Author Topic: Vista sucks  (Read 5404 times)

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:Vista sucks
Reply #30 on: January 27, 2008, 02:32:02 AM
ok, i got the SP1 release client installed.  Its a little more stable, Winamp isnt crashing anymore, and the internal disk write between the partitions quicker, as it does with external drives.  The network copy speed is still utter sh*te though, on ethernet its the same speed it was before, on wireless its better to LMI to my desktop box and trigger files from that.  Oh, and media sharing over the network with anything but WMP is still gash.  Works perfectly on the XP boot though, so it has to be software not hardware.

edit : typos

Re:Vista sucks
Reply #31 on: January 27, 2008, 18:09:51 PM
Quote from: Cypher
Quote from: XEntity
Two main things so far have really annoyed me, the constant do you want to run this program alert for basically everything, Im sure that if you add the time up over a year it would be emmence, maybe someone should make a program that works out the ammount of your time wasted clicking the anoying popup!

Now normally those Mac adverts annoy me, becauses largely they are not accurate... But this one however... LMAO (Because its true!)!

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:Vista sucks
Reply #32 on: January 27, 2008, 18:13:11 PM
Quote from: XEntity
Now normally those Mac adverts annoy me, becauses largely they are not accurate... But this one however... LMAO (Because its true!)!

i just turn UAC off, it serves no purpose to me other than to GET IN MY WAY!!

Roll on windows 7, hopefully theyll actually decouple the UI and features from the kernel like they have promised since Win2k.

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Re:Vista sucks
Reply #33 on: January 29, 2008, 23:11:09 PM
Reports are suggesting that Microsoft is considering pushing forward the release date of Windows 7, its successor to Vista.

APC Magazine claims to have seen Microsofts roadmap for the operating system, and reports that the software giant is gunning for a 2009 release to manufacturing, a year earlier than initially planned.

The roadmap apparently contains three distinct milestone builds for Windows 7, with the first build, M1, apparently already shipped to partners for code validation.

M1 is reported to be English language only, but is shipping in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. M2 is slated to ship in April or May, while M3 is expected some time in the third quarter of 2008.

The rumour would certainly fit with Steve Ballmers statement last year that he wants to speed up the turnaround between new operating systems, though Microsoft refused to be drawn on the rumours.

"Were continuing to work with our customers and partners on the development of Windows 7, the next version of the client operating system," the company says. "Were not sharing additional information at this time; instead, were focused on helping customers today get the most value from their PCs using Windows Vista, and were encouraged by the response and adoption so far."

Though details on the operating system are sketchy, Microsoft is apparently looking at creating a more streamlined kernel. A wishlist of features was also apparently leaked onto the internet last year.

The report comes just as Vistas fortunes appear to be turning, with strong sales of PCs beginning to drive demand for the operating system.

So that might suck a bit for Vista buyers :mutley:

  • Offline Mark

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Re:Vista sucks
Reply #34 on: February 01, 2008, 17:14:02 PM
well, im using vista x64 on my laptop with 4GB ram and I have to say its fantastic.

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:Vista sucks
Reply #35 on: February 01, 2008, 17:20:08 PM
Quote from: Mark
well, im using vista x64 on my laptop with 4GB ram and I have to say its fantastic.

i would pretty much expect it to be at that spec.  Im using Vista Home Premium on this lappy, but all the effects are turned off, the security center is dead, the menuas are grey, and its pretty usable.  Turn all the crap on and it puts me in a towering rage within about an hour.  The menus and layouts are a pain in the arse.

Vista sucks
Reply #36 on: February 01, 2008, 23:29:37 PM
yeah, I dumped all the fancy menues etc... (same as i do in xp), the "windows classic" ones are much better.

runs faster than xp for me ;)   (tho i was on xp32 and im on vista64)

Re:Vista sucks
Reply #37 on: February 17, 2008, 11:02:15 AM

played about with vista on my sisters laptop .. over 60 things running .. managed to disble about 5, well crippling it, i only have 20 on xp .. not going anywhere near vista for a long time

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Re:Vista sucks
Reply #38 on: March 04, 2008, 02:12:32 AM
Why vista sucks, seems it was half baked and rushed out the door, just like QDOS (quick and dirty operating system) - the source for the original M$ dos operating system.


I love lawsuits. The smell of money has a way of dredging up all sorts of interesting and (previously) confidential information.

Take the case of the internal Microsoft email thread that surfaced recently in the wake of the pending "Vista Capable" class action suit. Here you have Steve Sinofsky, the newly appointed head of the Windows development team, confessing that Microsoft knew Vista wasnt ready to ship in late 2006. As he puts it:

    "No one really believed we would ever ship so they didnt start the work until very late in 2006."

It sounds to me like hes admitting that even Microsofts own developers had given up on ever getting Vista out the door. Of course, once they realized they were facing a real ship date (and not yet another moving target), the panic set in and they had to scramble to to meet the November RTM deadline. In other words, Vista RTM was the product of several weeks of Red Bull-infused "all nighters."


But the really juicy part comes later in the exchange. Here, Sinofsky points out that - even after the OS went RTM - a great many Windows XP drivers "didnt really work under Vista." He further explains that the fault lay with the "associated applets" - i.e the Control Panel icons, Task Bar widgets and Shell Extensions - which would not "run within the constraints of the security model or the new video/audio driver models."

How nice!

So, basically, they knew Vista would break a whole lot of stuff (Sinofsky admits that even his own home printer wouldnt work with the RTM drop), yet they kept their mouths shut and shipped the OS anyway. Not exactly what youd call "full disclosure," but then again forthrightness has never been one of Microsofts shortcomings.

Of course, those of us whove been using Vista since the early betas knew all of this, at least empirically. After dozens of bad driver experiences you begin to suspect that Microsofts vaunted backwards compatibility is not what it should be. Now, with the Sinofsky comments coming to light, we can finally confirm what we all believed to be the case: That UAC was more than just an annoyance. It actually broke things. Important things. Like the UI mechanisms for myriad device drivers.

The folks at Microsoft keep asking us to trust them: That they know what theyre doing; that the changes theyre making are for the best; and that theyll preserve our investments in each generation of Microsoft technology. But when the "dirty laundry" gets aired, and I come across exchanges like this one, I cant help but feel a bit betrayed.

Note to Microsoft: If youre trying to implement an important and worthwhile new technology - like UAC - and you know you need to break some stuff to get it done, please just own up the the problem and let the IT community make up its own mind. Because, chances are good that - if you deal with us honestly and present your case convincingly - well accept the "no pain, no gain" logic and go along with you. But playing "hush-hush" with a major compatibility issue when your own people are struggling with the problem, well thats just bad form all the way around.

  • Offline Mark

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Re:Vista sucks
Reply #39 on: March 04, 2008, 22:53:00 PM
sounds like the ramblings of someone whos unheard of 14.4k modem didnt work

And why all the whining about UAC - it turns off with a couple of clicks! His whole article was building up to a whine about a feature that is turned off with a few clicks

Everything I have worked, even my ECU software - that took 3 gos to get going in XP

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Re:Vista sucks
Reply #40 on: March 05, 2008, 03:03:01 AM
Lots of peoples stuff doesnt though, thats what all the complaints have been about. There are bound to be some peeps who have no problems.

Vista sucks
Reply #41 on: March 05, 2008, 09:36:14 AM

but theres a lot of noobs who dont know what theyre doing... and probably couldnt fresh install xp anyway....

(not talking about the people on here with this)

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:Vista sucks
Reply #42 on: March 05, 2008, 09:48:29 AM
Ive found various bits of software that dont work at all, or dont work properly on Vista.  Amoung other things im a fan of Old Games, and to play pretty much any of them I have install a Virtual Machine.  With XP64 they invariably "Just Play".  Ive also got a rather nice Epson 1200 series A3 scanner thats about 3 years old, and it doesnt work properly in Vista.  Works flawlessly in XP and 2k though.  Ive also found that a lot of old games will start, but the input doesnt work right.

Re:Vista sucks
Reply #43 on: March 05, 2008, 09:55:07 AM
My one and only bugbear with Vista (all flavours) is the damn Creative soundcard bug.  When my CPU useage heads up over 80% the sound goes all static.

FIX IT FOR FS SAKE.  Vistas been out long enough to get a service pack and Creative cant get a driver out that works properly.

On the other hand, ive converted the WMP11 to the 64bit version and installed the 64bit FFDShow so it plays Divx.  Seems to handle it quite nicely.

Re:Vista sucks
Reply #44 on: March 05, 2008, 11:27:12 AM
Quote from: soopahfly
My one and only bugbear with Vista (all flavours) is the damn Creative soundcard bug.  When my CPU useage heads up over 80% the sound goes all static.

FIX IT FOR FS SAKE.  Vistas been out long enough to get a service pack and Creative cant get a driver out that works properly.

On the other hand, ive converted the WMP11 to the 64bit version and installed the 64bit FFDShow so it plays Divx.  Seems to handle it quite nicely.

Thats the only issue with Creative, they cant do drivers at all. Every card of theirs I have had over the years their drivers either pack in or drop the sound cards. I moved to Hercules for the Theatre XP external boxes, was the best card Ive ever had, shame they dont make them anymore :(
Steam: Grey_Mata

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