.

itll never work.

I like lower tax brackets so would look for cars under the certain limit if I was going to get one.

However the other week I was on the bus and the driver was tearing ass home and Im standing, holding on to railing and the bus has one of those mpg on board computers and it says 6mpg!

6mpg from a bus. Now even if the avg mpg is 15mpg if theres no-one except the drive, WHATS THE POINT?!

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Re:CO2 Emissions
Reply #4 on: September 29, 2009, 03:14:59 AM
Point is there are usually a lot of people on a bus, and the MPG level is usually a little higher than 6mpg..

Some people do care about carbon emissions, it means using less fuel, so cheaper running costs as well as tax.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:CO2 Emissions
Reply #5 on: September 29, 2009, 07:52:27 AM
My point was serious, that yes lower emissions = lower running costs/less fuel, but most people when buying a car would look at the running costs/consumption before the co2 emissions. Its 6 and 2x3s, but everyone IMHO will be looking at the 2x3s...

  • Offline Cypher

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Re:CO2 Emissions
Reply #6 on: September 29, 2009, 09:28:59 AM
Co2 emmisions for me just a bonus.  Im looking for a combination of performance and economy out of a certain size engine block.  I care to an extent, Im just not going to buy a gas guzler for the sake of it.  Im more impressed what you can get out of around a 2 litre engine block.

My Engine is 1.9TDI 150 bhp, 320 Nm, 52MPG Combined, and I usually get 45-50MPG out of it over a Tank. 146 g/km Co2.

Except for insurance reasons, why people buy puny 1 litre engines for economy reasons and then rev the sh*t out of them Ill never know.  THey have to do more work than  larger engine which is going to be lazy!  I remember watching Fifth gear do one with small cars i.e petrol polo and the best one got 35MPG.  Thats it!  Probably because it was Jason Platos right foot.

CO2 Emissions
Reply #7 on: September 29, 2009, 10:20:09 AM
Quote from: zpyder
Out of interest, does anyone actually care?

All the ads for new cars say about CO2 emissions being xxg/m or whatever, but it wasnt until a few years ago that they started to say this. Im thinking that for most people they dont care one way or the other so long as it means lower tax. But then, why not just advertise the car as being lower tax to start with. Obviously people like to feel theyre being green, but I have a feeling that the kind of people who care the most about CO2 emissions like walk/cycle or use public transport anyway.

For me if I am looking for a new car I want to get one that is cheap to run/maintain. This means low tax, and high MPG. Both of which are a result of being green admittedly, but how green it is doesnt factor in the decision making process in my head.

as a company car driver... yes.
Tax is now done on the CO2 emissions.

  • Offline zpyder

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CO2 Emissions
Reply #8 on: September 29, 2009, 16:17:34 PM
Quote from: Eggtastico
as a company car driver... yes.
Tax is now done on the CO2 emissions.

Wouldnt you say though that you care about tax, not the CO2 emissions. If you had 2 identical cars side by side, one costs £150 a year to tax and the other £200, you would get the £150. You would look at the tax costs first, with the CO2 emissions just a number on the specs page.

I know its kind of swings and roundabouts, low emissions = low tax. What Im getting at is that (most) people are driven (unintentional pun) by the running costs. If for some bizarre reason a car with twice the emissions costs half the tax of another car, and got more MPG (somehow) people wouldnt even consider the car with the better CO2 emissions. Same way Id imagine if a fuel came out that was particularly nasty, say it ran on the blood of puppies and kittens, but was half the price of petrol, I am guessing a lot of people would use it and be damned with the puppies and kittens.

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Re:CO2 Emissions
Reply #9 on: September 29, 2009, 19:17:25 PM
Quote from: zpyder
My point was serious, that yes lower emissions = lower running costs/less fuel, but most people when buying a car would look at the running costs/consumption before the co2 emissions. Its 6 and 2x3s, but everyone IMHO will be looking at the 2x3s...

Im always Serious :P

Some people who are concerned about the environment will look at the CO2 output as a specific requirement. What this misses is the CO2 cost of producing and delivering the vehicle, which can be higher than that used during the lifetime of the car. For this matter the governments payback on new cars would be better spent on research.

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Re:CO2 Emissions
Reply #10 on: September 29, 2009, 19:33:33 PM
When I look at the figures related to disposing and recycling an old car they dont stack up against the ones of making a new car that is "Environmentally Friendly".  Everything Ive seen says you should run your existing car in to the ground, then buy a new one which is "better" for the environment.  That is if you are going to be THAT serious about things.

The main problem with stuff like this though is every time someone starts preaching to me I want to go and get my mates Range Rover Sport, and drive it with my foot on the floor just to piss people off.  

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Re:CO2 Emissions
Reply #11 on: September 29, 2009, 20:19:34 PM
What really annoys me about all the green talk and tax bands, etc, is that you still see buses, vans and old smokey cars around pluming out blue/black smoke all the time. Whatever happened to getting these off the road? I thought the MOT had new regs for this, but why am I still seeing these on the road, getting stuck behind them, and getting a lungful of smog if I forget to turn off the fan?

CO2 Emissions
Reply #12 on: September 29, 2009, 22:45:05 PM
i dont give a hoot, pass me the big v8s please

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