
Chat => Sports, Hobbies & Motors => Topic started by: soopahfly on June 13, 2006, 11:48:39 AM

Title: Watch the World Cup in ASCII
Post by: soopahfly on June 13, 2006, 11:48:39 AM
HAVING TROUBLE seeing the World Cup from your office due to the stubborn refusal of the BBC to broadcast video feeds over the web to outside the UK? Or maybe the concept of watching football offends your tech side?

Or maybe your boss hasnt got a TV licence.

Well, worry no more  some enterprising Austrian Ãœber-geeks have solved the problem nicely by creating a Telnet stream with, believe it or not, live ASCII footage of matches being played.

Simply fire up a command prompt and type "telnet ascii-wm.net 2006" and youll find a live "video" stream from 10 minutes before kick-off (or should that be boot-up?).

Clearly this is what the internet was invented for! We look forward to a version of Wimbledon that resembles Pong. µ

Title: Watch the World Cup in ASCII
Post by: maximusotter on June 13, 2006, 15:03:49 PM
Too many connections. :cry:
Title: Re:Watch the World Cup in ASCII
Post by: Shakey on June 13, 2006, 15:19:59 PM
omg thats just s0000 c00l it compelety pwns its so 1337  :P

Seriously though, it is quite cool.