Author Topic: WOW at E3  (Read 2899 times)

  • Offline neXus

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WOW at E3
on: May 11, 2006, 15:05:11 PM
The new race:

Eredar.... NO wait draenei.
Yep its draenei but its Eredar, for some reason blizzard re-wrote the lore to fit the race looks and the name.
If your not a fan of wow to sum it up..
Planet, orcs, Erader come to stay, they get on, some evil god dude comes hunting Eredar to kill them, turns the orcs agaisnt them - big fight, Eredar loose, leave in a dimensional ship ansesters of them are draenei 3 typs of them, some broken still in outland, some old dumb allready in the wow world and new ones who crashed sill look areder but are draenei.

Stupid lore really.
It used to be that draenei were different fro eredar and Eredar were demons who had their leader killed by the Night elf leaders and blew up by whsips, armies of the eredar flee, whsips take over the bodies and they hide in their shame as a result of being night elves traped in demons.

But they need to be holy since the playable races are:
Warrior, Priest, Paladin, Mage and Hunter
So Holy magic, cant be demons even though they are good ^^

Q. Why were the Draenei the right choice for the Alliance expansion race?

A. It was the right choice for a number of reasons; it wasn?t just one factor. One of the main reasons is that the expansion mostly takes place in the Outlands. The Outlands were formerly the land of Draenor, the orcs? homeworld. It was this nice peaceful planet at one time and then it was corrupted. In the story of the Draenei they were a very pure and good race aligned with The Light, sort of this holy representation.

They do look cool though

Blood elves have new dances

Expansion playable and more shown about it

I will do another thread on the 1.11 stuff and the cool new tier 3 sets when im at my pc later

Also we?ve learned a lot about resist gear. It was a huge mistake to put nature resist gear on bosses that required nature resist to kill and that was a straight-up flub on our part. So we?ve learned things like that. We?ve also gotten a bit more creative in our itemization. Like with the Tier 3 armor sets, they do have eight-piece set bonuses, but there are actually nine pieces in each set. [The ninth piece is a ring.] So now you can break up your set a bit and still get the eight-piece bonus.

Q. So for the Tier 3 sets, is Naxxramas a token system or are there straight-up drops?

A. It is a token system but a refined token system. In Ahn?Qiraj and Zul?Gurub we realized we made a bad mistake with itemization. Token systems can be good and reputation systems can be very useful, but combining token systems with reputation requirements is not necessarily a good design decision, or at least it wasn?t with ZG and AQ. For example, ZG was supposed to be a stepping stone into raiding. So you take a guild that has little experience and they go into ZG and for a new group, it?s going to take them a few tries to down the first boss, Venoxis. And they finally kill Venoxis and what do they get? Probably one blue item and then this token item. But even using that token item might require Honored reputation, and so they feel like they?re not being rewarded.

Instead for that first boss we need to be saying, ?Good job! Here?s two good items.? Instead they get something like a purple Hakkari item that only makes blue shoulders, and then only if they have Honored rep. I had that happen to me on one of my characters and I was like, ?This is just broken.? So we realize things like that and we?re moving to fix them.

Right, and then there?s Tempest Keep, which is sort of right before the Black Temple, and that?s where you?ll find Kael?Thas Sunstrider. Tempest Keep is one main building and three smaller satellite buildings floating off it. That?s all off the tip of an area called Netherstorm.

For now here some videos to watch:


Sneak preview b4 post for tier 3

Duid is probably the best one, that and the warrior set --

Druid set ownes all:


  • Offline Mardoni

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WOW at E3
Reply #1 on: May 11, 2006, 15:17:20 PM
Quote from: neXus
The new race:

Eredar.... NO wait draenei.
Yep its draenei but its Eredar, for some reason blizzard re-wrote the lore to fit the race looks and the name.
If your not a fan of wow to sum it up..
Planet, orcs, Erader come to stay, they get on, some evil god dude comes hunting Eredar to kill them, turns the orcs agaisnt them - big fight, Eredar loose, leave in a dimensional ship ansesters of them are draenei 3 typs of them, some broken still in outland, some old dumb allready in the wow world and new ones who crashed sill look areder but are draenei.

Stupid lore really.
It used to be that draenei were different fro eredar and Eredar were demons who had their leader killed by the Night elf leaders and blew up by whsips, armies of the eredar flee, whsips take over the bodies and they hide in their shame as a result of being night elves traped in demons.

But they need to be holy since the playable races are:
Warrior, Priest, Paladin, Mage and Hunter
So Holy magic, cant be demons even though they are good ^^

Pardon ?

  • Offline neXus

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WOW at E3
Reply #2 on: May 11, 2006, 15:23:02 PM
Quote from: Nimrod
Quote from: neXus
The new race:

Eredar.... NO wait draenei.
Yep its draenei but its Eredar, for some reason blizzard re-wrote the lore to fit the race looks and the name.
If your not a fan of wow to sum it up..
Planet, orcs, Erader come to stay, they get on, some evil god dude comes hunting Eredar to kill them, turns the orcs agaisnt them - big fight, Eredar loose, leave in a dimensional ship ansesters of them are draenei 3 typs of them, some broken still in outland, some old dumb allready in the wow world and new ones who crashed sill look areder but are draenei.

Stupid lore really.
It used to be that draenei were different fro eredar and Eredar were demons who had their leader killed by the Night elf leaders and blew up by whsips, armies of the eredar flee, whsips take over the bodies and they hide in their shame as a result of being night elves traped in demons.

But they need to be holy since the playable races are:
Warrior, Priest, Paladin, Mage and Hunter
So Holy magic, cant be demons even though they are good ^^

Pardon ?

They changed wow history to keep the draenei name, when in fact the race is Eredar.

Re:WOW at E3
Reply #3 on: May 12, 2006, 12:33:06 PM
No word on release date for the expansion?

  • Offline neXus

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Re:WOW at E3
Reply #4 on: May 12, 2006, 14:12:44 PM
Quote from: Sweenster
No word on release date for the expansion?

They never give dates :/ They want it out at the end of the year and november 1st is a date floating around from E3, but as you know blizzard if they feel like it will hold off on it.

Re:WOW at E3
Reply #5 on: May 12, 2006, 15:37:16 PM
i like wow, but it just gets boring from around 35-50 when you cant really do any decent group stuff and all you are doing is grinding in places where some level 60 comes and ganks you.

i got bored so quit, might be tempted to come back with the upgrade as there will be a load of people running around with new characters

:D :D :D

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WOW at E3
Reply #6 on: May 12, 2006, 16:30:13 PM
I havnt played in months, this *may* bring me back
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  • Offline SteveF

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Re:WOW at E3
Reply #7 on: May 12, 2006, 17:04:05 PM
Quote from: Sweenster
i like wow, but it just gets boring from around 35-50 when you cant really do any decent group stuff and all you are doing is grinding in places where some level 60 comes and ganks you.

i got bored so quit, might be tempted to come back with the upgrade as there will be a load of people running around with new characters

:D :D :D

The game only gets fun at 60 and raid content.  Unfortunately it just eats your life as you have to play it for 5-6 hours stariaght a couple of nights a week to actually get anywhere. :(

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:WOW at E3
Reply #8 on: May 12, 2006, 17:40:13 PM
Quote from: SteveF
Quote from: Sweenster
i like wow, but it just gets boring from around 35-50 when you cant really do any decent group stuff and all you are doing is grinding in places where some level 60 comes and ganks you.

i got bored so quit, might be tempted to come back with the upgrade as there will be a load of people running around with new characters

:D :D :D

The game only gets fun at 60 and raid content.  Unfortunately it just eats your life as you have to play it for 5-6 hours stariaght a couple of nights a week to actually get anywhere. :(

except youll spend months getting your character up to some decent level, then be surpassed July-September by some school kid who does nothing but play WOW for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for 6-8 weeks straight.  If its uni students then its 8-12 weeks :D

WOW at E3
Reply #9 on: May 13, 2006, 00:03:37 AM
Then on top of that Uni students have more time than anyone anyway :D

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:WOW at E3
Reply #10 on: May 13, 2006, 00:39:43 AM
Quote from: Beaker
except youll spend months getting your character up to some decent level, then be surpassed July-September by some school kid who does nothing but play WOW for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for 6-8 weeks straight.  If its uni students then its 8-12 weeks :D

Most people who play the game play against the game rather than each other so it doesnt matter too much if you get passed by someones equipment.  It just makes you team mates stronger and better able to kill the next boss to get a better item, etc.

Its a highly addictive game :)

Re:WOW at E3
Reply #11 on: May 13, 2006, 14:46:57 PM
i still play it alot :>

the worst lvl range is around 30-47 STV basicly :)

aiming to be 1st lvl 70 on my server :D currednly filling my quest log with completed quests :>

  • Offline neXus

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Re:WOW at E3
Reply #12 on: May 14, 2006, 11:43:57 AM
Quote from: Dunny87
i still play it alot :>

the worst lvl range is around 30-47 STV basicly :)

aiming to be 1st lvl 70 on my server :D currednly filling my quest log with completed quests :>

Rmour is, current quests get you no xp and only the ones in outland (which there is not many) but mainly you kill mobs to get it.

Level 62 players at e3 being shown off had xp bar to 63 which needed less xp then 59-60

Re:WOW at E3
Reply #13 on: May 14, 2006, 20:12:42 PM
will have to wait and see i surpose :) if not will get me some nice gold  when i give them all in

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