Author Topic: What are you doing for excercise/fitness?  (Read 18821 times)

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What are you doing for excercise/fitness?
on: October 05, 2022, 02:03:06 AM
Hi All,
It is hard to say it but most of us here will be getting on a bit now :)

Anyone still doing sports or trying to keep any fitness levels up or are you way past it?

I do not play any sports like Rugby any more but I go to the gym 4/5 times a week - Mainly body building style program. (Not the skinny boy some of you met back in the day).
With a baby and 2 boys and having to go early mornings before taking kids school and work it is hard but trying to keep it up. I feel if you stop your body will start to really wind down too fast. That and keeping te mind active, always trying to learn new things every week.

Extremely tired all the time. Baby with feeding, teething, bugs... Not slept a full night for ages! :(

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Re: What are you doing for excercise/fitness?
Reply #1 on: October 05, 2022, 10:56:06 AM
Make sure you're not overdoing it, especially with the lack of sleep. You don't want to burn yourself out, everybody needs some downtime.

I don't exercise enough for sure, but an autistic 5 year old with no off switch is enough to run me ragged most days so I don't feel like I'm not getting any exercise at all at least. If there is room when we move house next year I might consider putting in a rowing machine somewhere as that's about the only convenient form of gym exercise I enjoy and its a full body workout pretty much. I don't like running particularly even on a treadmill and I'm not nuts enough to go out all seasons doing it.

Re: What are you doing for excercise/fitness?
Reply #2 on: October 05, 2022, 19:38:15 PM
the physical stuff I do at work keeps me pretty fit, but no real cardio stuff

went swimming at a spa last week with my gf and was better than I expected

I've been looking for a pool which is open late... used to be one that was open till 10pm but it closed down years ago :-(

  • Offline neXus

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Re: What are you doing for excercise/fitness?
Reply #3 on: October 05, 2022, 23:35:59 PM
Make sure you're not overdoing it, especially with the lack of sleep. You don't want to burn yourself out, everybody needs some downtime.

I don't exercise enough for sure, but an autistic 5 year old with no off switch is enough to run me ragged most days so I don't feel like I'm not getting any exercise at all at least. If there is room when we move house next year I might consider putting in a rowing machine somewhere as that's about the only convenient form of gym exercise I enjoy and its a full body workout pretty much. I don't like running particularly even on a treadmill and I'm not nuts enough to go out all seasons doing it.
A rowing machine does a lot with fitness and muscle growth so if you do get one and use it - You will notice a difference.
I feel you with the kid. 2 Boys just keep each other going non stop and now near 1 baby...

I think I am at the point where sleep and the lack there of is just a constant.

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Re: What are you doing for excercise/fitness?
Reply #4 on: October 06, 2022, 01:25:22 AM
the physical stuff I do at work keeps me pretty fit, but no real cardio stuff

went swimming at a spa last week with my gf and was better than I expected

I've been looking for a pool which is open late... used to be one that was open till 10pm but it closed down years ago :-(
Even as a kid I remember more pools shutting down or to run down than opening. If that is still a thing in the UK that is sad.
There are 4 in 30 minute walk to my house 1 outdoor and 3 indoor. 1 of them brand spanking new facility.
Plus a 30 bus ride and I am on a beach.

Re: What are you doing for excercise/fitness?
Reply #5 on: April 13, 2023, 23:03:44 PM
Started cycling to work when i'm in the office. Had to build an e-bike mind as tried cycling out of the hill of where i live now and practically died by the time I summitted it. It's only a very slight gradient but at over a mile it just grinds away at you and yeah i am woefully unfit, and it practically killed me.

E-Bike though, i'm up it no problem, still an effort like but nowhere near as difficult and the following 10 miles after it to get to work is a nothing burger, same for the trip back.

I also rock a concept 2 at home, but at the moment it's an expensive and terrible clothes airer. Plan on getting back into it. My father currently rows 12km every other day, he's a pensioner and is putting my fat ass to shame :)

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Re: What are you doing for excercise/fitness?
Reply #6 on: April 14, 2023, 09:46:28 AM
I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts on the Concept 2 especially if you can compare it to any others, as practically everyone says there's no point buying any other rowing machine because they are that good and the build quality is excellent but they're not exactly cheap.

Re: What are you doing for excercise/fitness?
Reply #7 on: April 14, 2023, 13:16:35 PM
I've been skiving off work about 6 weeks now, and my gf has been over more making proper meals (instead of my pre-made and frozen pasta I eat night)

I got fat really quick... like the rest of me is normal but I look pregnant

need to get back to graft and work it off a bit, shocking how fast I piled it on

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Re: What are you doing for excercise/fitness?
Reply #8 on: April 14, 2023, 18:53:53 PM
Too little

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Re: What are you doing for excercise/fitness?
Reply #9 on: April 14, 2023, 18:57:58 PM
I've got a concept 2 rower, got it not long before the COVID scam, I could have sold it during said scam for a fortune as they went through the roof!

If you get one they're all pretty much the same as it's based on a big RSJ let's be honest ;D but just ensure you get a PM3 monitor or above, you can link these to PCs and stuff (if you cba)

Obviously budget for floor space, I use mine for half a year as I like to cycle in the summer. (You can split it in half and it takes up a lot less space vertically)

Maintenance on the concepts are cleaning the rollers under the seat and oiling the chain (takes months to be required) It's an RSJ and they're built to last to the extreme, we have the same handle from when it was made in the late 90s I think, it's made of wood and the more modern ones are plastic, it's been in a gym and a school prior to me having it, it's not breaking any time soon!
Last Edit: April 14, 2023, 19:20:17 PM by matt5cott #187;

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Re: What are you doing for excercise/fitness?
Reply #10 on: April 16, 2023, 10:47:59 AM
A lot of the stuff like weights, etc still haven't come down in price, it's pretty sickening tbh. But these rowers are never on offer as far as I have seen, so I might consider a second hand one if they are built so solid.

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Re: What are you doing for excercise/fitness?
Reply #11 on: April 17, 2023, 21:07:00 PM
A lot of the stuff like weights, etc still haven't come down in price, it's pretty sickening tbh. But these rowers are never on offer as far as I have seen, so I might consider a second hand one if they are built so solid.

I got mine off eBay, the concepts are like tanks. :ptu:

Re: What are you doing for excercise/fitness?
Reply #12 on: April 27, 2023, 08:47:17 AM
I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts on the Concept 2 especially if you can compare it to any others, as practically everyone says there's no point buying any other rowing machine because they are that good and the build quality is excellent but they're not exactly cheap.

What Matt says really. It's a quality bit of kit. I bought it as it was one of the ones that supports my fat ass. They have something like a 300kg max user weight or something.

As well as floor space I would say unless you're breaking it in half each time, budget ceiling height too. It is a long boi a very very long boi.

PM5 monitor is a must I think, it lets you do erg races with your mates, compete in competitions online using the ergdata app, and has a USB port on the back that lets you store rows on a usb key, so you can transport it to the gym too if you find yourself using gym kit too.

It cost a small fortune but i bought it using paypal credit iirc, and just sucked it up as a cost worth paying because of it's servicable life.

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Re: What are you doing for excercise/fitness?
Reply #13 on: April 27, 2023, 09:08:37 AM
Thanks guys. I doubt I would be interested in the workout tracking/racing your mates kind of stuff as I'm the sort that likes to rock up, do my time and then forget about it, so I'd probably skip the monitor. But assuming I have room when I move house to make a gym room this will definitely be on the cards now.

  • Offline neXus

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Re: What are you doing for excercise/fitness?
Reply #14 on: May 01, 2023, 00:48:16 AM
It is good to get into it but the big thing is to start learning to stretch and work the muscles now and continue to do that. With all of our ages nothing is forgiving. Even if you are looking to start doing things at home I would get some trainer sessions or something in or a friend who knows things properly to teach you how to do things. If anyone gets a bench press or bar to learn how to squat and deadlift properly etc.

Your body will let you get away with some things when you are younger but you need to do things 100% properly especially at our age or stuff will pull, break, snap or give.

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