Author Topic: Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!  (Read 10274 times)

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #30 on: April 29, 2006, 17:47:58 PM
Quote from: snellgrove
I couldnt go without eating :o


I find I want to eat ALL DAY during work, if I had rode the evening before (even small rides like 15 or so miles)

I think any money you save by not having a car and riding to work is offset by the heeeouuge amount of food you get through :lol: :lol:

lol I dont get weight urges. Well the 2days non eating thing didnt work as planned. Actually weigh heavier now, but that could be down to the weights. :| lol bloody hope it is!

Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #31 on: April 29, 2006, 17:54:29 PM
Whats the diet like, matey? Got any issues or obsessions with food? Do ya drink sugary soda? Time to find that calorie culprit and kick its arse. :lol: Dont deny yourself either, just change. If for example, you had a thing for apple pie, eat apples instead--and really fancy ones, become an apple freak, pontificate about the stirations of braeburns, bore us. :lol:

Ive lost about five pounds myself this spring, simply by doing an hour per day of cardio on the singlespeed, instead of 3X weekly.

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #32 on: April 29, 2006, 18:14:48 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
Well the 2days non eating thing didnt work as planned. Actually weigh heavier now, but that could be down to the weights. :| lol bloody hope it is!

2 days wont do anything positive, weight control is a long haul issue. If anything not eating for 2 days will prompt your body to think you are going to have a period without food and it will reduce calorie useage. It takes the system at least a week to recover so you end up heavier. Not eating anything wont cause your body to use up its fat reserves either, it will canablise your muscle instead so really you shouldnt be doing that.

Weight exercise can reduce fat but builds muscle to replace it, it also requires more protein. If you just want to loose weight you would be better off elsewhere.

Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #33 on: April 29, 2006, 20:39:09 PM
Quote from: maximusotter
Whats the diet like, matey? Got any issues or obsessions with food? Do ya drink sugary soda? Time to find that calorie culprit and kick its arse. :lol: Dont deny yourself either, just change. If for example, you had a thing for apple pie, eat apples instead--and really fancy ones, become an apple freak, pontificate about the stirations of braeburns, bore us. :lol:

Ive lost about five pounds myself this spring, simply by doing an hour per day of cardio on the singlespeed, instead of 3X weekly.

lol... my closest friend had some rather disturbing assumptions about me, upsetting to be honest... and made me angry.

She believed I had a sweet tooth, that I didnt like salads, and that I refused to eat anything healthy. In her words it was "the only way you could get like that". She also assumed that I was incapable of coping with physical exercise... when we went on a bike ride together and I naturally kept behind her but running two a-breast where possible as thats the way I tend to walk... she kept making snide comments about how "we could rest if your tired"... made me so angry I ended up pulling out, and flew past her at around 30mph according to me speedo, and I couldnt even bloody change up gears as my gears are still naffed up so I just pedalled as fast as I could until the rachet took the power away. Sure... I took a while to recover but I didnt need to stop, and I kept up that performance for a good 5 minutes, took her about 3 minutes cycling along after me to get back into viewing distance.

When I showed her my chicken salad with boiled new potatoes (no not a metaphor for anything ;)) she was shocked that I knew how to cook in a healthy manner, and that I enjoyed eating like it.

Then a week or so later we went out and grabbed a bite to eat and I picked an egg salad, when she actually came out with "the big sarnies are over here" thinking that Id go for them ahead of a lush salad.

Then she looked surprised a few days later when I said to her "No thank you im full" when she cooked an indian curry for me. Tasted lush... but just couldnt eat it all.

Her next assumption was that I drank unhealthly, I then told her that I tended to only ever drink on a wednesday night, and then its rare that I get completely hammered, its a case of a beer or cider with a meal (my one treat a week normally), and that I guzzle water like nobodies business, only reason I dont buy it that much is because I aint paying £1.50 for a bottle of something that comes out of a tap at home for free.

We finally came to an agreement after all of that, I eat anything, I quite happily munch salad, I hate jelly and sinewed meat, though I am partial to a beefburger once in a while (my typical wednesday night food, beer and a burger), but most of all.... if something is infront of me, I will eat/drink it.

I have been known to drink 3 litres of water in under 10 minutes... why?... because I had 3 litre sized bottles of water on my desk in work, intending to drink them throughout the day...I dont... I tend to feel as if I have to have something in my hand, so I hold the bottle of water... naturally I raise it to my mouth, and I take a gulp every 20 seconds or so.

There are no weaknesses in general, and thats what pisses me off... I can change diets and so on, I can keep a diary, but at the end of the day I tend to eat 2 or 3 meals a day (dependent on if I get breakfast in), I drink about 1.5 litres a day, and thats it.

Friends in uni have admitted to having usually... 2 teas, and anything up to 7 meals a day. how much do they weigh?.... no idea, but they have damn thin bodies.

Ive come to the conclusion that its a lack of physical exercise that put me in this way, and now I currently try and do things to combat it, stuff I havent mentioned here... stuff like trying to take the stairs instead of the lift, walking from the train station furthest away (so 30mins brisk walk... instead of a 10min meander), walking from work to the next nearest train station (15mins brisk walk as opposed to a 3 minute meander).

I do this all, the only thing I havent done since its hit warmer weather is ride my bike again, and thats because I keep making damn excuses for sorting it out.

I also hate the warmer weather, as well you may consider this a bit vain, but Ive noticed that my stomach jiggles a bit, there was once a time that I could breathe in and pull my stomach muscles in and itd be fine, but now its a distinct jiggle... you may think "pah ffs... stop being a wuss" but when Ive experienced years and years and years of bullying that put me in about the worst place possible and turned me into a bloody wreck of a human being, my weight is a curse to me, and I try and hide my shape a little by wearing a jacket. I can pull it around me and yeah I may look bigger, but at least you dont see my manboobs jiggling away as im walking, open-mouthed and struggling for breath, because I cant breathe due to the paranoia that grips me when walking in public, having to feign yawns to cover the fact that due to me holding my breath I managed to exacerbate matters further and made myself breathless. Now the weather is warmer there will come a point where I will have to lose the security blanket of my jacket... When that point comes, I dont want to jiggle.

I quite honestly would welcome an eating disorder. If it involves me puking up then so be it... Id rather have a problem with gaining weight, than getting rid of it.

When I met those girls on wednesday, I started panicing instantly... why? Its because I was the fatman, self-esteem is bollocks, I can put of an air of confidence whenever I want I can flirt and I can bullsh*t like the best of them, but deep down im a paranoid freak obcessed about the fact that hes overweight and too f**king paranoid to join a Gym as the last time he did he had to bare with the laughs and jeers behind his back as he made a bit too much noise on the running machine, or sweated excessively when working out... apparantly sweating isnt something thats done in the gyms ive been to, last time I had no choice, and it was kids doing it to me. Kids that I later relished in beating the sh*t out of when I was in school when they kicked off then, so I got even in a way. Nowerdays... I dont think I could cope.

Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #34 on: April 29, 2006, 21:50:48 PM
Well, if its not a soft spot for cola or the like, you might think about keeping a food diary for a few days and seeing a doctor. Show him/her the diary so they dont make the same assumptions.

I was just asking as I was chatting up a guy who works at the local market about getting fit. Hes something like 300 pounds, so had quite a bit to lose. I always see him drinking coke and I asked him how much he drank, and we figured out it was over 1000 calories a day! It sort of freaked him out. :lol: He just didnt think about it.

So if youre not doing something like that or having 8 toasts for breakfast, then ask a doctor what the feck is up. Have them do some bloodwork, it could be a sign of something like an easily treatable thyroid disorder. Who knows?

Or you could move to my neighborhood, where youd look downright svelte next to most of the people whove tried to commit suicide with vast amounts of ham laced soul food. :P

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #35 on: April 30, 2006, 00:40:32 AM
Seeing a doc is a good option and drinking that much water (3 litres in under 10 minutes) usually isnt a good idea. What should happen is your body is supposed to cut in and stop you drinking water to excess and if you continue your kidneys should come to the rescue by putting you in the loo. If it doesnt you end up overhydrated and your electrolyte levels go to pot.

Water retention can make you as overweight as fat and can be dangerous.

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #36 on: June 04, 2006, 10:37:56 AM
And so my cardio workout begins.

Chart of progress shall be made here in this thread :D

Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #37 on: June 04, 2006, 16:30:27 PM
Be careful and dont overdo it. Id rather your reports of progress be made in person than symbolized by silence.

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #38 on: June 04, 2006, 19:22:42 PM
I had better start mine easy too....

/lifts pint.... :mrgreen:

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Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #39 on: June 04, 2006, 19:37:48 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
I can keep a diary, but at the end of the day I tend to eat 2 or 3 meals a day (dependent on if I get breakfast in), I drink about 1.5 litres a day, and thats it.

though it is mostly probably down to inactivity if you eat healthily & still weigh 20 stone (just do some CV & try to walk/cycle to as many places as possible as opposed to bus/car) missing Bfast is not a great idea.

with everything else being equal, having lunch and dinner will cause you to put on mroe weight than having bfast in the morning + also having the same lunch and dinner - reason being that eating Bfast kick starts your metabolism  for the day. youre better off having a large bfast and a smaller meal in the evening whereas a lot of people have large meals at night just before they go to bed etc.. which doesnt do much good. Even if you only have time to grab a bannana & glass of milk in the morning it is still better than nothing

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #40 on: June 04, 2006, 20:00:24 PM
22.4 miles today :) but oh god... the journey home hurt. Just a sore bum :)

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #41 on: June 04, 2006, 20:07:08 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
Just a sore bum :)

Did you go and bend down in front of knighty?  :twisted:

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #42 on: June 05, 2006, 14:41:18 PM
lol I feel like I was assraped by a giant tentacle much like the poor anime schoolgirls.

Only doing the trip one way today, but gonna ride from the train station furthest from me, and furthest to me to fit about 3 extra miles in.

So... will be around the 14mile mark today.

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #43 on: June 06, 2006, 11:53:32 AM
33.6 miles this week so far.

Had some wee problems with my gripshift on the way there, it suddenly decided to just spin around and around the handlebar, and not shift.

Found the installation manual at and just tightened the 3mm allen bolt I couldnt see for the life of me before. Sorted.

Noted that my rear tire is actually wearing away more than the front... May need to do some tire buying at the end of the month if I have dosh, if not then Ill just make do as long as possible.

Going to do the same one way trip today, but its looking cloudy and crap. Hopefully the weather will stay dry :)

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #44 on: June 06, 2006, 14:06:03 PM
Any noticeable change in weight/size or muscle strength yet?

Ive had a few dodgy weeks over my exam period but Im hitting  the gym with avengeance once more, managed to get my run up to 7km a couple of times now and Im down to 14st 1 from original weight 16st 12.

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