Author Topic: ***serious screaming***  (Read 3625 times)

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Re:***serious screaming***
Reply #15 on: July 15, 2007, 13:33:10 PM
If you think thats funny, Im now at 92K words, 8K spare to finish the first draft. Then I need to edit, which might add another 5K words or more. Absolute max is 120K words.

Ive got another scene I remembered I should have written too.

[Russian presidential voice] Oh mother Russia, Im running out of words!

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Re:***serious screaming***
Reply #16 on: July 21, 2007, 10:53:01 AM
First Draft finished! 100348 words. Tiny bit over but I included an extra scene I needed.

He took the proffered picture. "It’s me, carrying you across a river? I never did that!”

“No,” she agreed, “but then again neither did any of the other saints. As you can see there is an inscription on the bottom to your son, Daniel. And it’s signed by me. The other two will be ready shortly. You wouldn’t like a piece of the true cross to go with that, would you?”

He put the picture down, “a genuine artefact?”

“Well, a genuine fake artefact. I’m damn well positive that there was only one piece of the true cross on board the colony ship when we left earth, and that was mine. I still have it and I know that’s fake ‘cause it’s pine wood cut down after 753AD. Yet every church on the planet has it’s own, some of them six feet long or more. If all the rest of them are fake then another one won’t make any difference, honest.”

Lexington was definitely shocked and sat down on one of the stone benches. “How many real artefacts are there?”

“There’s my towel at First Landing, then at least two of Saint Helda’s hands are real. The other pair are fake, but they were someone’s hands. Five hundred and thirty of the bibles, near enough, actually were transported on the colony ship too. Everything else is either copied, from illustrations in the ships memory banks, or fake. Some make a really good living from producing them.”

“The scroll? The one that brought us on this pilgrimage?”

“Err, I faked that, same as most of the rest. I produced it on the day that Protector March announced that he had found out about the spectal pilgrimage.”Elenor stood by the knight, arm across his shoulders. “You don’t look too well. Bit too much reality?”

“I never suspected... This?”

“Neither did anyone else, me included. It just sort of happened and then we couldn’t do much about it."

Anything about that which isnt believable?  :twisted:

***serious screaming***
Reply #17 on: July 26, 2007, 05:10:49 AM
Do you already have a publisher for this? Hence the max words? Or no?

Im considering writing a short story now, lol. Used to write a few as a child, but nothing ever came of it, just got a real urge to do something. :)

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Re:***serious screaming***
Reply #18 on: July 26, 2007, 08:35:37 AM
Im just using the reference from Baen books - 80-120K words. After writing I edit it, that means its going to expand a bit as bits I didnt do get covered. If I end up going too far initially then there wouldnt be any room left.

Ive finally sorted out a path and know whats going to happen, at least roughly in the second book and the ending of the third. The present ending would give me an option to continue on to a fourth and possibly a fifth.

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