Author Topic: Dragon Age  (Read 4862 times)

Dragon Age
Reply #15 on: November 14, 2009, 10:20:26 AM
Ive tried everything, all the dialogue options at camp result in negative appreciation.

I dont fancy nobbling the ginger girl, too wishy washy for me.

I wonder if Sten fancies a go . . .  :heehaw:

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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #16 on: November 14, 2009, 12:35:07 PM
Bizarre. I wonder if theres something early on where if you say something itll immediately make you unnattractive to Morrigan permanantly.

I cant seem to get anywhere with Sten. Only thing I can do it seems is give him Booze, but he still wont talk ><

26 hours in and abou 1/3 done :D

Mind you Id say 1/4 of that time has been spent reading the codexes, and 1/2 of the time watching/listening to the NPCs moaning about things and saying thanks etc.

Dragon Age
Reply #17 on: November 15, 2009, 10:18:01 AM
Sten seems to respond well to short and direct conversations. Also he seems very focused on killing the archdemon, he doesnt like it when I do side quests.

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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #18 on: November 15, 2009, 21:46:17 PM
Just got a good tongue sarnie with Morrigan! Didnt even try really - just said a few things she liked then the option came up to kiss her.

Now to get her pants off! :)
Career, Wife, Mortgage... my sig was better when it listed guitars and PC's and stuff!

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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #19 on: November 15, 2009, 22:45:30 PM
Ive got them both up to 100 on the scale. Started to wonder whether you can get some MILF action with Wynne ><

Interestingly Ive had a few instances where Morrigan and Leliana chat about the other being with my character, as though they dont care. I did make the mistake at one point though of clicking on morrigan by mistake and she demanded I make her choose, not before I suggested a threesome however :D

Could this thread sound any lamer about trying to shag the different NPCs?

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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #20 on: November 15, 2009, 23:11:37 PM
For people that havent played it yet and are wanting some more imagery from in-game to see just what the hell were talking about:

The Claudia Black character = the one with the lowest cut top ever...

If you go into the woods today...

...youll find bloodthirsty werewolves and scantily clad forest spirits.

More scantily clad demonage. The fabled "Desire Demon"

Some actual in game stuff, rather than the scripted-scenes:

Yes, that is a player controlled character on the dragons head stabbing it.

They didnt hold back on killing children.

And another in-game shot:

Sure the game is a bit darker than the norm, which is great, but dunno if it warrants an 18 certificate. Mind you the potential is there for the community site to need one. Its pretty easy to mod the game and people have already gotten the all important nude mods out there even though the toolkit is only a week or two old. As the game automatically uploads screenshots from ingame to your profile, itll be interesting to see in a month or so just what people have been playing as. I predict groups of naked females uniting the land against the common foe, which I guess could also be naked females if someone is disturbed enough to re-model the enemy NPCs ><

Dragon Age
Reply #21 on: November 16, 2009, 09:15:51 AM
Finally bonked Morrigan at about 1.30am, now her appreciation is Love (100). Pre-bonk it was Warm (100).

Have a really good chat with your party members, things they mention often come up, for example, Morrigan once had a little mirror, I found one and gave it to her causing a nice little cut scene.

Shes given me her ring too (phnarr phnarr).

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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #22 on: November 16, 2009, 10:46:24 AM
Interesting...Ive boinked her a few times and have yet to be given anything. Same with the other NPCs. I get the stat/skill bonuses as their appreciation goes up, and for the special gift items Ive gotten the cutscenes, but thats it.

I only found out yesterday that Sten likes art. Bit gutted as Id been giving the art to Wynne or Alistair, and trying to get Sten wasted. And of course who likes the booze... the dwarf!

I think once the game is finished Ill give it a months break and hopefully therell be some game changing mods out there, and then Ill play through as a mage with hopefully what will be a quite different game. Im left curious how much the "origins" side of thing effects the story. I have a sneaking suspicion you just get a different intro segment which is over in all of a few hours, and then for the most part everything else is the same, apart from NPCs calling you "human/elf/dwarf" "knight/mage" etc. Will have to wait and see. Needless to say my current char couldnt get any more aligned to "good". The mage on the other hand will be so badass that the world will wish the darkspawn had won...

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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #23 on: November 16, 2009, 15:14:48 PM
Quote from: zpyder

Could this thread sound any lamer about trying to shag the different NPCs?

It sounds just like Leisure Suit Larry did, rather patheric TBH :P

Dragon Age
Reply #24 on: November 16, 2009, 16:13:10 PM
I think Im fairly close to completing my army, just gotta do a couple more bits for the dwarves and Im sorted.

Reading the codex can be a bit dull but it really does help with a few bits and bobs.

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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #25 on: November 16, 2009, 16:31:29 PM
Aye, its about where I am. Though I think Ill be making a detour to the downloadable content before going to the landsmeet thingy. Getting fed up of picking up gifts for what I presume is the Golem that is found in one of the content packs.

Dragon Age
Reply #26 on: November 18, 2009, 23:30:13 PM
Just finished it, damn, its begging for me to buy an expansion that hasnt been made yet aargh!!!

So many unanswered questions, bah bloody RPGs, cant get enough of them. :)

Think I might go through as an Elven mage once Ive finished Borderlands.

Re:Dragon Age
Reply #27 on: November 18, 2009, 23:34:09 PM
I was thinking about getting this tomorrow as the advert looks pretty cool, but after reading about all the virtual dates/cyber shagging Im not sure I can be arsed with it... I just wanna kill stuff and do missions etc

Re:Dragon Age
Reply #28 on: November 18, 2009, 23:45:50 PM
The cyber-shagging is very optional. A simple dialogue choice and there is no more mention of it.

Its only been talked about so much because there are quite a few famous female voice actors (Claudia Black :wub: etc), and the shagging is about as explicit as a 15 rated film.

Some of the moral choices regarding the aforementioned joining are quite deep however, depending on the choices you make through the game.  :rock:

If you liked Baldurs Gate, IWD, or anything with dragons and swords, youll like this. It played very well on my system, the only slowdown was on one of the very last cut-scenes.

One more thing, I played through on normal difficulty for the first few hours, and got my ass handed to me. Changed to easy, and patched to latest version and there wasnt much challenge - more like a highly interactive story. Next time I will start on normal, moving up to difficult.


Now where is that babe thread we used to have . . .

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Re:Dragon Age
Reply #29 on: November 19, 2009, 08:53:24 AM
If youve just finished it, am I right in thinking once you assemble the army etc thats pretty much it? bah. I thought I was like half way through >< Sounds like im nearly done too if thats the case!

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