Author Topic: 1 Year on  (Read 2702 times)

  • Offline neXus

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1 Year on
on: September 19, 2017, 14:04:49 PM
Firstly I just wanted to say congrats to Nige for joining the dad club.
In the early days most of us were single/dating/without kids but I guess many of us are now parents?

I just wanted to share quickly how we finding things and stuff I noted and interested to hear other stories, maybe advise and so on.

Lachlan turned 1 last month.

Just some things with him, some challenges etc.

- Saying a lot early, development tests he’s ahead of for his age
- Although lower end of good weight (Just because he is so active) he eats Heaps and well, loves his fruit
- Tall
- Bi-lingual

Less Positive:
- We are a non dummy family and sleeping and the self soothing is a hard one, he is still up 1-2 times a night. As he is going day care we thought
- Does not really sleep in the day, especially at Day Cay, he thinks he will miss too much.
- Not one of those sit and listen babies, ALWAYS on the move

Other things:
- Not walking yet, he can, when he is not thinking about it he will walk between things, its just a confidence thing at this point
- Although we said "Daddy" and "Mummy" along with "Dad" and "Mum" he has stuck with "Dadda" and "Mumma" on his own.
- Since about 6 months he dances, it is the funniest thing and has different moves for different songs as well. He likes the good stuff, 80's mainly. Jackson 5 he loves, Aha and lots of the songs I know we all like and not much modern chart.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Re: 1 Year on
Reply #1 on: September 19, 2017, 19:10:46 PM
Cheers dude  :cheers: :ptu:

Little Finley was 3 weeks premature but has piled on the weight and is well on track. We're only 10 weeks in and dealing with the early evening crying stage, seems like one thing after another that is a challenge for them, first it was wind and pooping - its really not much fun being a newborn! Woe betide you if you try and take boob away from him too... When he is happy and playful though, can't beat it Wub.

We've got a lot to look forward to ;D

Re: 1 Year on
Reply #2 on: September 20, 2017, 17:16:55 PM
congrats to both of you :-)

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Re: 1 Year on
Reply #3 on: September 21, 2017, 20:25:45 PM
Each baby is unique, and develops at it's own rate. Some can seem really slow but later catch up very fast. One friend's son didn't get started talking until after he was three, then became a goddam motor mouth. Some toddlers sleep an incredible amount, others a lot less.

The more intelligent parents, and especially if they haven't had a previous child, tend to worry a heck of a lot when there isn't really a problem.

I didn't have a dummy either, not because I wasn't offered one, but because I didn't want it. I didn't go to nursery or 'day care.

To be honest I think there is an awful lot of pressure on parents that just wasn't there 50 years ago. This is one area where the 'nanny state' has gone gaga.

  • Offline neXus

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Re: 1 Year on
Reply #4 on: December 26, 2017, 12:08:45 PM
Each baby is unique, and develops at it's own rate. Some can seem really slow but later catch up very fast. One friend's son didn't get started talking until after he was three, then became a goddam motor mouth. Some toddlers sleep an incredible amount, others a lot less.

The more intelligent parents, and especially if they haven't had a previous child, tend to worry a heck of a lot when there isn't really a problem.

I didn't have a dummy either, not because I wasn't offered one, but because I didn't want it. I didn't go to nursery or 'day care.

To be honest I think there is an awful lot of pressure on parents that just wasn't there 50 years ago. This is one area where the 'nanny state' has gone gaga.

One thing I have noticed with friends and friends with friends - Seen an alarming number of the dad's basically end things after the baby. Seems a lot of modern men just find it too hard and cant hack it at all.
It is hard but you got to work at it, learn to live without the sleep and try to adapt your life while not completely letting it revolve around the baby either.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Re: 1 Year on
Reply #5 on: December 28, 2017, 11:39:29 AM
I love my boy to bits, I can't imagine how any of these sack of sh*t 'dads' can't step up to the mark. Losing sleep? I ain't got time for sleep

  • Offline neXus

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Re: 1 Year on
Reply #6 on: January 12, 2018, 03:22:58 AM
I love my boy to bits, I can't imagine how any of these sack of sh*t 'dads' can't step up to the mark. Losing sleep? I ain't got time for sleep

Same mate, it can be hard as hell at times, you can be pretty much a zombie or (as you will see mate) sometimes be a little sh*t but does not change how much I love him.

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