Author Topic: Rugby World Cup 2007 - France  (Read 4740 times)

  • Offline Tongy

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Rugby World Cup 2007 - France
Reply #45 on: October 21, 2007, 14:02:05 PM
I saw another angle that showed that he brushed the line with his boot.

I am gutted, less angry and upset than yesterday. I have a commiseration hangover today and it does not feel good.


  • Offline neXus

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Re:Rugby World Cup 2007 - France
Reply #46 on: October 21, 2007, 14:10:42 PM
Quote from: Eggtastico
Quote from: Tongy

That be a try. gutted.


The video ref had enough replays & angles to decide.

South African coach has commented on it seeing the replays and even he says they were lucky and it was a try

Often the case and seen in European rugby and a number of times in Rugby League, On the big occasions when such decisions are key to a game the 2nd official bottles it and goes for defence, He was told by the ref it would be a penalty if it was not a try and he bottled it, simple as that and he is not the first and not and will not the the last to do so...

As for the world cup there are a few things I noticed that the IRB need to change, England has to sort etc..


Feeding into the scrum is now just blatant and this needs to be cracked down on, the ball needs to be going in straight

Those pitches were over watered and it was terrable, every team were slipping all the time

Refs need to talk more not less to players

Refs were inconsistent in regard to holding on and how long that is

Refs were inconsistent in regard to how long to play advantage for, in the France England Semi the ref held his arm out for advantage to France, then yelled advantage over and then a French guy dropped the ball and he gave the penalty from the advantage


Line outs they used to be the gods of but its been lost and needs working on

The forward issues were all addressed by the time they got to the final which is a good sign

The back line and attack have no penetration, they need to start scoring tries and like Tait did make the runs - This is currently dead and a very big issue
Danny Hipkiss needs to play more games so he can tune into the international game and improve
Need more Fly halfs

You have to Give England credit tbh, they have been crap for four years and were still poor at the start of the world cup BUT the amount of work in just a few weeks to improve enough to get to the final is a massive achievement and people need to respect that

Brian Ashton does seem a good coach, he managed to get the team beating people despite a number of massive flaws in the squad and he has had them for to short a time and does seem to have made progress if he was appointed earlier things would have been better.

Rugby World Cup 2007 - France
Reply #47 on: October 21, 2007, 16:45:06 PM
Quote from: Tongy
I saw another angle that showed that he brushed the line with his boot.

I am gutted, less angry and upset than yesterday. I have a commiseration hangover today and it does not feel good.


Same... he went across the line with the boot down, he hit the ground bounced... and then you got that picture taken. Brushed it. Fudging close... but agreed it was out.

Good match though, wasnt a walkover, was in fact quite an entertaining game.

  • Offline Tongy

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Re:Rugby World Cup 2007 - France
Reply #48 on: October 21, 2007, 16:45:18 PM

Seems that he did touch it... although however slight it was.... if you were worried about our backs having no penetration, the South Africans werent quite the attacking force against us.

The reffing was a bit off and I agree about the pitches... they were slipping all over the place.


  • Offline red

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Rugby World Cup 2007 - France
Reply #49 on: October 21, 2007, 22:27:10 PM
it was a good match, fair. however i was pretty gutted when it ended.

Rugby World Cup 2007 - France
Reply #50 on: October 22, 2007, 09:09:39 AM
Shame really, I know I had the saffies to win but the old romantic in me thought England might pull it out.

I feel that in the end SA out played England at their own game. They new how they were going to try and play and played to counter that. Never pretty but as England can attest to it wins World Cups.

Commiserations to England Rugby, time to start building a real team for New Zealand 2011.

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Rugby World Cup 2007 - France
Reply #51 on: October 22, 2007, 15:02:40 PM
Bar a couple of stupid headlines in the press (from people with no sporting clue) I Have been impressed with the response to England loosing.
Everyone is proud of them and know the best team probably won at the end of the day but England did them selves and the country proud at the end of the day
England are by far the best team at the moment and need a lot of work and were terrible at the start of the world cup but the guts and effort and the spirit that came to the team has been immense and that has defiantly been the best in the world at this years world cup and the theme for it, all the minor teams with near close wins or shock wins made from sheer effort.

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