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Java Arrays of objects


I feel so n00bish for posting this but has to be done as ive drawn a blank and my brain is empty.

I have the following

--- Code: ---

javax.swing.JLabel [] thumbLbl = new javax.swing.JLabel();

--- End code ---

but now I want to initialise that array with a size.

I thought it was something along the lines of

--- Code: ---thumbLbl[] = thumbLbl[files.length];
--- End code ---

but its wrong. Any ideas folks?

This is such a simple question just I cant remember it.

lol what a gimp :)

Twas easy.

--- Code: ---
javax.swing.JLabel thumbLbl = new javax.swing.JLabel[files.length];

--- End code ---

Dah cant believe I couldnt think of it. :D


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