Author Topic: Predators  (Read 1637 times)

on: July 11, 2010, 07:55:46 AM
Went to see Predators last night a really enjoyed it, had a proper old skool action movie feel to it.

Anyone else seen it yet?

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Reply #1 on: July 11, 2010, 08:16:07 AM
Saw it yesterday afternoon and I completely agree with you. We dont make films like this any more, plenty of action but lots of slower moments with a bit of dialogue and some character development.

Great, enjoyable film well worth the trip to the cinema, and a very worthy addition to the franchise. Hopefully they will do a few more.

Reply #2 on: July 12, 2010, 00:19:00 AM
so it is worth going to see ? , i was waiting for more people to see it first for their take on it

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Reply #3 on: July 12, 2010, 00:21:53 AM
Im supposed to be seeing this on Wednesday and damnit you guys might get my hopes up about it at this rate.  :bounce: I really want it be good but dont want to set myself up for disappointment like with the previous efforts.

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Reply #4 on: July 12, 2010, 02:26:36 AM
Quote from: chaotic_uk
so it is worth going to see ? , i was waiting for more people to see it first for their take on it

go down page for review.

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Reply #5 on: July 12, 2010, 08:40:16 AM
Quote from: Clockd 0Ne
Im supposed to be seeing this on Wednesday and damnit you guys might get my hopes up about it at this rate.  :bounce: I really want it be good but dont want to set myself up for disappointment like with the previous efforts.

Its miles better than the AvP films, and better than Predator 2 as well. Obviously its a huge homage to the first film, whether its better than the first film or not is open to debate but I thought it was great fun.

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Reply #6 on: July 12, 2010, 11:29:02 AM
Looking forward to seeing this on Wednesday!  :ptu:

Reply #7 on: July 12, 2010, 14:01:47 PM
Quote from: Chris H
Quote from: Clockd 0Ne
Im supposed to be seeing this on Wednesday and damnit you guys might get my hopes up about it at this rate.  :bounce: I really want it be good but dont want to set myself up for disappointment like with the previous efforts.

Its miles better than the AvP films, and better than Predator 2 as well. Obviously its a huge homage to the first film, whether its better than the first film or not is open to debate but I thought it was great fun.

yeah wasnt one of danny glovers better moments in film but then i really think it was the arnie / carl (Chubbs apollo) weathers setup that made the first such a cult classic.

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Reply #8 on: July 12, 2010, 16:17:21 PM
Quote from: Chris H
Quote from: Clockd 0Ne
Im supposed to be seeing this on Wednesday and damnit you guys might get my hopes up about it at this rate.  :bounce: I really want it be good but dont want to set myself up for disappointment like with the previous efforts.

Its miles better than the AvP films, and better than Predator 2 as well. Obviously its a huge homage to the first film, whether its better than the first film or not is open to debate but I thought it was great fun.

First Alien film was a classic by almost anyones standards. It then went down hill a bit during the follow on films till Resurrection.

Predator seems to follow the same pattern, losing direction as it continued. The second AVP film was pretty dire.

If this is as good as some of the reviews Ive read then it might put the series back on track again.

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Reply #9 on: July 12, 2010, 16:27:46 PM
Quote from: Serious
Quote from: Chris H
Quote from: Clockd 0Ne
Im supposed to be seeing this on Wednesday and damnit you guys might get my hopes up about it at this rate.  :bounce: I really want it be good but dont want to set myself up for disappointment like with the previous efforts.

Its miles better than the AvP films, and better than Predator 2 as well. Obviously its a huge homage to the first film, whether its better than the first film or not is open to debate but I thought it was great fun.

First Alien film was a classic by almost anyones standards. It then went down hill a bit during the follow on films till Resurrection.

Predator seems to follow the same pattern, losing direction as it continued. The second AVP film was pretty dire.

If this is as good as some of the reviews Ive read then it might put the series back on track again.

In my opinion Aliens is the best of the series. Alien 3 and Alien are equal second, and Resurrection is a close last.

Predator was great fun but it was never in the same league as the Alien franchise. Of the two Aliens Vs Predator films the second one is leagues ahead of the first for me.

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Reply #10 on: July 12, 2010, 16:45:47 PM
The thing is, I find the Alien and Predator universes unique in that I dont actually think any of the films are bad, on the grounds of each being sufficiently different from the last. The best example is the Alien franchise:

1: Genre making sci-fi horror pyschological stalker with a classic futuristic vibe 2 it.
2: Action shooter
3: Gritty pyschological stalker
4: Hollywoodified action shooter

Unlike other franchises like Friday 13th etc, each film hasnt just been more of the same, theres been enough new that I dont think on their own theyre that bad, and that its a shame to compare them all together as Id rather watch 4 films covering a variety of angles, than 4 films where theyve pretty much only changed the scenery and characters.

AvP and Avp2 follow the trend, but suffered from me being a fan too much of the original films. Had I gone in expecting them to be rubbish, I would have been surprised, as it was they didnt meet expectations. Im hoping to go into predators thinking itll be pretty poor and being surprised, will have to wait and see!

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Reply #11 on: July 14, 2010, 21:29:25 PM
Quote from: Chris H
Saw it yesterday afternoon and I completely agree with you. We dont make films like this any more, plenty of action but lots of slower moments with a bit of dialogue and some character development.

Great, enjoyable film well worth the trip to the cinema, and a very worthy addition to the franchise. Hopefully they will do a few more.


I just got back from the cinema and thoroghly enjoyed it. So many nods to the original (right down to the end credits :lol:) without it even touching on being yet another reboot film. Pete was right in the films of the decade thread, they rarely make them like this any more. While it wasnt 80s action flick revival time or a patch on the original it definitely is an arse-kicking action film that should make any fan of the original grin. Im really impressed with what they pulled out on this, it was well-paced, nicely laid out and with good dialogue and character evolvement where needed. I felt it was cut a bit short if anything.

Ill have to disagree with those that disliked Predator 2, I thought it was a good performance for DG and while not as ballsy and fun as the Arnie/Wethers combo took a decent enough different direction and didnt go too over the top with it.

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Reply #12 on: July 15, 2010, 01:27:03 AM
Quote from: Clockd 0Ne

Ill have to disagree with those that disliked Predator 2, I thought it was a good performance for DG and while not as ballsy and fun as the Arnie/Wethers combo took a decent enough different direction and didnt go too over the top with it.

I agree with this, it wasnt as good as the original but it certainly wasnt a bad film by any means. Good solid acting and a more than adequate script. It would have been so easy to go excessive on it like they did to the Aliens in PVP2.

IMO PVP2 was simply a gorefest and should have been better somehow. The scene of the pregnant woman exploding managed to be both excessive and childish at the same time.

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Reply #13 on: July 15, 2010, 01:48:26 AM
Movies recently being too short:

You will notice it a lot and it is not he fault of the directors or the screen writers etc. Most films you will see at the moment have a hell of a lot more to them.
Quite a chunk of elements from movies are ripped out on the cutting flaw to fit this seeming 2 hours or less 90 mins being the ideal time frame to get people to go the movies.
IF people see anything over 111 mins they seem to think they will not get them to go the movies.

In terms of 3D movies they do not want them to be looking at it for too long.

The other thing the movie industry is doing on purpose with regard to this is leaving things for the special editions. It is not just out on DVD and Blu Ray now but soon after a special edition with more footage to get more money.

I bet there is a good 30-40 minutes out of Predators.

Clash of the Titans had around 40-50 minutes gone. Made it a lot faster in terms of pace but knowing the story a good chunk of gaps make it really strange to watch.

Avatar has a lot of extras coming in the special edition. The whole start on Earth will be in it.

Reply #14 on: July 18, 2010, 11:29:45 AM
Saw this last night. Its a great film and like people have said it does have a proper old school action film feel to it.

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