Author Topic: yay for peircings!  (Read 2135 times)

Re:yay for peircings!
Reply #15 on: September 13, 2009, 00:59:23 AM
Im using 0.6, well, technically, 6, which is one teaspoon of that, mixed with 10 of water...
And, Im making my own, it seemed like the easiest option, and Im scared of the people at the chemist =\
And I waited 6 weeks, like he told me to before I had it changed, I think it was right at the beginning of August I had it done
My ear has gone all warm. I think it knows Im talking about it (:

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yay for peircings!
Reply #16 on: September 13, 2009, 01:03:07 AM
Mixing your own saline is a bad idea too as its really easy to add too much salt which can burn the wound.

Did you change it yourself or did your piercer do it?
It's all fun and games until a 200' robot dinosaur shows up and trashes Neo-Tokyo… Again.

Re:yay for peircings!
Reply #17 on: September 13, 2009, 01:05:46 AM
hmm, maybe Ill get my mum to go get me some Monday then...
And he did it, I didnt want to touch it, I couldnt really see, and because it was part of what I payed for

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yay for peircings!
Reply #18 on: September 13, 2009, 01:16:29 AM
Thats not so bad. I assume the jewellery is externally threaded? The rough edges of the threads going through an open & infected wound can cause further irritation, but since its done, its done. The best you can really do is to keep on top of cleaning it and not be afraid to go talk to your piercer if you get concerned. My industrial took around six months before is stopped oozing, and about another six to completely heal to the point that I could no longer feel it throbbing or burning occasionally. Absolutely my favourite piercing I have though.
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Re:yay for peircings!
Reply #19 on: September 13, 2009, 04:27:37 AM
Quote from: Beanissocoollike

I would go have another piercer go look at it, but seriously, in Fareham and Portsmouth and the surrounding area, they are probably the best studio there is, all the others have really bad reputation, and Im not going out of the city just for my ear (:

You could have caught some really nasty infection and become deaf on that side, or worse, they cant amputate your head to save your body. An ear collapse is caused by the infection eating the cartilage.

An infection can equally mean they didnt clean the equipment or your ear properly before doing it. Personally I would suggest you go see your doctor, just in case.

BTW did he use a gun or one time needles?

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Re:yay for peircings!
Reply #20 on: September 13, 2009, 09:41:37 AM
I seriously dont think she has an infection, just a bit of weeping and hypertrophic scarring that was forming which should now go down seeing as the pressure is hopefully being relieved.

The piercer also suggested she might want to try tea tree oil on it, but he did advise that this might irritate it yet some find it effective. Have you got any experience of this Goblin?

Re:yay for peircings!
Reply #21 on: September 13, 2009, 12:47:54 PM
From what he was doing it looked all safe, he sterilised the bars before putting them in, used antiseptic wipes before piercing my ear, and it was the needle he used. Theyre not allowed to use the guns because they use quite high force to push it through, it means that they can crush the cartilage. (And you cant sterilise guns, manky =\)

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yay for peircings!
Reply #22 on: September 13, 2009, 19:33:30 PM
I used tea tree oil on my first nipple piercing and it was fine. is worth a read. Basically, keeping it clean is the key (as with any other wound). Piercings, naturally, take longer to heal than an ordinary would since there is a foreign body present that your immune system will do its best to get rid of. The only way a piercing will take is if it is easier for the body to heal round it than push it out. With cartilage it is basically impossible to reject, but its also a difficult place to heal.

Everything else sounds like the piercer was competent and applied appropriate sterilisation techniques, so its really just a case of getting on with it and not to let up on the cleaning routine and doing what you can to avoid introducing foreign material while it heals. Keeping the hair back is good, partly as its a natural harbour for airborne bacteria and things like soot particles and partly  because every time you catch it it will cause more trauma to the wound and increase the healing time.

And dont pick the scabs :)
It's all fun and games until a 200' robot dinosaur shows up and trashes Neo-Tokyo… Again.

Re:yay for peircings!
Reply #23 on: September 13, 2009, 21:06:18 PM
thanks (: I know that these sort of peircings take ages to heal, but Ill get used to the whole cleaning routine, Ill be doing it for about another 5 months. My hair is a pain, Ill have to adopt a new hairstyle, or shave that side of my head... on second thoughts, no. (:
And you know my weakness! ): I shall try not to Mr Goblin (:

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yay for peircings!
Reply #24 on: September 14, 2009, 01:40:51 AM
Quote from: Goblin
I used tea tree oil on my first nipple piercing and it was fine. is worth a read.

I use that stuff, saved me from a very nasty infection when my toes began to go black. Also useful for spots. OTOH its a bit strong, should be OK on the earlobe but not right inside the ear.

Another option thats coming back into use is honey, (or sugar paste) the high level of sucrose sucks the liquid out of any bacteria killing them. Use goes back to the Egyptians who put it on battle wounds and in operations.

Beans, rather shaving your hair go get some tea tree oil and add a few drops to your shampoo when you do your hair. Also tie it back if its really long temporarily using a hairnet or one of the food use covers might also be useful.

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