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Any Anima fans


Any of you on here watch anything?

Big Dragonball Z fan here and Super is bloody awesome. But I have also enjoyed recently and for a bit:

* Attack on titan - Different and great
* Castlevania on Netflix (Season 2 just dropped)
* GANTZ:O - CGI movie on Netflix but I enjoyed it
* Ajin - On Netflix, had a couple of seasons so far and I thought this has been pretty good
* Voltron on Netflix (new) just wrapped up its last season and I have enjoyed having this on when gaming or background or watching an episode before bed
* BLAME is also on Netlix

Is there anything you are watching at the moment and enjoying?

I watched the Bleach film, took 3 days. I then tried the anime series, managed 10 minutes.

I have watched several films in the past, including Akira, but just can't get into it now.


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