Author Topic: Star Wars - The Old Republic Cinematic Trailer  (Read 2628 times)

  • Offline Shaun

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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Cinematic Trailer
Reply #15 on: July 10, 2010, 00:33:05 AM
Looking at that IG footage it would be smuggler for me as well, in all MMO type games I have always gone for ranged dps type classes and seeing the game is built with Jedi and Sith included in the balancing (unlike SWG) hopefully it will make the game impossible to play in a group environment  if all where just Jedi’s.

  • Offline neXus

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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Cinematic Trailer
Reply #16 on: July 10, 2010, 04:57:58 AM
Quote from: Chris H
Quote from: zpyder
No doubt the cinematic is the intro to the game so thats the best bit over and done with, no need to play the rest like in WoW. At the time I remember thinking how great that was.

Would be interesting to see the distribution of classes on launch. 9/10 characters are going to be jedi or sith lol with the non force characters likely someones alt ><

Well the time period the game is set in allows for lots of jedi and sith running around. And theyve made the other classes just as good so they can all compete. Plus I think there are plenty of people who actually like the idea of something like a smuggler or a bounty hunter more than a jedi.

Lots of people tried to play as a bounty hunter on SWG. Problem was it was always messed up. A good implementation would appeal to people. With the verticality of the worlds being created you can bet your life jet packs will come into play. I like the concept of the Jedi/Sith Healer classes as you can still do damage, you still have a nice coloured stick to mess people up with but then your not the norm DPS jedi most will try and be.

Star Wars - The Old Republic Cinematic Trailer
Reply #17 on: July 15, 2010, 13:20:19 PM
Quote from: neXus
Quote from: Dooms
Really cant wait for this, going to be awesome :)

Better not let us down Bioware... oh and hurry up please :)

DONT hurry up please. Conan and Warhammer Messed up because they rushed for a release.

Warhammer didnt exactly "rush" a release. It was being devloped for a while but got scrapped then picked up again.

Its main problem is World of Warcraft. Warhammer online was no more or less bugged than WoW, EQ, SWG, FFXI etc on release. Sadly for them most of its player base was already hooked on WoW, FFXI etc and developed a much lesser tolerance for bugs, login servers down etc.

WoW makes more money from people changing their name, sex and buying ingame pets which dont do anything than Warhammer made from all its incomes. Sadly this resulted in them laying off half their developers due to the recession effectivley putting the game in "Maintaince Mode" mostly.

In short WoW has the power to elbow everyone out the way. Star wars has an advantage of Star Wars nerds (like me) are more inclined to give it a chance since its Star Wars and Lucasarts are likely smart enough to do an analysis of where WoW has gone right and wrong and learn from it.

Heres hoping it rocks, SWG was decent for a while. Lets hope this is legend.

  • Offline Edd

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Star Wars - The Old Republic Cinematic Trailer
Reply #18 on: July 15, 2010, 19:02:39 PM
I hope other people will be characters other than Jedi, but if theyre anything like me only something extreme will stop me being a jedi. Something like a self lobotomy or along those lines

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Star Wars - The Old Republic Cinematic Trailer
Reply #19 on: July 15, 2010, 22:36:42 PM
Quote from: Hoppkins
Quote from: neXus
Quote from: Dooms
Really cant wait for this, going to be awesome :)

Better not let us down Bioware... oh and hurry up please :)

DONT hurry up please. Conan and Warhammer Messed up because they rushed for a release.

Warhammer didnt exactly "rush" a release. It was being devloped for a while but got scrapped then picked up again.

Its main problem is World of Warcraft. Warhammer online was no more or less bugged than WoW, EQ, SWG, FFXI etc on release. Sadly for them most of its player base was already hooked on WoW, FFXI etc and developed a much lesser tolerance for bugs, login servers down etc.

WoW makes more money from people changing their name, sex and buying ingame pets which dont do anything than Warhammer made from all its incomes. Sadly this resulted in them laying off half their developers due to the recession effectivley putting the game in "Maintaince Mode" mostly.

In short WoW has the power to elbow everyone out the way. Star wars has an advantage of Star Wars nerds (like me) are more inclined to give it a chance since its Star Wars and Lucasarts are likely smart enough to do an analysis of where WoW has gone right and wrong and learn from it.

Heres hoping it rocks, SWG was decent for a while. Lets hope this is legend.

You seem to forget that Warhammer was run by GOA in europe, a burden for many ex DAOC players rather than a blessing so i hear.

On topic, which class to play, as yet i am undecided but i did play both a Smuggler and Bounty Hunter in SWG, the BH was best by far for the loot from NPCs i.e weapon upgrades and the like could be sold for extreme amounts of ingame currency if they were good quality. :D
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Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Cinematic Trailer
Reply #20 on: July 16, 2010, 13:43:30 PM
I loved playing a smuggler (I was itching to get a YT-1300 but never made it) but when i played there were no consquences for crime :(

Stormtroopers would literally watch you slice terminals and walk through Starports with ARMFULS of sliced weapons.

I heard they changed that which sounds fun :)

In any case, smuggler all the way. Solo is THE legend of Star Wars :D

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