
Chat => Entertainment & Technology => Topic started by: Cypher on March 29, 2006, 23:50:18 PM

Title: V for Vendetta
Post by: Cypher on March 29, 2006, 23:50:18 PM
Go watch tbh, whether you like the matrix trilogy or not, the Wachowski brothers have redeemed themselves here.

I really at am a loss for words with this movie.  I dont think I have had a bigger laugh in recent years coming from the cinema with the friends.  Id call it a very british film if wasnt the fact it wasnt made by a british company.

Plot Outline A tale unfolds in a Great Britain thats a fascist state. A freedom fighter known as V uses terrorist tactics to fight the oppressive society. He rescues a young woman (Portman) from the secret police, and she becomes his unlikely ally.

I dont want to say anymore to spoil it tbfh.

Entertaining from the start, it manages to deliver a political message in strong and stylish way.
Title: Re:V for Vendetta
Post by: Cypher on March 29, 2006, 23:52:18 PM
Sorry, just noticed the other thread.  Which I also posted in before.

Please delete or whatever. :whoops:  :-)