Author Topic: Tonys response to the petition  (Read 10042 times)

Re:Tonys response to the petition
Reply #30 on: February 21, 2007, 16:43:07 PM
Quote from: Poison_UK

Obviously your no petrolhead when it comes to the point that you wouldnt have a vintage etc.

I got a Volvo S60 Diesel. Why would I want a vintage, when I can kick back, put the heated seats on my leather interior & flick cruise control on?

Tonys response to the petition
Reply #31 on: February 21, 2007, 16:50:33 PM

Re:Tonys response to the petition
Reply #32 on: February 21, 2007, 17:27:59 PM
1. Tough. Use a Bike / Moped / Public Transport. Or at least have restrictions on them.
Itll cut down on Accidents as well as they are the most likely to have them
2. Deliver earlier or later. Taking Freight of the roads during the busy periods would free up a good 20-25% of road space. Infact, the goverment should give them special incentives to drive from dusk to dawn.
3. Every little helps - Its estimated 1 in 10 cars are uninsured.
4. Erm... well how are they going to survive under road pricing? Think it through.

1)Public transport is overpriced and not very good, people on moped/bikes tend to have more accidents anyway.  Its not tough its unfair.  people who have less experience driving are more likely to have an accident.  Its got nothing to do with age.  Most new drivers are of a younger age which is why statistically they seem to have more accidents, its nothing to do with age its about level of experience and training.

2)Im sure major companies and services would be delieghted with this thought, "Im sorry we cant get your medicine to you, were not allowed to delivery at this time of day."  Or how about large companies who need deliveries to create large amount of revenue for the government, I can really see Gordon Brown putting this one through, "oh well only loose X thousand a day because industry and commerce cant transport during key times."

3)I didnt disagree with you on that point, try reading what I have written.

4)What?  Road pricing has nothing to do with banning older cars from going on the motorway.  If people cant survive road pricing theyll do exactly what the people who cant afford insurance do, which is drive on the road anyway.

Tonys response to the petition
Reply #33 on: February 21, 2007, 17:36:59 PM
if we had subsidised public transport then it would work, untill then you can continue to pay £2 a pop for teh bus.

Re:Tonys response to the petition
Reply #34 on: February 21, 2007, 17:45:45 PM
And the rest, if I used public transport to get me to work it would take 2 1/2 hours and cost £2.75 (return) for the first bus, £5 for the train (return) and £1 for the second bus (return) so in total £8.75 a day Whereas car:  road tax per day £0.46, fuel £2.12, insurance per day roughly £1.91 so in total £4.49 by car and it takes me half an hour at a time of my convienience.

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Re:Tonys response to the petition
Reply #35 on: February 21, 2007, 17:52:03 PM
Quote from: Eggtastico
Its a Scam.
4. Only allow Vehicles upto a certain age on the motorways - which can tie n with their green issue policies.

Thats what MOTs are for.

Quote from: sdp
(Blair) One thing I suspect we can all agree is that congestion is bad.

Pretty much. :lol:

Re:Tonys response to the petition
Reply #36 on: February 21, 2007, 17:52:40 PM
Quote from: Chuck Norris
1. Tough. Use a Bike / Moped / Public Transport. Or at least have restrictions on them.
Itll cut down on Accidents as well as they are the most likely to have them
2. Deliver earlier or later. Taking Freight of the roads during the busy periods would free up a good 20-25% of road space. Infact, the goverment should give them special incentives to drive from dusk to dawn.
3. Every little helps - Its estimated 1 in 10 cars are uninsured.
4. Erm... well how are they going to survive under road pricing? Think it through.

1)Public transport is overpriced and not very good, people on moped/bikes tend to have more accidents anyway.  Its not tough its unfair.  people who have less experience driving are more likely to have an accident.  Its got nothing to do with age.  

I stopped reading right there, as thats downright untrue. Younger drivers, especially those under 20 are by far the largest risk takers. Insurance rates reflect this.  Experience counts, but age is a big factor. In the US you can drive at 16, and at 14 with a hardship license--but the insurance rates at that age are often astronomical.

As far as congestion goes--a national car pooling database could be a solution. Regressive taxation just means those with the means will drive. The "tax" that will solve this is the tax of inconvenience. Many ways to implement it. :mrgreen:

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Re:Tonys response to the petition
Reply #37 on: February 21, 2007, 17:55:13 PM
Quote from: Eggtastico
Quote from: Clockd 0Ne
Quote from: Eggtastico

4. Only allow Vehicles upto a certain age on the motorways - which can tie n with their green issue policies.

My car is 17 years old and more than safe/fast enough for motorway travel. Strict enforcement of a minimum speed limit is what is required here, not a blanket ban on old cars.

I bet it shakes like a bastard when you hit 75mph? + all the dirty sh*t its pumping out with 17 years of wear & tear.
The MOT should be modernised. Instead of the It can go forward, it can go backwards. It Stops & it has lights, kind of MOT we have atm.

Things like ABS Breaks for example. There should be a Grace period of say 3 years where all New Cars MUST have ABS Breaks. Same for most other Driving/Safety Aid.

Besides that, If point 1 & 3 was done, there wouldnt be many point 4 cars left. Most uninsured cars are uninsured because of 1x Money or 2x It wont pass an MOT

Doesnt shake at 110mph, let alone 70mph.

Also runs fine having only done 60k and pumps out no sh*t (just passed the MOT). The brakes are also sharp as f00k and if I wanted to I could slap on bigger discs, Im not taking it to the track though. Altogether, that kinda puts your argument to rest.

Re:Tonys response to the petition
Reply #38 on: February 21, 2007, 17:56:35 PM
I stopped reading right there, as thats downright untrue. Younger drivers, especially those under 20 are by far the largest risk takers. Insurance rates reflect this. Experience counts, but age is a big factor. In the US you can drive at 16, and at 14 with a hardship license--but the insurance rates at that age are often astronomical.

You should read all of it then you might understand what im trying to say. :D

People who are younger have more accidents because theyre the ones more likely to be new to driving.  and people shouldnt stereotype just because of their age.

Tonys response to the petition
Reply #39 on: February 21, 2007, 18:03:44 PM
too right thats BS about old cars, my 12 year old calibra is well under the emissions on the MOT and is smooth up to 120+

Tonys response to the petition
Reply #40 on: February 21, 2007, 18:11:28 PM
21, 3 years NCB. But yeah I admit that a lot of young drivers it is there fault.

I totally believe in making non-tax/non-insurance/non-mot cars should be monitored more tho.

Re:Tonys response to the petition
Reply #41 on: February 21, 2007, 18:18:36 PM
nothing to do with congestion, nothing to do with being green, nothing to do with saftey. its all about ££££

basically nearly 2millions people object to this scheme, Blair may aswell have just emailed tough sh*t, im doing it anyway

good old democracy.

Re:Tonys response to the petition
Reply #42 on: February 21, 2007, 18:24:23 PM
Quote from: DEViANCE
nothing to do with congestion, nothing to do with being green, nothing to do with saftey. its all about ££££

We get taxed enough on luxurys as it is. Its hit the point now where they will find a hell of a lot of people will go for the down fall of labour. Im thinking its time they f**ked off to be honest..

Petrol is to expensive, tax is gonna be to expensive in this country.

Remember when the Petrol Crises kicked off.. This is gonna get a lot worse...

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Re:Tonys response to the petition
Reply #43 on: February 21, 2007, 18:36:49 PM
Quote from: Eggtastico

1. Tough. Use a Bike / Moped / Public Transport. Or at least have restrictions on them.
Itll cut down on Accidents as well as they are the most likely to have them
2. Deliver earlier or later. Taking Freight of the roads during the busy periods would free up a good 20-25% of road space. Infact, the goverment should give them special incentives to drive from dusk to dawn.
3. Every little helps - Its estimated 1 in 10 cars are uninsured.
4. Erm... well how are they going to survive under road pricing? Think it through.

1. sounds good but not always practical, I have waited for over 40 minutes for a bus on occasions in Newcastle, for many thats just too long.

Putting restrictions on, unless you are going to enforce them, is worthless. Of course you could fit a speed limiter set to 72mph on all vehicles... /waits for uproar

2. Again not always practical to do this.

3. So what do you want to do about it? automatically crush someones car if they arent insured? Or just take it in and expect them to pay severe penalties for the return of it?

4. the government shouldnt have road pricing, they should increase the price of fuel and remove road tax.

Re:Tonys response to the petition
Reply #44 on: February 21, 2007, 19:14:44 PM
Quote from: Serious

1. sounds good but not always practical, I have waited for over 40 minutes for a bus on occasions in Newcastle, for many thats just too long.

Putting restrictions on, unless you are going to enforce them, is worthless. Of course you could fit a speed limiter set to 72mph on all vehicles... /waits for uproar

2. Again not always practical to do this.

3. So what do you want to do about it? automatically crush someones car if they arent insured? Or just take it in and expect them to pay severe penalties for the return of it?

4. the government shouldnt have road pricing, they should increase the price of fuel and remove road tax.

The Lack of public transport is crippling. Like I said earlier, they wont fix it until AFTER the Tax comes in as it will keep the roads looking busy.

2. If incentives was given, Im sure businesses would look at ok. Ok a lot of places arent capable of their warehouses being open at stupid o clock, but If the incentive was there, then im sure it should be considered.. afterall, a Truck takes up about 3 times the space of a car.

3. Errr, Yes. That is supposed to be the Law regarding TAX. Just extend it to having an Insurance Disc & MOT Disc. Any that are out of date by X period off time, then your pulled over & your car is taken to be crushed at YOUR expense. It would also bring all our insurance premiums down.

4. You cant have a sliding scale on Fuel though cant you?
Its city Centres that are most congested, so why should Countryside drivers & small town/villages be forced to subsidise the heavily congested areas?

Id have nothing against Road pricing as long as every other avenue was explored & somthing actually done about it before hitting us in the pocket.
Fuel Duty & Road Tax would also have to be abolished.

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