Author Topic: Dragon Age  (Read 4861 times)

  • Offline zpyder

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Dragon Age
on: November 08, 2009, 23:03:41 PM
So AFAIK theres not been a thread on this.

Id previously dismissed it as yet another Fantasy MMORPG, only to discover it was in fact a bioware / single player RPG.

So I went and got it today (As to be fair I loved KOTOR, thought KOTOR II was alright bugs aside, and think Mass Effect is good).

Only had a chance to play it for 30 mins so far but it seems interesting. Am liking the blood effects and there is potential for it to be truly immersive and addictive which should be good.

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Dragon Age
Reply #1 on: November 08, 2009, 23:18:22 PM
indeed a bioware fantasy rpg aimed at the adult audience, been looking forward to it for awhile but cant afford it atm.
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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #2 on: November 08, 2009, 23:27:35 PM
Its on my list of stuff to buy this week, once ive found a new car :D
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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #3 on: November 09, 2009, 00:21:07 AM
Now an hour and 45 mins in and must say, Im impressed. If the 100+ hours gameplay hype is true and it keeps up this standard it really is going to be in my top games list. Just have to hope its not Tortage syndrome...

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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #4 on: November 09, 2009, 02:52:30 AM
Quote from: zpyder
Now an hour and 45 mins in and must say, Im impressed. If the 100+ hours gameplay hype is true and it keeps up this standard it really is going to be in my top games list. Just have to hope its not Tortage syndrome...

If your good at these games they say around 50 hours. If your an average player, taking your time at it and doing this that and the other it can be up to 100 hours.

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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #5 on: November 09, 2009, 09:09:21 AM
I think itd depend on whether you just want to play the game or actually get into it properly. Things like Mass effect and KOTOR I usually almost always ended up putting the subtitles on and reading what the dialogue was and then making my choice, whilst this seems a bit more cinematic and Im actually watching and listening before making the choice. Also I think if you want to do the side quests etc its got potential to take an absolute age. Theres also the potential for people to not progress the storyline near the end and just grind, as the manual says theres no hard level cap so you could keep going...and going...and going...and then theres the level editor/user content that will surely be to come.

From what Ive seen of it so far, it beats KOTOR hands down, though its early days, and you need to love Fantasy as much as Sci-Fi!

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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #6 on: November 11, 2009, 10:19:55 AM
Im finding it a dilemma between playing on normal difficulty or easy.

Normal isnt exactly hard, but the combat system is such that if youre not careful you can and will wipe out pretty often. Easy however, is, well, easy.

To elaborate, the combat system is a bit like KOTOR/ME, where you can take control of each party member and assign an action. You can also set "Tactics" which basically program the AI to act based on a mahoosive list of variables. This can range from the basic "attack nearest enemy, use healing if health low" to pretty complex sets where you can tell it to switch between tactic sets based on what youre being attacked by, and how etc. As characters level you can add more slots. The game has been designed to pretty much make use of pausing the game to get all tactical and assigning actions as and when. Unlike KOTOR you cant queue actions, so there is pretty much pausing to be done every few seconds as each action is undertaken. Im not too keen on this, as Im finding the story etc fairly cinematic and would like to play through it as a story, rather than a game where I am having to reload saves from wiping out, or pausing every 5 secs to make new commands.

I dont want to cheapen the experience though by playing through on easy, which states its for new RPG players or people that dont expect to be pausing the game lots, so its not really an issue, but meh.

This asside, choices really do seem to effect the world around you. Nothing is as polar as in other Bioware games. I let out a big giant dude who had been found guilty of murdering a famrstead to discover now the people in the village wont speak to me. Similarly Ive not done much negative in another settlement, but after returning from a quest the shopkeep wont trade with me. Not sure what I did wrong there heh.

Graphically it may not be cutting edge, but its still pretty good eye candy.

Theres a fair bit of LOTR rip-offage going on.

The persistent blood effects is a nice touch, not sure if its "capped" at this kind of level (I think it is), would have been good for it to potentially get to the stage of Gears of War 2 in the worm near the end of that level where youre pretty much red head to toe. You basically get blood splattered in melee combat to a degree, which sticks around for quite a while before fading away (couple of minutes I think)

Additionally, the "Dark Epic Fantasy" is so true. Betrayals, death and murder are left right and centre, the story developers held no punches and it does leave you feeling that you dont know who is going to be killed next etc, I dont think your party members are "safe" in that sense...

Dragon Age
Reply #7 on: November 11, 2009, 10:52:27 AM
I agree about the Easy/Normal issue.

Latest patch sorts it slightly, but I still find myself playing on easy. A shame really as Ive played pretty much every RPG from the last 10 years.

Im trying to boink Claudia Blacks character, not easy though!

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #8 on: November 11, 2009, 11:11:43 AM
Hmm, that makes me feel a bit better about it. I guess play through on easy and fully appreciate the story and then play through on normal as a different race/class and fully appreciate the game :D

Ive managed to kiss Morrigan but thats it. I think I need to find some more gifts to give to her.

Any idea if theyve limited the beddable characters to just the one like in Mass Effect? Would be interesting to see if I can get a harem going in the camp...

Dragon Age
Reply #9 on: November 11, 2009, 16:37:42 PM
Ive got her appreciation above 75, not tried anything yet though . . .

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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #10 on: November 12, 2009, 02:45:40 AM
Quote from: zpyder

The persistent blood effects is a nice touch, not sure if its "capped" at this kind of level (I think it is), would have been good for it to potentially get to the stage of Gears of War 2 in the worm near the end of that level where youre pretty much red head to toe. You basically get blood splattered in melee combat to a degree, which sticks around for quite a while before fading away (couple of minutes I think)

There will be a mod that changes that blood splatter to white... It is inevitable.

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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #11 on: November 12, 2009, 08:44:15 AM
It took me a few secs to get what you were meaning there ><

When I was looking up on the net about the mod kit released, of course the modders have their priorities right, with topless/nude mods coming first over gameplay enhancing ones haha.

As to bedding Morrigan, Im playing through choosing the options I would if it were real life, so the ginger lass loves me now and morrigan is only "interested". Making next time through Ill play as a total dick and shell jump on me the second I punch a homeless orphaned child in the face.

Dragon Age
Reply #12 on: November 13, 2009, 10:31:10 AM

Got Morrigans appreciation upto 100, and killed Flemeth, still not even a kiss. /sigh.

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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #13 on: November 13, 2009, 16:59:05 PM
Quote from: zpyder

She showed her apreciation of zpyders efforts at subtlety with a chainsaw to the codpiece area. Unluckily for him he wasnt wearing one...

  • Offline zpyder

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Dragon Age
Reply #14 on: November 13, 2009, 19:37:56 PM
Really WG?

Ive got her appreciation to about 50 I think, did the first half of her personal quest (not visited her mum yet) and have managed to bed her.

I got the impression you just have to be on good terms and have gotten so far into the personal quest before you can shag the NPCs. Youd have thought doing the deed would raise their appreciation by a fair bit. I guess morrigan is fairly shallow...a night of passionate sex = +2 appreciation, whilst a silver necklace = +4 ><

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