Author Topic: IE is finally dead (Nearly)  (Read 8194 times)

  • Offline neXus

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IE is finally dead (Nearly)
on: February 15, 2023, 00:02:08 AM
As of this week from the 14th.
Rather than just an update through various Windows... Updates to Edge (on PC) will also contain the updates for IE to stop working. On loading IE prompts to either download Edge only or redirect to Edge will occur.
In coming months removing icons, referencing and app all together from Windows 7 up will occur.
Yep you will still be able to download various stand alone hacked versions, VM etc but the 14th has been MS official death day.

It has been a long time coming and while MS and IE were a key factor to drive what the internet is today it was always a paid of the ass to build websites that worked with both IE and other browsers from Netscape all the way to Firefox and Chrome. The Trident engine which was it's key rendering engine was always a buggy stupid mess and over the years MS, rather than fixing things just did things like coded it to spoof the user agent so it would appear as chrome to prevent developers targeting IE specifically to deal with its crap.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

  • Clockedtastic
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Re: IE is finally dead (Nearly)
Reply #1 on: February 15, 2023, 12:01:58 PM
I gather MS have also pulled all of the Cortana crap out of latest editions (that was a real pig to remove in Windows 10). If I hadn't heard so much trash talk about Windows 11 I would consider upgrading to it, but I'm very happy with Windows 10 once it's cleaned up, so I'm in no rush.

  • Offline neXus

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Re: IE is finally dead (Nearly)
Reply #2 on: February 16, 2023, 00:41:55 AM
I gather MS have also pulled all of the Cortana crap out of latest editions (that was a real pig to remove in Windows 10). If I hadn't heard so much trash talk about Windows 11 I would consider upgrading to it, but I'm very happy with Windows 10 once it's cleaned up, so I'm in no rush.
Cortana never had the data or training information to be any good. Nice idea but just never worked where it was the thing to use and as an option not as good as normal search.

Windows 11 is fine now with the updates. The only real issue is how bad the search is. One of my silly small issues was as I switch from speaker to headphones depending on when I use my PC was the extra clicks on 11 you had to do to change. They fixed that. Just highlighting how a lot of those sort of early issues they sorted. I rebuilt my PC recently with new SSD (M.2) and I started with 10 for a bit because I did upgrde and was more annoyed.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

  • Clockedtastic
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Re: IE is finally dead (Nearly)
Reply #3 on: February 16, 2023, 08:44:06 AM
My feeling with 11 is that its not really introducing anything game-changing, so why bother. I like Windows, I'm not a hater, but they've not had to add the kind of new tech support that came from upgrading from 95 to 98, XP, etc or even kernel hardening like when they switched tousing the same base platform as NT/2000, or UI overhaul. It just feels like a larger incremental upgrade with some odd UX decisions tacked on. If a point comes in future that the latest games, etc will only work on Win 11 because of some bizarre requirements like a new DirectX that's incompatible with 10, then I will probably consider upgrading.

As for Cortana though, it was intrusive and even if it was the Google, Apple or Amazon equivalents I still would not be happy with it on my computer. I don't mind Alexa listening to mundane conversations from the kitchen but not something embedded in the OS at the deepest levels.

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