Author Topic: Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!  (Read 10275 times)

  • Offline BigSoy

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #15 on: March 27, 2006, 20:06:59 PM
I could give you a core strength workout that lasts <10 mins, has nothing to do with dumbells, and will almost certainly tear your deepest innards to mush the first few times you try it, if you enjoy such things :)
"Within your 'purview'? Where do you think you are, some f**king regency costume drama? This is a government department, not some f**king Jane f**king Austen novel!"

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #16 on: March 27, 2006, 20:24:50 PM
lol im interested :D

  • Offline Cypher

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #17 on: March 28, 2006, 12:49:12 PM
Aye there are workouts that do not need any kind of weight sets and can be done at home.  I can remember one particular stretch/exercise that is quite effective.   Though I forget what areas it is having an effect on.

Simply get down on your front, and form a bridge with your toes on the floor and hold your self up with your forearms in front of your chest.  

You can also do the opposite on your back with your heels.

/Edit, did a quick google, The Bridge exercises would seem to be a core exercise. :)

  • Offline Thrawn

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #18 on: March 30, 2006, 07:44:07 AM
I made a resolution to get myself fit this year as well. Except it was a little after new year and nothing to do with resolutions (more to do with a certain girl, but that is enough of that).

Ive been doing a combination of weights and CV since mid january and I have to say that the CV have done a lot more for me than the weights. For quite a lot of weights I havent seen a massive improvment in either muscle size or strength, Im definitely lifting more weight now, but its hard to say whether thats because I am stronger or because Im just pushing myself/straining myself a bit more.

For the record my CV workout (in the local gym) looks something like

5km run
20 mins on a exercise bike (about 13.5km, though I don;t trust the readings on these bikes they vary so much from machine to machine)
4km row

Which Im fairly pleased with as when I started back in january I was struggling at a 2km run 15 min cycle and 2 km row.

The cv seems to be paying off weightwise as in 2.5 months Ive gone from 16 st 12lb  to  14st 13lb, 27lbs down and another 20 ish to go ;)

As for weights I was/am doing something along the lines of:

10 Hammer curls each arm on 15kg
Then a rest.
7 Hammer curls each arm on 15kg
Then a rest.
10 Hammer curls each arm on 12.5kg

That sort of idea for whatever exercise Im doing.
Other exercises include:

preacher curls with dumbells(no board so I have to use my leg)
shoulder press with dumbells
Chest press (bench press) with dumbells
upright row
lateral raises (much lower weight than any of the other excercises)

Ive also got a curl bar (which I would reccomend for home weights) which is useful for 21s and various curls etc. OH yeah and the skullcrusher, never trust an exercise with a name like "skullcrusher" :P

I know some of the bigger guys on here like Bx would laugh at the amounts mentioned above (wasnt Bx benching some incredible amount of weight well in excess of 100 kg?) but hey its a good start for me.

Seriously though dont overdo it you can do a damn site more damage than good if youre not careful.

Edit: Forgot to say try this site to find all sorts of exercises to do with limited equipment, just click on weight training, then male exercise map, choose a muscle and it will show you all sorts of exercises to do to with that muscle, with animated gifs so you can be sure you are doing them correctly.

Oh and get a hold of Pumping Iron for a laugh ;)

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #19 on: March 30, 2006, 09:48:38 AM
Aye there are workouts that do not need any kind of weight sets and can be done at home. I can remember one particular stretch/exercise that is quite effective. Though I forget what areas it is having an effect on.

Simply get down on your front, and form a bridge with your toes on the floor and hold your self up with your forearms in front of your chest.

You can also do the opposite on your back with your heels.

/Edit, did a quick google, The Bridge exercises would seem to be a core exercise.  

I tried out things like that but I found while they were great for about a day I infact was more likely to do myself an injury from it. Body Resistance Training kinda malarky is great for a bit but its a complete hash up. For me anyway.

Quote from: Thrawn
I made a resolution to get myself fit this year as well. Except it was a little after new year and nothing to do with resolutions (more to do with a certain girl, but that is enough of that).

Ive been doing a combination of weights and CV since mid january and I have to say that the CV have done a lot more for me than the weights. For quite a lot of weights I havent seen a massive improvment in either muscle size or strength, Im definitely lifting more weight now, but its hard to say whether thats because I am stronger or because Im just pushing myself/straining myself a bit more.

For the record my CV workout (in the local gym) looks something like

5km run
20 mins on a exercise bike (about 13.5km, though I don;t trust the readings on these bikes they vary so much from machine to machine)
4km row

Which Im fairly pleased with as when I started back in january I was struggling at a 2km run 15 min cycle and 2 km row.

The cv seems to be paying off weightwise as in 2.5 months Ive gone from 16 st 12lb  to  14st 13lb, 27lbs down and another 20 ish to go ;)

As for weights I was/am doing something along the lines of:

10 Hammer curls each arm on 15kg
Then a rest.
7 Hammer curls each arm on 15kg
Then a rest.
10 Hammer curls each arm on 12.5kg

That sort of idea for whatever exercise Im doing.
Other exercises include:

preacher curls with dumbells(no board so I have to use my leg)
shoulder press with dumbells
Chest press (bench press) with dumbells
upright row
lateral raises (much lower weight than any of the other excercises)

Ive also got a curl bar (which I would reccomend for home weights) which is useful for 21s and various curls etc. OH yeah and the skullcrusher, never trust an exercise with a name like "skullcrusher" :P

I know some of the bigger guys on here like Bx would laugh at the amounts mentioned above (wasnt Bx benching some incredible amount of weight well in excess of 100 kg?) but hey its a good start for me.

Seriously though dont overdo it you can do a damn site more damage than good if youre not careful.

Edit: Forgot to say try this site to find all sorts of exercises to do with limited equipment, just click on weight training, then male exercise map, choose a muscle and it will show you all sorts of exercises to do to with that muscle, with animated gifs so you can be sure you are doing them correctly.

Oh and get a hold of Pumping Iron for a laugh ;)

Wicked site there mate shall add that to me favourites :)

See I prefer weight training ahead of cardio, but need a little of both. Well impressed at your weight loss there mate.

Combining that with a good diet? or is it a case of "heh! im exercising.. ill eat what I want anyhows" :D

  • Offline Thrawn

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #20 on: March 30, 2006, 10:15:56 AM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad

Combining that with a good diet? or is it a case of "heh! im exercising.. ill eat what I want anyhows" :D

Yeah pretty serious diet at the same time.

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #21 on: March 30, 2006, 10:22:19 AM
Awww.. and there was me thinking Woot!!! start cardio similar to yours and Voomph! weight falls off! :D lol doh! Stupid diets :(

  • Offline Mark

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #22 on: April 04, 2006, 01:55:49 AM
Ill post up a proper training programme when i get a minute tomorrow - none of the gimmicky get 20 times stronger in 3 weeks bullsh*t.

It will take years of dedicated training and a LOT of hard work and effort but it is worth it.

When I passed the 200 kilo mark in both the deadlift and squat it was well worth it. Next target is a 190 bench. Thats months away yet.

  • Offline Shaun

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #23 on: April 04, 2006, 03:36:50 AM
I started to go to the gym regularly (3 times a week)  towards the end of last summer, I started off doing about 35 mins CV and 25 mins weights, the main reason I went was to loose weight (about 2 1/2st) but found I was making very slow progress, 1-2Ibs a week over the first few months  :(  

So I stopped the weights and just did CV for just over an hour, 3 times a week and my weight dropped at a much better rate of 3-4 Ibs  a week and currently about 2Ibs a week :D
Thats without dieting as such, sensible eating during the week lots of pasta, salads and fruit instead of crap, beer and whatever I want to eat at weekends takeaways etc.

Im currently doing 10 mins warm-up on exercise bike.
40 mins on a cross-trainer with my hart rate at around 145-150 (around 80% of the max for my age) last 5 mins around 160.
15 mins brisk walking on treadmill (cant run got a bad ankle)

Im getting a bit skinny now and nearly at my target weight of 14st  :D
So Im going to increase the number of times I go to 4 times a week, cut back on the CV to twice and start doing weights twice and maybe eat more so not to loose any more weight if needed :)

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #24 on: April 04, 2006, 11:18:10 AM
Im still carrying on with that workout, allbeit slightly different now after viewing thrawns site. I focus on a different area each day. :)

Still no CV but need to get that sorted and will do.

  • Offline Thrawn

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #25 on: April 11, 2006, 22:18:58 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
Im still carrying on with that workout, allbeit slightly different now after viewing thrawns site. I focus on a different area each day. :)

Still no CV but need to get that sorted and will do.

So any updates metal? Ive hit 14st 9lbs now and still going strong. Also managed to start doing a few pressups now - which is something Ive never really been able to do (by the time I was strong enough I was too heavy if you see what I mean).

Moved up to 6km on the treadmill and went for my first real road run on sunday - also at 6km - and man is it a lot harder than running on a treadmill for so many reasons.

Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #26 on: April 11, 2006, 22:20:10 PM
I just did some cold pizza curls. :lol:

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #27 on: April 15, 2006, 08:44:46 AM
Well I think to be honest im a fool.

Do it 3 to 4 times a week (Tried daily but I found myself exercising muscle groups that actually hurt at the time, at that point I backed off and stopped the daily crap it was overdoing it) Id write up my thing but its basically the partial full body workout thing on that exrx website.

im now heavier than the bathroom scales will weigh. Im not that much "bigger" just what was jelly like before, is a little stiffer :) I need to get on my bike and start doing some cardio. May start doing some walking with my "mountain" just outside my house may take the dog for walks up there. Every little helps right??

BTW.. did some resting heart rate whatsits too...

Varies from 72bpm to 76bpm Considering I was expecting really really really high pulse rate (presuming that my heart would be straining or something) im quite pleasantly surprised that its not too far astray of the "average" 70bpm. Tekforums is a bit borked, had no idea that people had posted in here since my post as the marking of "read and unread" is flaky.

Shall try and keep ye up to date.

P.S. Also trying a 2 days not eating, 5 days eating thing at the mo. Bit of an experiment on my part, not read it anywhere if it works, but im trying to basically lose weight (granted my metabolism will slow if I do it for any length of time, so just trying a 2 week thing).

Was starving yesterday, the current way im getting around hunger pangs is just by drinking a crap load of water. Whenever I get urges, I guzzle water down feel bloated, then I dont want to eat anymore. Back to eating normally tomorrow for 5 days.

Combined with my weight training I should hopefully maintain muscle mass and lose the fat.

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #28 on: April 29, 2006, 16:54:02 PM
I couldnt go without eating :o


I find I want to eat ALL DAY during work, if I had rode the evening before (even small rides like 15 or so miles)

I think any money you save by not having a car and riding to work is offset by the heeeouuge amount of food you get through :lol: :lol:

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #29 on: April 29, 2006, 17:05:25 PM
M3ta7h3ad, my mums method is to eat sandwiches made of brown bread, cottage cheese with pineapple, chopped up cellery and apple. Has some carbs, a litte protein and virtually no fat.

Replace 2 meals a day with that and chances are you will loose weight.

Unfortunately I cant stand the smell or taste of uncooked celery  :gag:

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