Author Topic: HD-DVD to announce to they quit  (Read 6138 times)

  • Offline Mark

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Re:HD-DVD to announce to they quit
Reply #30 on: February 18, 2008, 23:00:18 PM
Breaking news from me:

Disc formats are a waste of f**king time and effort

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Re:HD-DVD to announce to they quit
Reply #31 on: February 18, 2008, 23:15:02 PM
Quote from: neXus

See Nexus Can post actual well thought out posts :)

Not really; youre still struggling to string a sentence together.

(This isnt meant as an insult but why dont you try reading your posts out loud)

  • Offline SteveF

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HD-DVD to announce to they quit
Reply #32 on: February 19, 2008, 08:33:18 AM
Quote from: neXus
Quote from: Deaths Head
Until you post hard facts to back up your claims I will take what you say as rumour.

Fair enough to hold out and say that but to say "your wrong" is a very dodgy thing to do and cypher made a statement about me being wrong before which is a lie
Was telling some tek folk as stevef was posting in this thread, I very delebritly kept dumming it down, very easy to go in a phd detail about the movie industry medium fair usage rights in terms of the dvd, video and what it means for a single hd medium and what you can and cant do in terms of competition and the associations with the movie industry and deals between companies ignoring the fact machines are consoles and the groups etc.
Stevef is a stupidly smart scientist who tends to over analyse stuff on the forums and goes into full phd mass essay mode sometimes focusing on hardware things a little to much, Interesting a bit but he does go on a bit to much detail for some threads :) So on purpose was not going to into it becuase I do happen to know a few people about town so when official hits links posted but I cant, but know its happening
(echoed by others pms at the time)

Actually the reason I was posting wasnt as a scientist its that I now work in the video processing technologies division of a company who supply both Sony and Microsoft and are in direct competition with AMD and NVidia for this market.  Specifically in Bluray decoders for hardware I have the full specs and meetings with these companies on a regular basis.  We also have continuous patent wars so you know what projects your competitors are working on.  Its entirely possible this is all going on above my level (which wouldnt be too difficult) but you do tend to hear things of this scale.

The impression I get is MS and the HDDVD consortium totally didnt see this coming and Sony have no rush to throw Microsoft a player.

Im glad you dummed (sic) it down for me but I do do this stuff 7-8 hours a day.  You make websites in New Zealand and get your sources from kids on MSN.  But well wait and see.

Now, Microsoft will almost certainly be trying to get a BluRay player together.  Thats fairly obvious.  What will eventually happen is Microsoft will pay enough to persuade Sony or some random news site will post a link a month or two from now saying theyre trying to forge a deal.  Youll then post here saying hahahahaha Im right!!!11111 Youre all wrong, etc etc.  Now what I was saying is right now (i.e. this moment) Microsoft have no license, have no partner in hardware, have no permission from Sonys marketing section and have non of the Sony engineers working with them.  Thats them not having a bluray player and you talking rumours.

If they get the license 3 months from now that doesnt mean youre correct it means they persuaded sony.  Until that point its speculation and rumours.  Thats the difference you dont seem to get.

Tell you what.  Im going to say its the year 2009.

You can now argue Im wrong.  But in 10 months you bet Im coming back here, quoting the line above me and saying youre all wrong and feeling hard done to youre not eating your words.  Now everyone will know you were right when you posted that it wasnt 2009.  But because Im about 99% sure itll eventually be 2009 Im fairlly safe in making that claim.  Thats what youre doing here but Cyphers right Ill just leave it.  Its a waste of time.

  • Offline neXus

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HD-DVD to announce to they quit
Reply #33 on: February 19, 2008, 08:37:06 AM
Quote from: SteveF

Im glad you dummed (sic) it down for me but I do do this stuff 7-8 hours a day.  You make websites in New Zealand and get your sources from kids on MSN.  But well wait and see.

Nice needless pop there, bit uncalled for and I hope its all taken back with flowers when It goes down how I said it would
Rather immature that line

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:HD-DVD to announce to they quit
Reply #34 on: February 19, 2008, 08:40:16 AM
You are a website maker who lives in New Zealand and gets your info from websites and MSN.

Or am I missing something?  Im being 1000% serious.  You dont have to reveal your source but did you by any chance hear it over MSN?  That at least you can confirm or deny.

It sounds rude but that is the truth as far as I understand it.  And I know you fairly well.

  • Offline neXus

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Re:HD-DVD to announce to they quit
Reply #35 on: February 19, 2008, 09:33:09 AM
Quote from: SteveF
You are a website maker who lives in New Zealand and gets your info from websites and MSN.

Or am I missing something?  Im being 1000% serious.  You dont have to reveal your source but did you by any chance hear it over MSN?  That at least you can confirm or deny.

It sounds rude but that is the truth as far as I understand it.  And I know you fairly well.

Your a m8 steve, but you missed the "kids" bit which clearly is a dig, no point dodging that it was and I posted it was a bit childish and we move on but to say it wasnt is worse - it was, I think its was a little childish we move on
100% official Toshiba fully back out and as stated if this option was taken it would mean they had full talks with the others involved and committed to the format and that have started or have already sorted what to do - ala blu ray.

And you do not know me that well at all really, from wow met up once good m8es but we do not really know each other that well so that is untrue m8
Source 100% on mothers grave has nothing to do with MSN and I cant fathum in any way where that would come from or its suggestion that it did and the added "kids" comment is there and I think if I not posted a reply also quoting it just before your post edit that word would have disappeared :)
And I wonder what you said in this one before you edited it as well  :rofl:

And your start of a  back track with your edit to your last post as well gives me a nice smile as well

  • Offline neXus

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Re:HD-DVD to announce to they quit
Reply #36 on: February 19, 2008, 09:41:53 AM
I am going to take the stick on the chin, I backed the format that lost - crap but meh, fair play to blu ray but I know I am right and right so far how its panning out and I am sticking to it

HD-DVD to announce to they quit
Reply #37 on: February 19, 2008, 09:43:04 AM
Ive got nothing to do with the argument... just to say, he hasnt taken out the kids bit... its still there, and the edit time is before his last post, and theres only one edit, so he couldent take it out and put it back, guessing he just fixed a typo etc. which he spoted when he came back to post again  

I wouldent post... but I think editing stuff out like that is pretty low... and he didnt do it so shouldent be tard with that brush!

  • Offline neXus

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HD-DVD to announce to they quit
Reply #38 on: February 19, 2008, 09:51:17 AM
Quote from: knighty
Ive got nothing to do with the argument... just to say, he hasnt taken out the kids bit... its still there, and the edit time is before his last post, and theres only one edit, so he couldent take it out and put it back, guessing he just fixed a typo etc. which he spoted when he came back to post again  

I wouldent post... but I think editing stuff out like that is pretty low... and he didnt do it so shouldent be tard with that brush!

I know m8, thats why he re typed it but left out the kids bit but I did mention I think if I did not quote it that word would be gone :)
You got a bit messed up there m8, He edited the first post today with a bit more about blu ray a little back tracking if you will at the end of that post
then posted..

You are a website maker who lives in New Zealand and gets your info from websites and MSN.

Or am I missing something? Im being 1000% serious. You dont have to reveal your source but did you by any chance hear it over MSN? That at least you can confirm or deny.

It sounds rude but that is the truth as far as I understand it. And I know you fairly well.

Where he left out the kids bit, and I mentioned the first time he said it would have been edited if it was not for the quote :)
Some folk would also take the New Zealand bit as a pop at indicating you are in the middle of now where and what would you know? but I am not

EDIT - Not offended he is a m8, but he is getting a little heated and having a few pops, fair doos but no point for cloak and dagger,  He has an ace job and fing smart But even then someone can be wrong and have someone else know something they may not realise they did or knew people who could know more as well
Despite what people say I tend to not stick my neck out on something unless I am sure - Wrong sometimes like anyone else but I am really positive the way things will happen is how it will happen and well it is so far

HD-DVD to announce to they quit
Reply #39 on: February 19, 2008, 10:21:47 AM
Im sure steve doesent need me here defending him... but personaly, Id have missed the kids bit out the second time too, fair enough it was a little bit harsh the first time, by missing it out the second time he stoped it being just plain "nasty" and turing into a slagging match

if you call someone a **** once its no big deal, do it again and it becomes a big deal.

  • Offline neXus

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HD-DVD to announce to they quit
Reply #40 on: February 19, 2008, 10:28:18 AM
Quote from: knighty
Im sure steve doesent need me here defending him... but personaly, Id have missed the kids bit out the second time too, fair enough it was a little bit harsh the first time, by missing it out the second time he stoped it being just plain "nasty" and turing into a slagging match

if you call someone a **** once its no big deal, do it again and it becomes a big deal.

I agree m8, even said its basically water under the bridge but with the other comments made it was a pop fair enough but he did try and brush it aside as not one which for me is worse
All under the bridge though, He disagrees and thinks I do not know anything, fair enough end of the day do not really care but when pop shots at a person starts etc - then thats getting silly

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:HD-DVD to announce to they quit
Reply #41 on: February 19, 2008, 10:57:48 AM
I correct typos with edits - not change meaning.

My edit was before your post (check the times) and I never took the word out of it.

As someone who doesnt work in the industry and in a country which lets face it isnt swarming with technical developers in the semiconductor industry I find it strange that you had this conversation around the water cooler with someone in the know.

So just to be clear I did no editing of any kind to change message - youre talking BS on that front.

Youve still not said how you got this info.  I dont deny you have been told it I just question the validity of your source.

And finally.  Microsoft have just made a statement on the subject which basically saying they have a streaming media alternative for when the HD-DVD drive was announced.  i.e. they have no Bluray solution.  Any of this stuff sinking in yet?

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:HD-DVD to announce to they quit
Reply #42 on: February 19, 2008, 10:59:16 AM
Also my edit (before your reply) did not in any way back track.  It added some info about Bluray on the end of the post and corrected a typo.  Nothing else.

Everything else youre saying is just a lie and I find that far ruder than saying your source is most likely a kid on MSN.  Which I still believe to be the case.

  • Offline Serious

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HD-DVD to announce to they quit
Reply #43 on: February 19, 2008, 14:45:42 PM
Quote from: SteveF

Now, Microsoft will almost certainly be trying to get a BluRay player together.  Thats fairly obvious.  What will eventually happen is Microsoft will pay enough to persuade Sony or some random news site will post a link a month or two from now saying theyre trying to forge a deal


If they get the license 3 months from now that doesnt mean youre correct it means they persuaded sony.  Until that point its speculation and rumours.  Thats the difference you dont seem to get.

There is also the issue of M$ previous buyers, they already have enough bad publicity from things like the ring of death issue, if they just pull a new player out of the box now those who bought the HD-DVD one are not going to be pleased. I expect they will wait a few months at least before bothering to announce anything, even if the deal was already done.

[edit]Then again what are they going to do with the stock they have now? Wouldnt it be better to get that out of the way first? [/edit]

  • Offline Beaker

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HD-DVD to announce to they quit
Reply #44 on: February 19, 2008, 17:50:24 PM
Quote from: Serious
There is also the issue of M$ previous buyers, they already have enough bad publicity from things like the ring of death issue, if they just pull a new player out of the box now those who bought the HD-DVD one are not going to be pleased. I expect they will wait a few months at least before bothering to announce anything, even if the deal was already done.

I can see them offering a rebate system to be fair.  MS dont care as much as Sony about losing a little money to get the market.  The XBox line is one of their prongs to get into your living room, office and pocket.  They arent looking at short-term gains, they want everyone to run their lives on MS hardware or software.  The idea of a Home Server, Windows machines as clients, with a Windows Mobile phone, and an XBox in your living room to stream content from the server while also operating as the hub to your Home Media experience isnt hard to see.  Would be more attractive to buyers if they can have their phone sync with their server, than syncs with every other media device they own.  In the next few years youll likely see MS Branded TVs, or with an MS Approval to be linked up by wireless to stream media from the server or XBox.  

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