Author Topic: Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!  (Read 10282 times)

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #45 on: June 06, 2006, 16:00:20 PM
lol not really mate. my legs feel stronger though from the 2 days of exercise. just feel... tighter.

Weight wise. Ive stopped doing the dumbells as it was pointless without doing cardio, and to be honest the dumbell set was only 15kg. I can happily curl that until the cows come home so need to get down a gym to sort that side out. Concentrating on weight loss now.

About to do another 11.2 miles today :) Hopefully should notice a difference next week I hope :D

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #46 on: June 07, 2006, 00:01:34 AM
okay!!! im up to the "just under by a smidgin.." 46mile marker this week so far.

My thighs are currently aching, they started aching this morning, then I rode... and they ache more now :D lol not sure if its a good "ahh your muscles are getting stronger" ache or a "you stupid idiot!!! STOP RIDING YOUR KILLING ME!" thing.

Bum pains reduced to 5 mins of discomfort when first getting on the bike. :) Thank god!!! :D lol.

Will be doing another 22.4 miles tomorrow most likely as I have coursework and stuff to hand in at uni and I ordinarily wouldnt go into cardiff on a wednesday.

Finding the mile or so winding stretch of road that leads out of the back of my estate to be a killer. Brought me to a stop yesterday about half way. Today I worked through it.. but it really took it out of me. its just a moderate incline that snakes back on itself, but really burns your thighs.

Also had a near miss. Shall use my bell more in future. Came around a blind corner a bit too fast. Nailed the brakes and banked over as much as possible, and narrowly avoided someone in full racing doohicky who also was flying around that corner way too fast.

Average time now for getting to work is 38 minutes. 11.2 miles in that time. Also found a nice medium yesterday that allowed me to pedal pretty much all the way, just kept those legs going around.

Which means average speed now is at 17.5mph... wonder if I can get that faster :)

So yeah in short.

Miles done: 46
Average Speed: 17.5 mph
Days done: 3

Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #47 on: June 07, 2006, 00:04:08 AM
Rest is just as important as training. If I hammer really hard one day, I take a day off, or just a quick 15 mile spin with no sprinting. So if your legs hurt, give em a break and do something really fun like ab work. :lol:

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #48 on: June 07, 2006, 00:07:42 AM
lol dont have a choice im afraid. Need to go to uni, and well if I get the train in.. Ill get guilty about leaving the bike at home. :D

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #49 on: June 07, 2006, 12:31:06 PM
No riding today. Legs are screaming at me "WHY!!! WHY YOU BASTARD!! WHY!!!!!! WHY DO YOU HURT US SO!!", and I have too many important deadlines to meet today so cant risk being late after a puncture or whatever.

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #50 on: June 09, 2006, 20:15:07 PM
Rode today.

Ended up vomiting my guts up (Eating noodles 2 hours before vomiting does not make for fun vomit) about 5 miles in as Ive been feeling ill as hell the last few days.

Still made it to cardiff, just abouts. Really want to be at home cuddling a hot water bottle wishing the pains in my stomach would go away.

Another 11.2 Miles to the total plus the 2 miles Ill do home tonight. So.. 13.2 miles.

59.2 Miles covered this week so far.

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #51 on: June 09, 2006, 23:26:24 PM
Id take that as a sign that youre pushing too hard tbh.  Going from no excersize to heavy cycling wont do you any good at all.

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #52 on: June 10, 2006, 00:21:48 AM
Possibly pushing it too hard, a longer route but a bit slower and work your way up mate. Also try eating a banana an hour before you start.

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #53 on: June 10, 2006, 13:47:47 PM
Ahhh, vomiting. fun... done that while pushing really really hard on a ride

Definately take a day off in between really hard rides, it will make you faster overall :)

Also ...remember to enjoy it, thats the main thing :P

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Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #54 on: June 10, 2006, 18:33:56 PM
The only time I have done it is pushing really hard while running behind a car ... on my own  :shock:

Now I think about it it was a bit stupid :/

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #55 on: June 11, 2006, 11:09:01 AM
well end of the week. Didnt manage to ride today as I overslept and just didnt have the time to waste cycling into work.

Did some riding yesterday though which takes my total for the week upto...

72.4 Miles Not bad for a 1st week total, and gives me something to aim for. That magic 100 miles in a week :)

If all goes to plan next week, Ill hit that 100miles easy :)

End of week feelings:

Definately have improved my fitness, not so much in every day life, Ive not turned into linford christie, but im no longer out of breath when faced with a hill I have to walk up. Ive noticed that most of the hills with the exception of one on my route to work yesterday I managed without changing down from my "cruising" gear (the one I use just to go along when im on the flat), and I wasnt so out of breath when going up them either.

Not sure if its psychological but im sure this t shirt im wearing is fitting me better. Not convinced Ive lost weight but I think I just feel better about myself.

Aches and Pains: Knees hurt a bit from being worked I think, and my arse hurts from the damn seams rubbing me on my trousers and underwear. Also a few cuts and grazes, managed to get pushed into a stone wall yesterday whilst moving along. Scraped my arm a bit but managed to get myself off of it and carry on pedalling, Hurt my shin on a cycle gate (bastard things) by missing the lower rung thing, and just smacking my shin into it, and thats about it really.

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #56 on: June 16, 2006, 20:23:38 PM
Bloody gutted so far this week.

Rain and poor trail conditions mean that Ive not ridden at all this week so far :( and I feel fat for it. Like... all the work I did last week has been undone :(

Will try and get on me bike for the weekend if the weather holds but 1 day of rain = 3 days of sh*te trail conditions as it turns into a bloody quagmire of tree crap.

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #57 on: June 17, 2006, 10:05:41 AM
Weighed myself this morning for the first time since I started cycling.

Im now 19st 3lbs

This is down from OVER 20 st... to the extent I was over what my scale reads to (it hit 0 and span around a bit more before clunking against a stop).

2 Weeks, 1 week cycling, and to be honest Ive eaten sh*te... and ive lost almost a stone, if not a stone completely.

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #58 on: June 25, 2006, 10:40:24 AM
Stupid me... not cycled since in 13 days. Got back in the saddle today, really didnt want to do it, was a case of "no.. have to make myself do it" novelty has clearly worn off and now im going "Grrr... bloody bike".

Added another 11.2 miles to the big total in ere :)

Need to make an effort this week.

Noticed some wear and tear on my bike, poor thing dont think its liking carrying my weight. Wheels are soooo not true, they need work badly I think, Brakes could do with tweaking the back brake needs adjusting properly as I think its slipping through the nut that holds the cable when under constant braking (its the brake I use to control my speed when going downhill) and my tires are almost bald! :o had no idea the rubber on them was so soft, Ive only done maybe 350 miles on them in total and the tread pattern is a mere whisper of an impression on them in places.

Sidenote: I found an old cable lock, wouldnt protect it against a slightly heavy bashing with a rock, but it suffices for a saddle lock, bloody bike comes with a QR Saddle, finally I can just lock the saddle to the bike now when in town or popping into a shop. :)

Fitness: Well 2 weeks of nothing hasnt done me any favours however I have lost another 2 lbs purely from eating fairly normally but doing my normal paid work during the week as overtime (9 hour days as opposed to sitting at home for 6 and working for 4 :D)

Started at over 20st or rather 280+ lbs now down to 19st 2lbs or 268lbs Also realised that Ive now started subconciously changing up to the highest gear I have when cruising or going downhill, and I dont change down to as low a gear when climbing a hill either :D For example, I started using..

8th for climbs and 12th for cruising and I may knock it up to 14 for downhills.

Now its...

14th for climbs, and 21st for cruising and downhills :)

Either Ive picked up a more efficient pedalling technique, or I have developed stronger muscles in my legs and more stamina :) prefer to think its the latter 2 but knowing my luck itll be the first one.

To anyone who reads this: Hows your fitness thing going? :)

Week: 11.2miles
Alltime: 83.6 miles

Re:Metals Fitness Thread of gaaargh!
Reply #59 on: June 27, 2006, 15:17:33 PM
another 11.2 miles to the total capitan! :)

Gonna try and make up my bike lights some time soon and try a night commute.

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