Author Topic: Speed Limiters - latest FU idea  (Read 7648 times)

  • Offline Pete

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Speed Limiters - latest FU idea
on: September 03, 2013, 21:57:30 PM
The EC's Mobility and Transport Department wants to roll out the Intelligent Speed Authority (ISA) technology in an attempt to increase the death toll from road collisions by a third by 2020 and to completely break the current system of multi-lane roads.

A spokesman said. "Where we have two lanes, we want two lanes moving at 70mph. Where we have three lanes, four lanes, five lanes, we want them all doing 70mph. Imagine the chaos at a busy motorway exit. four lanes of traffic grinding to a halt as people in the outside lanes slow to cut into the inside lane."

More than 30,000 people die on the road in EU countries every year and 1.5 million are injured, with 120,000 left permanently disabled.

"Roads are getting too safe. We want to add a bit of excitement back in. Sure, you could easily pass that tractor at 45mph, but could you do it at a steady 30mph? With the guy on your tail and two motorbikes coming towards you?"

ISA technology can use satellites which beam limits automatically to cars from a database or cameras which are able to read road signs. "Basically, we have no idea how this would work. But my mates out of uni need a job so I'll give them a few million to write a report on this. I'm sure with the right mix of satellites, cameras, and voodoo magic we can easily make this work, even on managed motorways."

It has been pointed out that there are already devices, such as sat. navs, onboard trip computers, and bloody speedometers which together with a bit of sense do a perfectly good job, to which the spokesman said, 'People need to get with the 21st century. There's this huge, free chunk of live that common people live on these roads - someone has got to stand up and have the strength to completely f**k it over.'
I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

Re: Speed Limiters - latest FU idea
Reply #1 on: September 03, 2013, 22:46:24 PM
typical of politicians, all hot air and no real world experience

bet whoever's idea it was doesn't even know how to drive :-o

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Re: Speed Limiters - latest FU idea
Reply #2 on: September 04, 2013, 23:22:02 PM
It will never happen, there would be far too much outrage.

Re: Speed Limiters - latest FU idea
Reply #3 on: September 05, 2013, 07:54:25 AM

Re: Speed Limiters - latest FU idea
Reply #4 on: September 05, 2013, 08:03:06 AM
It will never happen, there would be far too much outrage.

Plus whos going to pay to retrofit limiters to old cars? public wont and government cant afford to

Re: Speed Limiters - latest FU idea
Reply #5 on: September 05, 2013, 20:30:34 PM
Government make it law, public have to. Government coffers get lined by those who don't.

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  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Speed Limiters - latest FU idea
Reply #6 on: September 06, 2013, 13:34:55 PM
It will never happen, there would be far too much outrage.

Plus whos going to pay to retrofit limiters to old cars? public wont and government cant afford to

Is it a big modification?

I could see it being an additional £10 to your next MOT or something similar.

Re: Speed Limiters - latest FU idea
Reply #7 on: September 06, 2013, 16:24:03 PM
yeah, it'll be a expensive... gps system to track where you are, to set speed limit for area, plus then interface with car ect to adjust speed limit in the fly (probably interface with accelerator instead, easier to do and to work with all cars etc..)

the real kicker is, you'd have to have an official one installed... which would be silly priced

I wouldn't install one... no matter the consequences

Speed Limiters - latest FU idea
Reply #8 on: September 06, 2013, 17:03:16 PM
yeah, it'll be a expensive... gps system to track where you are, to set speed limit for area, plus then interface with car ect to adjust speed limit in the fly (probably interface with accelerator instead, easier to do and to work with all cars etc..)

the real kicker is, you'd have to have an official one installed... which would be silly priced

I wouldn't install one... no matter the consequences

Doubt it. GPS chips cost pennies now.

Doesn't need nav just needs map of speed limits (maybe updates sent via RDS or even units on road signs to broadcast speed for area) plug into ECU (via OBD even) and voila done.

Can see the penalties for speeding to be considerably higher then once introduced. Can also see classic cars being exempt.

Could be worse, could be like Singapore where cars over 10 years old are typically not seen on the roads as they are hugely expensive to license.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: Speed Limiters - latest FU idea
Reply #9 on: September 06, 2013, 18:05:09 PM
Could they not just take the easier/cheaper/lower tech option and say all cars are limited to 70mph? That surely wouldn't cost as much to implement. The benefit being any vehicle the police spot that is doing more than 70mph would = big hefty fine or criminal record?

Would be quite entertaining though to see the stupidly overpowered cars being stuck doing the same as the little 1.1L cars etc. I do wonder if it would just encourage them to accelerate really fast, causing accidents through idiotic driving as opposed to just fast on the motorway...?

Re: Speed Limiters - latest FU idea
Reply #10 on: September 06, 2013, 19:01:28 PM
People with fast cars accelerate fast anyway.
I know full well I pin the throttle back when doing a launch from lights on my motorbike.
This won't encourage faster acceleration, and to be fair the law is if you can't overtake at the speed limit don't overtake so shouldn't cause any incidents at all.

That said 50mph avg speed cameras are a nightmare due to slowing all traffic down to the same speed. So its impossible sometimes to avoid coming off of an exit as everyone drives way too close to each other looking for the next 70mph sign.

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Re: Speed Limiters - latest FU idea
Reply #11 on: September 06, 2013, 21:59:39 PM
I'd rather rip the number plate off my bike and ride it illegally than fit a limiter on it.

Re: Speed Limiters - latest FU idea
Reply #12 on: September 07, 2013, 11:10:41 AM
oubt it. GPS chips cost pennies now.
Doesn't need nav just needs map of speed limits (maybe updates sent via RDS or even units on road signs to broadcast speed for area) plug into ECU (via OBD even) and voila done.

current ecu's can;t accept speed limit updates on the fly

you're forgetting you'll need an official limiter, from some crappy company set up by the mate of a few MP's... they'll waste hundreds of millions, and charge ten times more for the limiter than they should
Last Edit: September 07, 2013, 16:09:28 PM by knighty #187;

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Re: Speed Limiters - latest FU idea
Reply #13 on: September 07, 2013, 11:54:47 AM
Exactly, whichever third party is brought in to make the system would milk it for 10x what the contract is worth.

Re: Speed Limiters - latest FU idea
Reply #14 on: September 08, 2013, 11:01:21 AM
oubt it. GPS chips cost pennies now.
Doesn't need nav just needs map of speed limits (maybe updates sent via RDS or even units on road signs to broadcast speed for area) plug into ECU (via OBD even) and voila done.

current ecu's can;t accept speed limit updates on the fly

you're forgetting you'll need an official limiter, from some crappy company set up by the mate of a few MP's... they'll waste hundreds of millions, and charge ten times more for the limiter than they should
Forgot you were an expert on ECUs. Given that's exactly what chip tuning is I highly doubt your assumption.

As for 10x the cost. Look at motorbikes now, they (depending on licence) have to be restricted, I highly suspect this would just go the same way.

"must have a restrictor fitted, done on good will, but if you're caught without one expect a hefty punishment."

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