Author Topic: Happy Birthday MR2 (18)  (Read 56985 times)

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Re: Happy Birthday MR2 (18)
Reply #30 on: March 01, 2019, 09:53:16 AM
M3/M5... tbh I don't need anything that fast, 'not slow' will do for me... I must be getting old, I'm more interested in a smooth ride :-o

That's actually the thing I love most, the buttery smooth ride! Don't think I've ever switched the suspension to 'sport' mode

Well I've had it back, driven ~100 miles (most of that was back from the garage) Now 2 warning lights on the dash, they're picking it up Monday on a trailer, mercifully for free :gag:

Sounds like it could be the alternator, we'll see.

Fingers crossed for you too, or they fess up that they made a mistake somewhere and its still not going to damage your wallet further.

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Re: Happy Birthday MR2 (18)
Reply #31 on: March 12, 2019, 23:01:47 PM
Further wallet hammering confirmed, alternator has goosed and needs rebuilding as a new OEM toyota one is £480! They warned against a cheap chinese replacement alternator (~£185) as they've had reliability issues.

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Re: Happy Birthday MR2 (18)
Reply #32 on: March 13, 2019, 06:31:37 AM
Hopefully the last of your wallet woes! I have a further £600 to spend at some point on replacement corroded brake lines and a few other bits.

Re: Happy Birthday MR2 (18)
Reply #33 on: March 18, 2019, 20:15:36 PM
Don't know how you guys run petrol cars, I'm devastated if my mpg goes below 50 on my cars and I've never really felt like I need more power and i like to make good progress. (1.9tdi skoda octavia and 2.0 tdci ford s max)
i do like it when people aren't afraid to keep older cars on the road though, kudos  :thumbup:
Last Edit: March 18, 2019, 20:18:02 PM by DEViANCE #187;

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Re: Happy Birthday MR2 (18)
Reply #34 on: March 19, 2019, 22:19:41 PM
I would have been quite content keeping my 3L diesel X3, with the remap it had it was joyous. The change in regs to punish diesel owners made me think twice about keeping it though.

The problem is, once you know that kind of power its horrible trying to live with less. :yarr:

I also don't do that many miles, around 5k a year.

Re: Happy Birthday MR2 (18)
Reply #35 on: March 20, 2019, 15:51:07 PM
I do naff all miles too

on a run with cruise on I can average 24mpg.... work and back (short trip, traffic) I get average 16mpg :-(

I love old style turbo diesels, loads of low down grunt, not that impressed by the modern high revving ones :-(

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Re: Happy Birthday MR2 (18)
Reply #36 on: March 21, 2019, 13:26:08 PM
Further wallet hammering confirmed, alternator has goosed and needs rebuilding as a new OEM toyota one is £480! They warned against a cheap chinese replacement alternator (~£185) as they've had reliability issues.

So turns out they can't rebuild it as they're currently unable to get the parts needed, but they have a rebuilt one they did prior, bloody circus stuff ::)

Still, in better news I've found a japanese website where several members have the same car/colour combo so at least I can get an idea on what wheels look half decent if I fancy a different pair  :lol:

One guy in particular ( chucks a lot of different types of wheels on his, Volk TE37s seem to suite quite well, another guy has the same TE37s and a luggage rack on his!


Someone has put an LED conversion on the headlights and I think they look nuts, I kinda like it... Probably no chance of sourcing them though  :lol:

Anyway, still haven't got my car back...  ::)
Last Edit: March 21, 2019, 13:31:27 PM by matt5cott #187;

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Re: Happy Birthday MR2 (18)
Reply #37 on: March 22, 2019, 06:41:03 AM
Have they at least given you an ETA for the car being returned? MX-5 Parts used to sell a similar light conversion kit I'm sure, I wonder if its the same fitment?

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Re: Happy Birthday MR2 (18)
Reply #38 on: March 22, 2019, 08:14:40 AM
Have they at least given you an ETA for the car being returned? MX-5 Parts used to sell a similar light conversion kit I'm sure, I wonder if its the same fitment?

Nope, hopefully next week but who knows :roll: :lol:

The MX-5 lights look too "rounded" so probs not same fitment  :(

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Re: Happy Birthday MR2 (18)
Reply #39 on: May 22, 2019, 10:00:38 AM
Yeah so I got it back weeks back and the power steering went about 80 miles later as I was doing a tight turn in a carpark :dunno: ::) :lol:

I put a bit more fluid in and it seemed to improve so hopefully it's just dirty, I watch Scotty Kilmer a lot so I thought surely he must have something on this, and he did, so I'm putting some seafoam as per his video below in order to clean it,

Re: Happy Birthday MR2 (18)
Reply #40 on: May 22, 2019, 21:16:37 PM
I wouldn't bother putting anything in to clean it unless there's a problem with it

power steering fluid is almost always ATF no matter what it says on the bottle (automatic transmission fluid) which is pretty awesome at cleaning stuff itself...   if it's easy to disconnect a pipe somewhere pop a pipe off drain it and refill it, take the reservoir off and give it a clean out too

people have been using ATF to clean things like diesel injectors/pumps for years

if the fluid has run low there could well be air in the system now, they're easy to bleed, jack the front end up and turn full lock left and then right a few times


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Re: Happy Birthday MR2 (18)
Reply #41 on: May 23, 2019, 07:19:08 AM
knighty, thanks I will do if the above video fix doesn't work :ptu: (it's pretty much exactly the issue described in it)

The MR2 uses "EH" power steering fluid :dunno:
Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 07:24:25 AM by matt5cott #187;

Re: Happy Birthday MR2 (18)
Reply #42 on: May 26, 2019, 13:27:03 PM
it'll almost certainly be ATF from anything around that year... is the fluid red? - dead giveaway it's ATF

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Re: Happy Birthday MR2 (18)
Reply #43 on: May 27, 2019, 12:00:31 PM
No the toyota stuff isn't red, it's now irrelevant as I've sussed the problem, it's leaked onto my driveway... ::) :lol:

I'll take it to the local garage, hopefully it's just a hose or such.

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Re: Happy Birthday MR2 (18)
Reply #44 on: June 05, 2019, 17:52:42 PM
No the toyota stuff isn't red, it's now irrelevant as I've sussed the problem, it's leaked onto my driveway... ::) :lol:

I'll take it to the local garage, hopefully it's just a hose or such.


Steering rack gators have gone, pissing oil out so a refurbed rack is now being done at my local garage  :drama: :drama: :drama:

Honestly, what a circus  :panic: :lol: :roll: :lol: :lol:

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