Author Topic: Apple Watch  (Read 12508 times)

Re: Apple Watch
Reply #15 on: May 12, 2015, 08:34:19 AM
I don't have a single Apple product, mainly because of their ridiculous licensing.

i once left here cos of the anti apple sentiments. im not above doing it again, its still dead.

but lets see before i do throw my toys, if you can actually back that statement up with an example of ridiculous licensing that isn't also exampled by other vendors?

and please don't let it be because you can't run their OS on non apple hardware. Ive built a few hackintosh and they were sh*t. the real thing works far better.
It doesn't spy on me for a huge corporate or have extremely expensive bits of tech I don't need, use, or want.

I'll bet somewhere youve signed up for an email address, or a flickr account, or facebook that does spy on you.

Re: Apple Watch
Reply #16 on: May 12, 2015, 12:39:33 PM
As someone who is almost constantly checking his phone (I dont like this but its become a fact of life) I think a smart watch is a great idea, its less intrusive and is a nice way to quickly control your phone or see alerts. The iWatch almost certainly one of the best out there and there's no doubting that integration between devices is what Apple does better than anyone.

I dont have a watch yet but almost certainly will get one at some point.

Unfortunately around 4 months ago I got an iPhone 6, my first non-Android phone, and I hate it. I'm currently trying to swap it for an Samsung S6 (which my wife has).

Off topic but I need a rant:

- Great camera
- Great image and video editing software built in
- Looks awesome

- Fundamentally flawed notification architecture whereby you get notifications when the app hasnt yet got the message
- Closed system that makes life extremely difficult if you don't sign up to paid Apple storage (cant backup to dropbox)
- Whatsapp needs to "connect" everytime you open so you sit at wait for it before you can send a message, not a concept on Android.
- Designed for looks over function:
    - ridiculously slippy
    - too thin so it bends (I'm on my second and its also bent)
    - protruding camera lens which gets scratched
- No back button
- Notifications that prevent you doing anything (volume popup covers most of the screen, top bar notifications cover most back buttons)
- Accessories are very expensive (£15 for a USB cable), non official ones pop up warning messages

Last Edit: May 12, 2015, 13:02:16 PM by addictweb #187;
Formerly sexytw

Re: Apple Watch
Reply #17 on: May 12, 2015, 23:40:57 PM
A few comments, What are you wanting to backup, photos backup to drop box and apps live in the cloud outside of storage space? Not sure what the difficulty is I've never needed to purchase additional storage from Apple?
Not sure why you need a physical back button? Button is on the top left of pretty much all apps?
Volume is annoying, but notifications you just swipe up and they go.
In terms of usb cables, non official ones are fine all of mine are unofficial without any issues, but do have a slight premium over a standard micro usb, I'd sooner usb changed its connector to a reversible one like the iPhone it's a good idea, but the inbuilt chip is taking the mickey! HDMI connector is a massive wedge of money though.
The design though like you say is too slippy, I have a "snugg" case that is rubber which solves that issue and not sure what you are doing to bend it :-)

Agree with notification issue, although doesn't happen very often, what's app issue is due to non proper multitasking, also a slight annoyance, but more so for other issues than waiting for a second or so for what's app.

I had a very old android version back on my htc desire, it just seemed over complex or difficult to achieve simple tasks and didn't have the same polish as the iPhone, setting up and using a moto E recently that also was pretty terrible especially as it was for my mum, I'd sooner have got her an iPhone if she could have afforded it, I assume to moto version is partly to blame here, would like to give a more recent version a proper go, I'm not against android in the slightest, I just think iPhone have the more polished experience and consistency across apps, and I'd struggle to think of something that I could do on android that I couldn't on iPhone.

FWIW I would not buy an apple watch, too expensive for a toy with a very finite life, would sooner spend it on a real watch that would last significantly longer.

Re: Apple Watch
Reply #18 on: May 13, 2015, 08:06:44 AM
- Fundamentally flawed notification architecture whereby you get notifications when the app hasnt yet got the message

This x a million. awful design. i hadn't realised what it was before i read your message but they clearly rake the notifications in, pass them to the device, then let the device catch up when you open the app. awful. got to be more costly in terms of data.

- Whatsapp needs to "connect" everytime you open so you sit at wait for it before you can send a message, not a concept on Android.

whatever you do, dont buy a windows phone, the notifications dont arrive and half the time neither do whatsapp messages. my mum thinks im ignoring her permanently.

- Accessories are very expensive (£15 for a USB cable), non official ones pop up warning messages

do you really want to stick a 3 quid chinese copy of the right cable in a 669 quid phone? i dont. but then i have those dual charger things and im using a chinese one of them, so im kind of destroying my own argument. but srsly apple, wireless charging in the next one please?

Re: Apple Watch
Reply #19 on: May 13, 2015, 14:49:19 PM
I dislike apple for the marketing bullsh*t.


"Innovative!" Bollocks. The rest of the world had 3.5G while your phones had GPRS.

There is nothing innovative or ground breaking in any apple design. Its essentially just rehashes of what everyone else has. It's as annoying to have rammed in your face as the Elon Musk power wall bollocks.

The OS is incredibly dated too. I mean the inability to properly multitask applications and the lack of any sort of home screen customisation? Come on apple, pull your "innovative" finger out already.

Wireless charging, NFC, micro SD card support? 3rd party cloud support? Being locked into the apple ecosystem had me shift away from them back when I had an iPhone 3G.
Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 14:51:44 PM by M3ta7h3ad #187;

Re: Apple Watch
Reply #20 on: May 13, 2015, 16:04:09 PM
What are you wanting to backup, photos backup to drop box and apps live in the cloud outside of storage space?

I have the 16gb phone and the phone tries to keep itself backed up iCloud, given the free space is 5gb (?) obviously it fails. I would like it backed up so if I need to I can restore (like android does, automatically, for free), and it came in useful when I woke up one day to find my first iphone dead and needing replacement.

Not sure why you need a physical back button? Button is on the top left of pretty much all apps?

I hadn't realised the joys of a physical back button until I was without one. Say you click the wrong link in an email, or click it by accident, IOS loads the browser and the page. On android you instantly hit back and you're back at your email, on IOS you wait for the browser to load, the software back button is of no use here, so you double click the home button and swipe the browser up to close it, then select the email app again. People tell me that this isnt a big deal but I disagree.

Agree with notification issue, although doesn't happen very often, what's app issue is due to non proper multitasking, also a slight annoyance, but more so for other issues than waiting for a second or so for what's app.

I think my case is more acute than others because my commute is very patchy in terms of reception, I almost always get a notification on my phone (showing me the first 3 of 4 words of a message) but because of lack of signal I'm unable to see the rest of the message. I have to sit waiting, with the app open, hoping to get some signal so it will pull in the message. For me this is the biggest issue with the phone. On the occasions when I get the first few words of an important message I have been close to rage waiting for the rest of the message.

Android is far from perfect, and it's probably the case that because I grew up with it I overlook its flaws.

I don't have a problem with the price of apple, their hardware and build process is good (Ive been unlucky with dead phones). Also if I used their architecture elsewhere I'd put up with the issues to have all my devices auto-sync. I also bought my mum and grandparents iPads as their first tablets because I knew the learning curve would be easier.
Formerly sexytw

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Re: Apple Watch
Reply #21 on: May 13, 2015, 16:14:25 PM
N9 MeGoo :)

Re: Apple Watch
Reply #22 on: May 13, 2015, 22:26:02 PM
I guess you don't miss something unless you have it in the first place, like the back button. What have you got uploading to the cloud though, I have a 64gb phone but music and apps don't count towards allowance on the cloud?

Re: Apple Watch
Reply #23 on: May 14, 2015, 08:44:53 AM
i swapped from iphone to M8
only 10 months to go before I can swap back to an iphone.

cant f**king wait.

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Re: Apple Watch
Reply #24 on: May 16, 2015, 15:20:15 PM
Which programs are you talking about ?

Problem ones have been games, presently trying to play Guild Wars 2 and Elder Scrolls Online. Yes, I know there are options to add windows functionality to Linux but I have windows already.

Re: Apple Watch
Reply #25 on: May 17, 2015, 07:59:53 AM
I don't have a single Apple product, mainly because of their ridiculous licensing.

i once left here cos of the anti apple sentiments. im not above doing it again, its still dead.

but lets see before i do throw my toys,
It doesn't spy on me for a huge corporate or have extremely expensive bits of tech I don't need, use, or want.

I'll bet somewhere youve signed up for an email address, or a flickr account, or facebook that does spy on you.

That's adorable. Crying because we don't buy into the apple brand bullsh*t.
I've got a Macbook,  iPad and an iPhone 5 (sh*te compared to my nexus) as well as an apple aca.
It's all sh*t. And I'm qualified in sh*t.

So don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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Re: Apple Watch
Reply #26 on: May 17, 2015, 10:18:57 AM
I have an iPad2 and a Dell tablet with widows 8, guess which one I like best :) We had iPad2 first in  my position as vice chairman in the EnviroBuildingRescue board but now they use dell and w8 because  of compabilty problems with a "assistant"  software we use for our acts. I got to buy the iPads for 40 quids when they changed :)

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Re: Apple Watch
Reply #27 on: May 17, 2015, 16:02:36 PM
I have an iPad2 and a Dell tablet with widows 8, guess which one I like best :) We had iPad2 first in  my position as vice chairman in the EnviroBuildingRescue board but now they use dell and w8 because  of compabilty problems with a "assistant"  software we use for our acts. I got to buy the iPads for 40 quids when they changed :)

You can't say no at that price :P
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Re: Apple Watch
Reply #28 on: May 21, 2015, 11:59:38 AM

(glad liam has thick skin so he wont be offended by this thread :-p )
Work mate:

Been there done that mate :)

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Re: Apple Watch
Reply #29 on: May 21, 2015, 12:01:51 PM
As a note:

I have a surface pro 3
Iphone 5s
Macbook Pro
Ipad (dont use, 2nd gen)
Apple watch, before that I had a pebble

New macbook is crap! (not a fanboy)

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