Author Topic: Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!  (Read 10276 times)

Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
on: March 25, 2006, 19:13:51 PM
Right then folks, Ive no doubt loads of you have made new years promises saying Ill get fitter and what not.

This is it.. im determined to follow at least a sort of daily training ritual.

Im purely using dumbells for mine, but just completed a session and woo! feel good!

The last few reps of the last set were murderous, my sister wondered what the hell I was doing in my room with all the huffing puffing and grunting.. I think the last rep on my left arm was something like "AAAHHHHHHHH TWEEEELLLLVVVEEEEEE... DONT DROP DONT DROP..AAAHHHHHHHHHHH DOWN.. WOO!" lol (yes yes.. I talk myself through it).

So this is my thread that Ill keep spamming in because I want to keep doing this. If I miss a day then Ill feel guilty from you denying you lot the pleasure of my stuffs.


Current regime takes about 25 minutes and involves:

Hold for 10 seconds, and repeat over and over for 5ish minutes until happy.

Place one arm in the air, reach far over as possible keeping your arm straight and without bending your back.

Place both arms behind back, clasp hands, use one arm to "stretch" gently the other arm pulling it out and elbows inwards.

Place one arm across your chest, use the other arm bent to pull the arm inward until you feel it stretch

Place one arm bent reaching down your back (over your head), use the other arm to gently push on the elbow until you feel the stretch.

---3 sets of each unless specified---

Right Arm: 10 arm curls bar parallel to body
Left Arm: 12 arm curls bar parallel to body

Right Arm: 10 lean over one arm row
Left Arm: 12 lean over one arm row

Right Arm: 10 overhead lifts
Left Arm: 12 overhead lifts

---1 set as cool down---
Right Arm: 10 arm curls bar perpendicular to body
Left Arm: 12 arm curls bar perpendicular to body

Ive no idea what the real name for these things are but the overhead lifts I could feel working on me as I did them, my triceps? are burning now from doing 30 of those babies.

Why the offset number of reps? Because my right arm when tensed is quite a muscley thing :) my left arm however is all jiggly and not good, so its a sort of effort to bring it into line. Seems to work as 10 is a killer, doing 12 and it burns.

Im not going to say the weight im using as im ashamed of it :D lol.. its so ickle, its rediculous but im following my instincts, sure I can do 1 set of 10 with full weights, but I reckon 3 sets of 10 with a 3rd of the weights is better imo.

So yes.. stay tuned for more M3ta7h3ad fitness calamity.

Also feel free to use this thread for your own benefit, dont let me be the only one doing this. Itll help me no end if someone joins in in this malarky. At least then come new years with the "how did your resolution go" threads we can then stand up with pride and say "yeah... we tried it".

Cyclists... if your training.. shove your training things in ere! :) post about it, rant about it.. its all good, heck even use it as a record for your personal bests.

  • Offline Dave

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #1 on: March 25, 2006, 20:07:58 PM
U doing some CV work as well? like cycling & running etc...

also as far as the light weights are concerned then you may as well use lighter weights - better for building up a bit of endurance and stamina IIRC

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #2 on: March 25, 2006, 20:57:49 PM
Not just yet. Need to get on my bike.

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #3 on: March 26, 2006, 13:25:26 PM
Just thought Id say..

my left elbow has been in agony all day today so far.

Want to train again same as yesterday but not sure if its safe to do so. Any thoughts?

Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #4 on: March 26, 2006, 15:02:39 PM
From my experience that happens when you over do it.  And tbh, all your going to be doing is increasing the size of your arms, you wont be losing any weight from what you are doing.  Dave was right to ask about CV exercise.

I also find it interesting that you are doing this off your own back, and you stress for others not to follow you in case they get injured and they should seek professional help.  Are you insinuating we are all insane??? ;)  Seriously, have you yourself sought professional advice before starting this regime?

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #5 on: March 26, 2006, 15:22:10 PM
Its close to the regime I was following when training for kenya on a pretty much daily basis at least.. with the CV work removed, that workout got checked out by our team leader (ex-army gym instructor dude) and my doctor (was a requirement). Assuming nothing completely wierd has gone on I should be alright at least in my opinion. But the warning is there in case some nutcase comes along tries it.. slips a disk and then comes along wanting to sue me or the forums for bad advice. Its your own body, take responsibility for its actions basically :)

I think Ill throw in a few of the old chest exercises I remember from then as well with regards to the arm thing... Id quite like to bulk up, to be honest ive never been a super thin bloke, but would like to turn what are at the moment wobbley arms into muscly arms :) lol. Ill work on CV training when I start commuting to work and back in the coming weeks, and hopefully by the end of the year Ill have an all round workout, but at the moment all I have to work with is a set of dumbells.

As for the elbow pain, its reduced to an ache in my bicep muscles when I move the left arm now. Elbow pain gone.. I may see how it feels tonight and try another session, otherwise im going to have to give it a rest today at least.

Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #6 on: March 26, 2006, 18:35:08 PM
Doing arm work without a core strengthening regimen is insanity.

my 2c.

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #7 on: March 26, 2006, 18:39:54 PM
Im forced to agree with maxi, just doing the arms isnt the best idea in the world, you need to do the full body including legs

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #8 on: March 26, 2006, 19:17:19 PM
Quote from: Serious
Im forced to agree with maxi, just doing the arms isnt the best idea in the world, you need to do the full body including legs

yup, most of us get an arm workout thats plenty just from ****ing. :mrgreen:

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #9 on: March 26, 2006, 19:20:02 PM
Quote from: maximusotter
Quote from: Serious
Im forced to agree with maxi, just doing the arms isnt the best idea in the world, you need to do the full body including legs

yup, most of us get an arm workout thats plenty just from ****ing. :mrgreen:

Erm... unless you know of exercises I can do with my legs that involve dumbells. Arms/chest/stomach/back it will be. Legs can be taken care of at a later date.

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #10 on: March 26, 2006, 19:39:28 PM
Hold the weights, crouch down a bit then stand back up, use the horse stance as in the martial arts.

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #11 on: March 26, 2006, 19:41:46 PM
Quote from: maximusotter
Quote from: Serious
Im forced to agree with maxi, just doing the arms isnt the best idea in the world, you need to do the full body including legs

yup, most of us get an arm workout thats plenty just from ****ing. :mrgreen:

Unless you just do one arm...


Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #12 on: March 26, 2006, 19:42:46 PM
lol squats? I could do lunges I guess as well. but it wont do much I wouldnt have thought my legs are plenty strong enough, need to get to the gym to work on those.

CV work needs to be done soon and will be.

  • Offline Sara

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #13 on: March 26, 2006, 19:48:31 PM
Quote from: Serious
Unless you just do one arm...

LOL serious, funny that you should choose the one with the Swedish caption :)

M3, think it would definitely make life much easier to push up your general fitness along with your strength. All I know about fitness is from school and the gym induction so Im not authority at all, it just makes common sense.

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #14 on: March 26, 2006, 20:52:08 PM
Quote from: Sara
Quote from: Serious
Unless you just do one arm...

LOL serious, funny that you should choose the one with the Swedish caption :)

I *still* have no idea what it says  :whoops:

[edit] unless its are you single? [/edit]

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