Author Topic: XP 64 bit?  (Read 2204 times)

  • Offline Beaker

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XP 64 bit?
on: April 06, 2007, 13:19:47 PM
Just wondering if the driver support is still crappy with it.  looking at getting anew rig in the next couple of weeks (thats if the prices are correct).  I do have multiple XP COAs already, but i _may_ pay for another OS if its worth it.  this will be my gaming rig, So vista is out of question until at least SP1 comes out.  

Re:XP 64 bit?
Reply #1 on: April 06, 2007, 13:22:43 PM
I wouldnt bother.  It hasnt become mainstream yet so support will still be irritating on odd hardware.  The performance gains arent stellar as far as I know, so Id stick the cash into some more ram or something instead and stick with 32bit.

  • Offline neXus

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Re:XP 64 bit?
Reply #2 on: April 06, 2007, 13:31:04 PM
xp 64 it is on service pack 2 now and performance improvements are very good.

Hardware issues - Handley any had an issue with my phone and there is the odd hardware but amd64 forum has people making things that work for it
Only thing I think that most have an issue is the fact that sony still not done a usb driver for their cameras that works but thats about it.

Not had any problems from new logitec mouse, wifi, soundmax mic, psp, ipod printer etc - all fine.

And if you do get a virus its 32 bit and dont work - I have had one in 2 years and it could not work.
The stigma that comes from it is rubbish now was 5 months after launch it was still ropey but if you got a 64bit system id go for this operating system.

Vista 64 - dont touch with a barge pole.

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:XP 64 bit?
Reply #3 on: April 06, 2007, 14:33:10 PM
stick with 32bit if its a gaming rig.  64 bit chips/OSs are still a bit pointless for gaming rigs and people not running big databases or science apps.

I get the windows OSs free with work and still use 32-bit on most machines for general use.  Theres only a couple I use 64-bit on but thats only for some maths grinding systems.  Other than that, theres just no benefit of having a 64-bit OS.

Since youd have to buy a new copy Id definitely say no.  What would you gain?  Increased memory addressing range?  big woop.

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:XP 64 bit?
Reply #4 on: April 14, 2007, 18:14:48 PM
Sorry to dig up and old post, but having spoken to someone and been informed hell add me to the group that can get XP64 as part of the MSDN subscription, would it be worthwhile?

  • Offline skidzilla

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XP 64 bit?
Reply #5 on: April 15, 2007, 09:37:43 AM
Its worthwhile as a tea/coffee coaster, but install it? Wouldnt bother, even 64-bit Linux is more compatible hardware-wise. :?

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:XP 64 bit?
Reply #6 on: April 15, 2007, 10:29:03 AM
Its for a new box, and the only bit of hardware that isnt fully suported appears to tbe the MX1000 MouseWare.  The Motherboard is AMDs latest chipset even.  Everyone keeps telling me there are issues with hardware support, and since the manaufacturers are producing full sets of drivers im tempted.  What I want to know is if there are any issues with software.  Im assuming Office 2k will run ok, but im wondering about how games and the like work.  

Plus one advantage is im starting it with 2Gb of RAM, ill be adding another 2Gb next month.  Give it 12 months itll get upgraded past that as RAM prices fall even further.  When you get past 4Gb XP 32 Bit is screwed, and I wont use Vista until at least the 1st service pack(more likely Vista SP2).  Ive been there before with 2k, i bought it when it 1st came out and installed it, then rolled back to NT4 about 2 weeks later.  

Re:XP 64 bit?
Reply #7 on: April 15, 2007, 13:34:01 PM
Is it not the case that 32bit applications run in a 32-bit emulation mode? Theres bound to be web comparisoms between game performance in the two OSs.

Re:XP 64 bit?
Reply #8 on: April 15, 2007, 13:53:02 PM
Quote from: Beaker
Its for a new box, and the only bit of hardware that isnt fully suported appears to tbe the MX1000 MouseWare.  The Motherboard is AMDs latest chipset even.  Everyone keeps telling me there are issues with hardware support, and since the manaufacturers are producing full sets of drivers im tempted.  What I want to know is if there are any issues with software.  Im assuming Office 2k will run ok, but im wondering about how games and the like work.  

Plus one advantage is im starting it with 2Gb of RAM, ill be adding another 2Gb next month.  Give it 12 months itll get upgraded past that as RAM prices fall even further.  When you get past 4Gb XP 32 Bit is screwed, and I wont use Vista until at least the 1st service pack(more likely Vista SP2).  Ive been there before with 2k, i bought it when it 1st came out and installed it, then rolled back to NT4 about 2 weeks later.  

Bare in mind VISTA 32bit supports a max of 4GB memory.

Now thats not RAM like you and I might think but 4 GB memory in total.

My housemate bought 4gb of ram, inserted it and ran vista up... only 3gb appeared.

Turns out it takes video memory (he has 2 512mb 6800s) as addressable memory as well. will only ever show 3gb.... removes a video card, voila 3.5gb, puts it back in... 3gb.. :D lol.

Very very gay. :D

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:XP 64 bit?
Reply #9 on: April 15, 2007, 14:11:35 PM
Quote from: Ceathreamhnan
Is it not the case that 32bit applications run in a 32-bit emulation mode? Theres bound to be web comparisoms between game performance in the two OSs.

ive been hunting around, and all i can find are reviews from when it 1st came out that all say Hardware support is terrible.  Ill have another hunt round later otday, something may surface thats of interest.

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:XP 64 bit?
Reply #10 on: April 15, 2007, 14:14:52 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad

Bare in mind VISTA 32bit supports a max of 4GB memory.

Now thats not RAM like you and I might think but 4 GB memory in total.

My housemate bought 4gb of ram, inserted it and ran vista up... only 3gb appeared.

Turns out it takes video memory (he has 2 512mb 6800s) as addressable memory as well. will only ever show 3gb.... removes a video card, voila 3.5gb, puts it back in... 3gb.. :D lol.

Very very gay. :D

didnt know it was THAT harsh with RAM allocation.  So my choices are Vista Business Edition 64 Bit install, or XP Pro64.  Look slike ill be trying out XP64 before I do anything else then.  im kinda hoping when i get up to 4Gb of RAM i wont have to bother with a page file.

XP 64 bit?
Reply #11 on: April 15, 2007, 14:15:45 PM
when i ran it, i think it was actually faster for games etc...   windows itself defenatly run a smidge faster, (IE 64bit etc..)

I only un-installed it due to lack of printer drivers :(

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:XP 64 bit?
Reply #12 on: April 17, 2007, 23:41:17 PM
I surrender.  Ive wiped it out after finding it doesnt like my new GFX card. It cant seem to get its head round the fact i have a 1250 on the board, and a 1950 in the PCI socket.  it keeps getting confused and crashes.  XP-home here i come.  

Re:XP 64 bit?
Reply #13 on: April 17, 2007, 23:49:01 PM
Can you not disable the 1250 in the BIOS?

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:XP 64 bit?
Reply #14 on: April 18, 2007, 00:02:11 AM
Quote from: funkychicken9000
Can you not disable the 1250 in the BIOS?

yes, but it still notices that something is there.  It appears the Motherboard drivers aren;t very well done for the board i have.  Ive given up, an associate of mine has the same MB and a slightly different GFX card, his works fine.  Im going to roll back to XP and use the cash i was going to spend on another 2Gb of RAM on a new NAS and print server.  Might put XP-Pro on it when work give me my free licences.

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