there been a creep up in used FTO prices? Most Japanese marquees of the era have seen steady climbs as shabby examples go beyond economical repair.
How much is it costing you a year? You could SORN it, but if it just sits doing absolutely nothing it's going to probably be better for the car if you don't, even if you give it very light usage.
Has it got any rust, or any proper niggles? If so head says get rid even if heart says no, if you're not able to give it your full attention they'll get on top of you and likely trash the car, or at the very least give you further unwanted bills for remedial work.
If it's a manual, the mileage is low and the condition is good you know that's the most desirable combination and most likely to appreciate if the prices have bottomed out, ultimately it's up to you, but when it's gone with so few left I doubt you'd ever get it back.
If you really do have more fun driving the FTO perhaps you're thinking of selling the wrong car!

Whatever you end up doing, you'll probably regret it, such is life