Author Topic: Lost - Season Six - (Wherein everybody is a serruptitious polar bear)  (Read 4265 times)

  • Offline Liam

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There are soo many unanswered questions & theories, like we could of learned a bit more about the real roots to the Dharma Initiative before Ben first came to the Island & it was never answered about the true story behind Gerald DeGroot & his wife (if any of you remember them) and all along I always thought that those Adam & eye skeletons were theirs - untill it was revealed that they were infact the Skeletons of the "good" MIB & the adoptive mother of him & jacob. Also Alvar Hanso could of been explained more too. Also it would of been more interesting to find out more about what else Widmore desired to do with the Island if he was to go furthe ahead with his plan & his experiment with Desmond - how would of he proceeded further on?

A lot of talk has been said that with all the material that was written, is that LOST could of gone of for at least 10 seasons if they wanted, but as you said Zpyder a lot of it was fillers and not linked to the main plot.


  • Offline zpyder

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Quote from: Chris H
I really do like the idea of Lost and I really do want to love it, the problem is that whilst the mythology and concept behind the island and the quasi-spiritual side to what is going on really appeal to me the people themselves are rather vapid and dull for the most part with a few exceptions.

Im hoping someone will put together an "essential episodes" list that cuts out all of the pointless filler and just lets you enjoy the key storyline with none of the naff failed attempts at characterisation.

To be honest wait for one or two of the "Lost in 60 seconds" to come on, Im sure thatll explain the whole thing better than the series could :D

  • Offline neXus

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There will be at least two spin offs which will explain things, you watch. "Number 1" and "number 2" and what they did for example.
Rumour too that a sequel will come of just what happens next.

  • Offline Mark

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lost, the modern day twin peaks

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Quote from: Mark
lost, the modern day twin peaks

Blasphemy. Twin Peaks was genius and genuinely happy happy joy time for the neurons in places.

Lost puts them to sleep.

Twin Peaks made more sense, well, at least the first story did, I.E. who killed Laura Palmer.

  • Offline skidzilla

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  • 夢を見られた・・・

  • Offline neXus

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Sooo many questions really.

Dwait (spelling?) - why was he sooo special and then not special?
What was the button desmond was pressing and then what did it set off? what part of the islands strange things was that?

All the ancient things around the island: What is all that about, who put it there?

They say what the light is, but what is it really?
Powersource for life itself?

  • Offline Shaun

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I agree with Hitler! total BS how they finished the show off!

I watched for the story not the characters! :gag:  ...props for keeping us hanging on for 6 years tho!  :bowdown:  

  • Offline neXus

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I am kind of annoyed how they ended it but then I liked it too.

You should never wrap up every single thing, you need to leave that mystery behind and for people to come to their own conclusions, just like a good book.

This though: (From last episode so do not watch if you want)
I thought was really nice. Soppy has hell and as a guy I still thought it was great. Jin and Son were my favourite couple who involved over the whole thing and had a lot going on between them and their stories.
This I thought was great and out of all of Lost one of the best scenes for me.

  • Offline zpyder

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Yeah, that was cool.

In terms of how to end a show, to be honest they should all look at and learn from Bones. The last season ended the way all seasons for all shows should end. On a happy note, though not 100% happy, everything major tied up, yet with enoguh minor hooks that its not terminal, and that a story is there for another series if need be. If I find out that Bones is no longer going to be made, Id be happy where its ended. It was pretty final, but as I say, it could easily return.

I wouldnt mind non-happy endings if series that did them were guaranteed a follow-on series, but too many end on a sour note or major cliffhanger/things unanswered, and then get axed!

Should have ended it like Quantum Leap... Now that was a good ending

  • Offline zpyder

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I dont think I ever saw the ending to that. Meh, Ill have to wiki it now youve mentioned it!

  • Offline Pete

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Quote from: zpyder
Quote from: Chris H
I really do like the idea of Lost and I really do want to love it, the problem is that whilst the mythology and concept behind the island and the quasi-spiritual side to what is going on really appeal to me the people themselves are rather vapid and dull for the most part with a few exceptions.

Im hoping someone will put together an "essential episodes" list that cuts out all of the pointless filler and just lets you enjoy the key storyline with none of the naff failed attempts at characterisation.

To be honest wait for one or two of the "Lost in 60 seconds" to come on, Im sure thatll explain the whole thing better than the series could :D

I watched the first season and a half, Im waiting for 30 second bunnie versions of the rest.
I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

  • Offline neXus

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Quote from: McQ-Ball
Should have ended it like Quantum Leap... Now that was a good ending

I hated that ending, Lots of people did. He deserved better from the man upstairs.

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