Author Topic: Warner Brothers decides HD Format War? They have chosen to back....  (Read 4659 times)

Time Warner’s Warner Bros. studio Friday said it would exclusively release high-definition DVDs in Sony Corp’s Blu-ray format, dealing a big blow to Toshiba Corp’s rival HD DVD technology. Warner Bros, Hollywood’s biggest seller of DVDs, representing about 18 to 20% of sales in the United States, was one of the few studios that backed both formats. All sides of the format war had agreed it was confusing to consumers and a stumbling block for a potential multibillion-dollar industry. Total DVD unit sales fell 4.5% in 2007, the first major year-over-year decline since the disc format debuted in 1997, according to Adams Media Research. Sales fell 4.8% to $15.7 billion.

“The window of opportunity for high-definition DVD could be missed if format confusion continues to linger. We believe that exclusively distributing in Blu-ray will further the potential for mass market success and ultimately benefit retailers, producers, and most importantly, consumers,” Warner Bros Chairman and Chief Executive Barry Meyer said in a statement. News Corp’s 20th Century Fox, Walt Disney, and Lionsgate are among studios backing the Blu-ray format. Viacom’s Paramount studios and General Electric’s NBC Universal release movies in HD DVD format.Warner said it would continue releasing in the HD DVD format until the end of May, although those releases would follow the standard DVD and Blu-ray releases.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

  • Clockedtastic
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Great, theyre backing regionlocked-ray. I suppose its only a matter of time now before HD-DVD starts dropping off :(

Quote from: Clockd 0Ne
Great, theyre backing regionlocked-ray. I suppose its only a matter of time now before HD-DVD starts dropping off :(

Im glad, simply because it gives me an excuse to get a PS3

Im waiting to see what Toshiba, Universal, Paramount and Microsoft do now. What they need at this point is to sway someone like Disney to switch sides, otherwise its not looking good. However, Ill continue to buy HD-DVDs as long as they are being made and wont be buying into Blu-ray until HD-DVD is completely dead and buried and Blu-ray players are at a finalised spec and a decent price.

Whatever format the adult industry chooses will be a big xxx-factor.....

  • Offline Beaker

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Quote from: FaT LeoN
Whatever format the adult industry chooses will be a big xxx-factor.....

doubt it this time.  The real porn-heads are buying computers and just streaming it down.

Quote from: FaT LeoN
Whatever format the adult industry chooses will be a big xxx-factor.....

porn industry are ahead of the times & just offer films through the tinternet

This is very true technology has come along way since the vhs vs betamax war that the porn industry influenced well good luck to sony if they choose to boycott the adult industry...... but i think it wouldnt hurt? to have them on your side..... its going to happen, it will happen, even if people download there porn there is a market there.....

  • Offline Mark

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format war, or damp squib?

Physical media is dying a death. I dont see the point to a format war when there will be no physical media in 3-5 yrs.

Warner Brothers decides HD Format War? They have chosen to back....
Reply #9 on: January 06, 2008, 00:42:29 AM
My parents wont have the interent in 5 years, or 50. Therefore to buy a film they have to buy it on physical media. Not everyone has the internet, or even a computer!

  • Offline Mark

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15 years ago virtually no-one had a mobile. video calls were something out of star trek.

Delivery doesnt have to be via computer or the internet, therell be advances in VOD to take care of that.

  • Offline SteveF

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in all honesty - start streaming me 1080p/60 and Ill pay a stupidly high premium and think a lot of others would too.

These discs are lovely but HDs got to be close to being a streaming format in the nxt year or two, so which kind of cd it comes on will become redundant fast.

Quote from: SteveF
in all honesty - start streaming me 1080p/60 and Ill pay a stupidly high premium and think a lot of others would too.

These discs are lovely but HDs got to be close to being a streaming format in the nxt year or two, so which kind of cd it comes on will become redundant fast.

Its expensive for the kit just to stream it around your house.

  • Offline Mark

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It is now. It wont be very soon. Compact flash 4GB cost around £3-4000 (Yes, thousand) when it came out,  how much is it now!

Quote from: Mark
It is now. It wont be very soon. Compact flash 4GB cost around £3-4000 (Yes, thousand) when it came out,  how much is it now!

when did it come out? I paid £120 for a 4gb CF 4 years ago  :lol:

ATM theres a huge bandwidth problem.. BBC nearly scraped their HD channel because of it... but TBH, the only things Id want in HD is my Sport & My Movies.

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