Author Topic: anyone know pfsense or freepbx?  (Read 3315 times)

anyone know pfsense or freepbx?
on: December 15, 2020, 19:12:02 PM
anyone know pfsense or freepbx?

I've got a server running for each, set them up donkeys ago, wanted to make some changes as I finally went to use the phone system and totally messed them both up

first time setting up was no biggie, few online guides and a few youtube videos to help when I was stuck and manages no problem

I'm not sure if it's the brain injury or I'm just making excuses for myself, I've spent days trying to figure them out and I'm just bandhing my head on a brick wall here

I've paid 3 different people on people per hour.... and all 3 haven't even tried :-(

anyone know what they're doing?  or know someone who does?

happy to pay, from what I've read it's an hours work for someone who knows what they're doing - I'm happy to pay way over the odds

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