Author Topic: My songs  (Read 6264 times)

Re:My songs
Reply #15 on: April 29, 2006, 23:52:09 PM
There really isnt anything complicated about the guitar playing, I still need lots of practice.

hmm, I thought I got the guitar/vocal balance about right  :?

Not a dodgy recording....  I did both seperate, must have been my post-processing thats naff.... Mind you, first time Ive ever done any of this kinda stuff :)

Thanks for feedback.

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Re:My songs
Reply #16 on: April 30, 2006, 00:20:58 AM
Nice song, good music. very well played. Vocal highs are a little bit wobbly though, sounds as if you are forcing it, ease back just a little bit.

All IMO though and I could be completely wrong. I cant sing for tuppence and my playing, well I would throw myself out...

Re:My songs
Reply #17 on: April 30, 2006, 09:06:47 AM
Quote from: Serious
Nice song, good music. very well played. Vocal highs are a little bit wobbly though, sounds as if you are forcing it, ease back just a little bit.

All IMO though and I could be completely wrong. I cant sing for tuppence and my playing, well I would throw myself out...

Little bit wobbly for sure, never done much singing before, I do need a lot of practice.


Re:My songs
Reply #18 on: April 30, 2006, 23:32:13 PM
Recorded a new song tonight.

Let me know what you think dudes :)

Its got some horrible crackling :(  But other than, that sounds not too bad.

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Re:My songs
Reply #19 on: April 30, 2006, 23:42:49 PM
I got the first download :)

Re:My songs
Reply #20 on: April 30, 2006, 23:45:17 PM
And you want the second too... Quite a different song....  Much slower.

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Re:My songs
Reply #21 on: April 30, 2006, 23:59:04 PM
Nah, I got the first download of the second one :lol:

Playing No turning back now.

Re:My songs
Reply #22 on: April 30, 2006, 23:59:06 PM
Erm... only heard the second song.

Personally... I think you need some voice coaching to learn how to not go all wailey.

Its alright though, just I dont think your voice is up to it. Check out some local voice coaches and keep trying Id say.

Little tip I picked up when I used to sing in choirs and stuffs.

If you have a high pitched part, BELT IT OUT... really yell it out, stand up.. breathe in deep and sing it as loud as possible. Youll find with the increased airflow (you cant sit down for high parts.. it just fecks up) your voice falters less.

Use post-processing afterwards to bring the levels into kilter... perform fades using the post-processing (spesh at the end of that second song) its better to have a clear wavering free note faded out by electronics, than it is to try and emulate a mixer with your throat.

Edit 2: Also... got the 2nd download of the 2nd one :) so that makes me 1337er than serious :P lol

Edit 3: Played it through for the 3rd time. Really... sing the song louder thats whats needed. More airflow stops the faltering, just belt it out. Place the microphone further away if your getting clipping on the mic.

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Re:My songs
Reply #23 on: May 01, 2006, 00:14:21 AM
When you play its great.

When you sing though.

Its no good using just the tops of your lungs and forcing it, the result is squeaky. What you need to do is go right down and sing from your stomach, use that area for breathing while singing. Keep your chin up and level too, plenty of people who play and sing drop theirs to look at the guitar and cut off their voice in the process.

Re:My songs
Reply #24 on: May 01, 2006, 00:14:50 AM
I hear what youre saying, I was singing too quiet on "No Turning Back"......

Ill do the vocal again sometime when I fee linspired ;)

Thanks for the feedback, itll come in handy.

Re:My songs
Reply #25 on: May 01, 2006, 00:16:22 AM
Quote from: Serious
When you play its great.

When you sing though.

Its no good using just the tops of your lungs and forcing it, the result is squeaky. What you need to do is go right down and sing from your stomach, use that area for breathing while singing. Keep your chin up and level too, plenty of people who play and sing drop theirs to look at the guitar and cut off their voice in the process.

Im not playing and singing at the same time......  But I am sitting while "singing".

Ill give it another go and try belting it out, I guess I dont put too much effort into the singing.  Ive still not really found my voice either which is an issue.

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Re:My songs
Reply #26 on: May 01, 2006, 00:28:43 AM
You would be best singing country and western from those two but things change over time.

Dont look at the computer or other equipment either and you would probably be better off standing too, sitting isnt good for proper breathing technique ;)

Re:My songs
Reply #27 on: May 01, 2006, 00:29:29 AM
Dont worry about finding your voice, itll come of its own accord whilst your singing it, certainly do not try and control it if you cant sing that high... sing an octave lower.... do a dry run, and remember the places where you just couldnt reach without sounding like your straining.

When belting it out I mean... standing up... singing straight out dont look down, dont look up, just look straight ahead... have a staring competition with the wall, and sing as loud as you can without trying to strain it.

I think your main problem to be honest is sitting down. You cant sing sitting down, noone can. well... a stool maybe, bit in a normal chair you end up cutting off half of your lung capacity.

I used to be exactly the same, Id slouch too... key to a decent range is posture to be honest, much more than vocal cords. Everyone can train vocal cords to act accordingly (like the hand vulcan thing... its just a muscle), but the key is to get that air... through the thing. Put earplugs in if you need to, and sing it.

Its why I think a voice coach will do you a damn good service, and I bet the very first thing theyll have you doing is standing upright in a room singing and telling you to belt out the high parts. Consider just an hours tuition even.

Re:My songs
Reply #28 on: May 01, 2006, 05:07:19 AM
Quote from: Serious
When you play its great.

When you sing though.

Its no good using just the tops of your lungs and forcing it, the result is squeaky. What you need to do is go right down and sing from your stomach, use that area for breathing while singing. Keep your chin up and level too, plenty of people who play and sing drop theirs to look at the guitar and cut off their voice in the process.

Forgot to add... serious is almost right there. :)

When I used to sing in choir and on stage our bloke who taught us the songs and parts used to have 3 kinds of people, pear, apple, and pigeons.

Majority of people used to be pigeons.. theyd breathe using only the top part of their lungs, which is fine for day to day stuff, but hed tell them to practice breathing properly.

Pears... people who were conscious of people seeing them singing... theyd breathe great.. fill their lungs, but then tighten their chests when nervous and dampen their voices so others sung over them and they couldnt be heard as much.

Apples... people who had gotten over the pigeon and pear stages... learnt to breathe using the whole of their lungs. its the shape their chests will make. Notice operatic singers have full chests, and stomachs when singing.

Everyone is a pigeon or a pear... you just have to relax.. breathe... and sing. Dont strain or hold your breath... if you need to breathe in a song, breathe. Like I said, do a dry run, find out where your weak points are... sort them out, then sing properly :)

If you want to sound good, you dont need fancy equipment just put some effort into your singing, if your sounding crap try again and again for like an hour or so until youve nailed at least one section of it. I used to have to do it for rehearsals (singing "I can show you the world" from aladdin to myself in the study was a rather embarassing experience when my mates came to call one day :D lol but it was a thing I had to do) just give it a go :)

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Re:My songs
Reply #29 on: May 01, 2006, 10:07:56 AM
Can only echo the above. Great guitar skills.

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