Author Topic: Windows 2k3 and RRAS  (Read 1248 times)

Windows 2k3 and RRAS
on: June 19, 2006, 21:13:19 PM
Hey All,

Ive recently set up a new server 2k3 box with an internal ADSL modem which im trying to use instead of a modem/router combined for various reasons. I managed to get Routing and Remote Access working with the PCI modem through a bit of registry hacking so internet works across the entire network.

My problem is that the connection on the networked machines is going really slow. Its the same number of machines on the same connection so it makes sense the problem is related to the routing in 2k3. I believe i have disabled all the QoS stuff so now im stuck.

All help is appreciated.

p.s. the server is also a Domain Controller so ICS is out of the question


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