Author Topic: Parked motorbike, twat of a neighbour...  (Read 7523 times)

Parked motorbike, twat of a neighbour...
on: April 30, 2013, 20:02:31 PM
So long story short. 2 weeks ago motorbike was reversed into by my twat of a neighbour.

Few days after I decide because of likelihood of unseen damage I'd go the insurance route so ask for details. He screws me around a bit finally gives them to me by the end of the first week but his car disappears from the drive.

Car hasn't been back since. Just got a message from my insurers one week on "driver was not insured at time of incident".

So I'm left with 2 options. 1. Repair it myself. 2. Pay my excess and claim on my insurance accepting the cost.

This country and it's laws need a bloody kick.

I can get hammered for 35 in a 30 but someone who has admitted fault, supplied false details (well invalid for the time) and has clearly been driving with no insurance causes damage to my property and there is no way to recover the damages in full or ensure he stands trial for his breaking the law.

Suggestions welcome.

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  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Parked motorbike, twat of a neighbour...
Reply #1 on: April 30, 2013, 20:37:14 PM
Not sure it helps you, but surely there's something that could be done with regards your neighbour driving without insurance? I mean, what if it was a much worse accident? I'd be asking the insurance company whether they can forward on the details to the police or something.

How much is the damage going to cost anyway, whats the damage etc?

Re: Parked motorbike, twat of a neighbour...
Reply #2 on: April 30, 2013, 21:01:55 PM
So from the looks of it... (Need to have a proper estimate done)

Cracked fairing (relatively minor crack)
Snapped off right footpeg
Mangled/bent rear brake pedal
Snapped off right mirror
Scraped up paint on engine casings and stand and bar end weights
Broken topbox adapter plate
Shredded motorbike cover

Then because he's a caring understanding nineties type of a chap... He didn't understand how motorbike stands worked so decided he'd just rest it against my car, leaving scrapes and minor dents in the paintwork.

If I'm repairing it myself i can obtain the parts on eBay so far and I'd ignore the car damage, but its the principle and why the hell does he get away scot free.

Re: Parked motorbike, twat of a neighbour...
Reply #3 on: April 30, 2013, 21:52:48 PM
you can get it fixed by your insurance company, and then they'll sue him for the money

if you're fully comp, you can get it fixed straight away and then forget about it, the insurance company will sort it out, if you're not fully comp you'll probably have to pay for it, and then wait till it's all sorted out and get a cheque from the insurance company

hopefully you're fully comp!

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Re: Parked motorbike, twat of a neighbour...
Reply #4 on: April 30, 2013, 22:42:06 PM
Utter scum. knighty is right through, your insurers should cover and sort it, after all it's not your fault he was uninsured! If I were vindictive I would also make it my business to seek retribution, but wait around 6 months so there is no chance of you being suspect. Wait for his car to return and accidentally put a few dents in it one night, maybe take out all 4 tyres...

If I were vidictive :twisted:

Re: Parked motorbike, twat of a neighbour...
Reply #5 on: May 01, 2013, 07:13:46 AM
you can get it fixed by your insurance company, and then they'll sue him for the money

if you're fully comp, you can get it fixed straight away and then forget about it, the insurance company will sort it out, if you're not fully comp you'll probably have to pay for it, and then wait till it's all sorted out and get a cheque from the insurance company

hopefully you're fully comp!
excess is £650 so I'd have to cover that and no word on if I'd ever get that back from insurance, only if they manage to recover it.

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  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Parked motorbike, twat of a neighbour...
Reply #6 on: May 01, 2013, 07:50:16 AM
Took me 2 years to get my £200 excess back from when someone drove into my parked car and drove off. Only way it all worked out is that 2 girls saw it and gave me her number plate. The other driver fought it, only when the letter regarding court dates arrived did she cave.

Do you have witnesses etc? Can you get a signed statement or anything from the neighbour admitting it was him?

Regardless of your outcome, I'd still contact your local police stations non-emergency number to enquire whether they can/would do something with an uninsured driver. If your neighbour comes round accusing you of being a grass you can just say the insurance company must have informed the police, you didn't know he was uninsured, especially if he gave you insurance details.

Or as clocked says, damage...6 months later. I've always been fond of the idea of leaving some nails  propped behind wheels so when they drive out they get some flats. Never done it, but the thought gives me a warm feeling when a local with a stupidly loud/crappy car drives past.

Re: Parked motorbike, twat of a neighbour...
Reply #7 on: May 01, 2013, 08:00:57 AM
you ask your neighbour to foot the bill for repairs.
he refuses, you take him to small claims court for out of pocket expenses.
you notify the police - he's prob just parked the car a street or 2 away.

Re: Parked motorbike, twat of a neighbour...
Reply #8 on: May 01, 2013, 09:32:03 AM
Doesn't the MIB have a fund to cover uninsured drives causing damage or something?

Re: Parked motorbike, twat of a neighbour...
Reply #9 on: May 01, 2013, 19:42:27 PM
Police not interested - they can record it but in their own words "it's pretty pointless as nothing will actually happen, it just gets logged".

Insurance not interested unless I claim on my own insurance.

MiB is only option left or kindness of neighbour. Bike is off for estimate on Saturday so will find out cost then.

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Re: Parked motorbike, twat of a neighbour...
Reply #10 on: May 01, 2013, 23:12:53 PM
Insurance not interested unless I claim on my own insurance.

are you fully comp ?  I'm not sure about 3rd party, but if you're fully comp then they have to sort it for you, that's what you're paying them for

google/read up first... but chances are they're just trying to fob you off

Re: Parked motorbike, twat of a neighbour...
Reply #11 on: May 02, 2013, 00:31:45 AM
Yes fully comp. They would have to chase it but only if I claim on my own insurance, lose my no claims and pay the excess.

They also said there is no guarantee that they can recover costs either so i'd never get that £650 back if that was the case.

Will see what the estimate is then consider it.

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Re: Parked motorbike, twat of a neighbour...
Reply #12 on: May 08, 2013, 08:24:19 AM
So estimate came back £943 damage and that's with some "bending" of metal involved to salvage parts.

I don't have £943 right now having just coughed up for an expensive car repair so my options stand at:

1. Claim on my insurance, pay the £650 excess, lose my no claims and hope that the MiB manage to recover up to £300 of that back. However MiB claims can take months or years and they are not guaranteed.

2. Self MiB claim, have to pay £943 to repair bike and hopefully get up to £600 back from the MiB but again can take even longer and no guarantee I'd get anything.

3. Take guy to small claims court, but without independent witnesses I've been told that this would likely fail.

4. Sell bike to dealer (finance settled) in broken state use rest as a deposit for a new used bike (vfr800 with luggage and all the trimmings) for £20 a month less than I'm currently paying on finance. This will require me to cancel my insurance policy however as insurer will not modify bike on policy. Losing me my 3rd year of no claims but I get to keep 2 years.

Also means as no repairs are undertaken I'd have to just chalk the money loss up to a life lesson... Plus side I get the bike I've been eyeing up for months.

5. Ask dealer for "get me riding" quote (think its about £600) pay it, try and get neighbour to pay something if he'd answer his door or respond to phonecalls.

Options 1 and 2 will also leave an open claim on my file while being resolved so will hurt my renewal price.

I still fully intend on forcing the issue with my local police force too so hopefully they'll pay him a visit.

I'm leaning towards option 4, sure I'm left out of pocket due to loss in value because of damage but finance is still cheaper than what I'm paying now and I've wanted a vfr800 for years.


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Re: Parked motorbike, twat of a neighbour...
Reply #13 on: May 08, 2013, 08:41:15 AM
4 sounds like a very easy option for you and gets you a new bike. I think if you keep this one and have to shell out for it you will have an underlying grudge with it, I would at least.

Re: Parked motorbike, twat of a neighbour...
Reply #14 on: May 08, 2013, 11:54:18 AM

sh*t through neighbours letterbox

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