Author Topic: Im tired of all this spectator banter, who is actually playing something?  (Read 1598 times)

Ill start off

This weekend Im heading to Nottingham to show the current members of the Nottingham Uni Fencing teams how its done.

Im a little concerned because I think Im the only member of the "old" team who has fenced regularly since leaving Notts, but what the hell, itll be fun!

  • Offline zpyder

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I wish my uni did fencing. It was on the option list the first year I joined, but I was the only one that put their name down to do it :(

Did it a little at college and enjoyed it. Its on my list of things to do once I finish and am settled in a job :D

Victory for the alumni  :nana: :nana: :nana:

133-110 in our match, the Alumni teams won all 9 weapons (foil, epee sabre, Mens A, Mens B and Womens teams).

Slightly disapointed that I couldnt make my 9-4 victory over their finishing epeeist into a 10-4, as that would have given us maximum possible hits in epee. Cursed 3 minute time limit!

you should certainly try it if you get the chance, its a great sport.

  • Offline Serious

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Its a sworded little sport :P

Have thought of taking something like this up but my joints just arent up to it anymore :(

yeah it does hammer the knees somewhat. Thats probably what will eventually stop me from doing it, bad knees run in my family.

Big pansies.  Stop poncing around with letter openers and have a proper sword fight.

Im disapointed no one has actually answered my question, am I really the only one around here who gets off my behind and PLAYs the sport of their choice?

  • Offline zpyder

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Geocaching, according to the intl. website, is a sport, though not really that competitive:

The sport where You are the search engine

Quote from: zpyder
Geocaching, according to the intl. website, is a sport, though not really that competitive:

The sport where You are the search engine

in some respects you are competing against the guy who set out the cache. Close enough for me :)  :cheers:

IMHO this country would have a significantly reduced obesity problem if people in general stopped seeing exercise as something which is a chore and has to be done in a gym, and just found a sport they enjoyed and got on with it. Nothing makes you stick to exercise like actually enjoying doing it!

  • Offline shofty

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a friendly game of 5 a side once a week isnt really in the league you want.. though its anything less than friendly the way i play.


  • Offline BigSoy

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  • They sicken of the calm, who knew the storm.
Played my first season of rugby for a few years after screwing my ACL at Uni. Has been fun despite a god-awful season for the team.
"Within your 'purview'? Where do you think you are, some f**king regency costume drama? This is a government department, not some f**king Jane f**king Austen novel!"

    • Move It Fatboy
  • Offline Rivkid

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used to co run a 5-aside team (3 nights a week) - really miss it actually might have to start something up again.
Career, Wife, Mortgage... my sig was better when it listed guitars and PC's and stuff!

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