Author Topic: Warner Brothers decides HD Format War? They have chosen to back....  (Read 4651 times)

  • Offline SteveF

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Quote from: TheMallrat
Indeed I do, but alls I am doing is trying to keep people from spreading false information.

I have a HD-DVD player too but essentially the HD-DVD format just died.

If they hadnt theyd be all over CES right now (since theyre sponsoring it).  The silence is deafening.

  • Offline neXus

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I think shock more then anything its been all swings and roundabouts with the formats and this decision I think was a shock and on a deal on the hush hush because they been reporting good US hd player sales compared to blu ray and MS was very much ni on certain to have hd as standard in the 360 soon

Quote from: SteveF
Quote from: TheMallrat
Indeed I do, but alls I am doing is trying to keep people from spreading false information.

I have a HD-DVD player too but essentially the HD-DVD format just died.

If they hadnt theyd be all over CES right now (since theyre sponsoring it).  The silence is deafening.

I think the reason they havent anounced anything at CES is simply because its been less than a week since Warners anouncement and the HD-DVD group have got to work out a plan that can keep them going.

Warner Brothers decides HD Format War? They have chosen to back....
Reply #48 on: January 10, 2008, 16:49:16 PM
Quote from: Deaths Head
TBH I think youll see HD-DVD media sales nose dive now since people dont have faith in the format.

Im not so sure on that as Toshibas HD-DVD players are still selling stronger than Blu-ray players on and with hardware sales, youre obviously gonna see software sales too.

  • Offline Beaker

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When it becomes mass-market rather than enthusiast and technophile territory youll see which wins.  At the moment i, and many others are sitting firmly on the fence to see which way the consumer jumps.  BR is technically superior, but HD-DVD has no DRM, and its region free.  I know which I prefer.

Warner Brothers decides HD Format War? They have chosen to back....
Reply #50 on: January 10, 2008, 17:09:01 PM
Quote from: TheMallrat
Quote from: Deaths Head
TBH I think youll see HD-DVD media sales nose dive now since people dont have faith in the format.

Im not so sure on that as Toshibas HD-DVD players are still selling stronger than Blu-ray players on and with hardware sales, youre obviously gonna see software sales too.

and that has nothing to do with the amazon 2 for 1 on hd-dvd movies then?

Figures aint out to reflect that sale yet, but Blu-Ray is still outselling hd-dvd by a ratio of 1.5:1
and a large chunk of those hd figures was for bourne.. which outsold the nearest blu disc by 2:1

instead of flogging a dead horse, sell up & get a PS 3 :-D

Why would I buy a £300 game system with only 1 or 2 good games on it?

Plus, the HD-DVD players have been in the top 10 for DVD players on Amazon since long before the 2 for 1 sale. HD-DVD ran 2 weeks of 2 for 1 and Blu-ray have been running 2 for 1 sales for the last 2 months. With the amount of players they have out there, shouldnt 2 months of 2 for 1 sales have gotten Blu-ray way above 1.5:1.

  • Offline neXus

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This is the thing and hopefully the hd-dvd group stick to and point out to the companies

Right now it is buisiness and money deciding things at the moment and it actually boils down to consumer level and mass consumer level

As has been said, region free, cheaper players, cheaper discs, movies on these discs seem to have been fleshed out more then blu ray(Since this has more capacity and potential etc and just not used) and I think for me region free is a big and nice thing and as has said before joe blogs will know what hd-dvd is.

But if hardware people just go and make players that can play both on mass it wont be to bad which wins

I just do not like the fact the "war" is not being decided by the consumers

Quote from: TheMallrat
Why would I buy a £300 game system with only 1 or 2 good games on it?

Plus, the HD-DVD players have been in the top 10 for DVD players on Amazon since long before the 2 for 1 sale. HD-DVD ran 2 weeks of 2 for 1 and Blu-ray have been running 2 for 1 sales for the last 2 months. With the amount of players they have out there, shouldnt 2 months of 2 for 1 sales have gotten Blu-ray way above 1.5:1.

Because you get the market leader in a blu-ray player + the added bonus of a home entertainment centre.
Id rather spend £300 on a PS3 than £200 on a player.

Universal will soon shift sides & that will be that. Every Major player would be behind blu-ray & its the Region Encoding which is the key factor.

Roll on Blu-Ray & roll on my savings kitty for a PS3

Universal have just anounced their commitment to the HD-DVD format, they aint going anywhere soon.

Warner Brothers decides HD Format War? They have chosen to back....
Reply #55 on: January 11, 2008, 01:27:41 AM
"Contrary to unsubstantiated rumors from unnamed sources, Universals current plan is to continue to support the HD DVD format,"
Plans can change as soon as you find the Escape button.  Some people are reading into Universal not announcing any titles at CES this year, forgetting they didnt release any details at last years CES.  Ive read quite a few posts by people regretting their HD-DVD holiday purchase because they now lack faith in the format.  Would you buy new films for a format that you think isnt going to get any new titles in 12 months time?  Alot of people arent even if you do.  It will be a good time for bargains as places dump their stock.

Spielberg is a big supporter of Bluray which means his films will only appear on that format.  Here.  Interesting to note is the bit about Paramount/Dreamworks announcing their exclusivity to HD-DVD but excludes Spielbergs films from the deal.  I am aware that Band of Brothers got released on HD-DVD over in Japan.

  • Offline neXus

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Warner Brothers decides HD Format War? They have chosen to back....
Reply #56 on: January 11, 2008, 01:44:03 AM
Quote from: Deaths Head

Spielberg is a big supporter of Bluray which means his films will only appear on that format.  Here.  Interesting to note is the bit about Paramount/Dreamworks announcing their exclusivity to HD-DVD but excludes Spielbergs films from the deal.  I am aware that Band of Brothers got released on HD-DVD over in Japan.

yet transformers of which he had a big hand in it is on hd-dvd and I swear I saw A.I on hd-dvd format when I picked up bladerunner in the airport shop flying out to NZ

  • Offline neXus

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Quote from: TheMallrat
Universal have just anounced their commitment to the HD-DVD format, they aint going anywhere soon.

not exactly the case;title;2

They will continue but they basically made sure they can change or go with both if need be, making sure they are covered, It is more of a downer on the hd-dvd format rather then an ok one

  • Offline Coded

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Sorry if this has been posted already, couldnt see anything about it, obviously no suprise seeing as Warners the parent company.

As we continue to monitor the HD DVD and Blu-ray drama, today both HBO and New Line Cinema announced that theyre leaving HD DVD behind and going exclusively Blu. The news shouldnt come as a shock to anyone though, seeing that both HBO and New Lines parent company is Warner, who made the Blu-ray jump last week. So, this means that starting now and through the foreseeable future, all HBO television shows as well as New Line releases will only come out on Blu-ray. We guess no more Sopranos HD DVDs for us.

Im still hoping HD will come through some how.

Quote from: Coded
Sorry if this has been posted already, couldnt see anything about it, obviously no suprise seeing as Warners the parent company.

As we continue to monitor the HD DVD and Blu-ray drama, today both HBO and New Line Cinema announced that theyre leaving HD DVD behind and going exclusively Blu. The news shouldnt come as a shock to anyone though, seeing that both HBO and New Lines parent company is Warner, who made the Blu-ray jump last week. So, this means that starting now and through the foreseeable future, all HBO television shows as well as New Line releases will only come out on Blu-ray. We guess no more Sopranos HD DVDs for us.

Im still hoping HD will come through some how.

newl line was annonunced same time as Warner as they are its sister company

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