Author Topic: Boris and EU play deal or no deal.  (Read 7249 times)

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Boris and EU play deal or no deal.
on: October 14, 2020, 21:36:16 PM
Brexit was done at the end of January, or was it?

Seems many months later Boris is still bluffing and it looks like the EU member countries could call that bluff if he does not make large concessions.

France stands to lose some trade with Britain, but gain a lot of ours with other EU countries and ones the EU has deals with. Others will have sticking points too and effectively the UK will have to surrender a lot to get any deal with them or the USA. If they break the Good Friday agreement then don't expect any deals with the Americans, no matter who is in power there.

So will Boris stick to the limit's presently set, or surrender? I am fairly sure that if the Brexit voters had known what they were putting their country into enough of them might have voted differently.

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Re: Boris and EU play deal or no deal.
Reply #1 on: October 15, 2020, 08:53:05 AM
I don't really care about any of it, whatever happens we all get shafted one way or another. No one of any virtue remains to govern.

Between this farce and 'Whose COVID-19 Is It Anyway? Where the rules are made up and the numbers don't matter' I'm done with 2020. I've got three weeks booked off for Dec-Jan so I'm gonna eat, drink, watch the LOTR in 4K and be merry then wait to see what a sh*tshow 2021 becomes! :santa: :ptu:

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Re: Boris and EU play deal or no deal.
Reply #2 on: October 16, 2020, 02:50:27 AM
I don't really care about any of it, whatever happens we all get shafted one way or another. No one of any virtue remains to govern.

Between this farce and 'Whose COVID-19 Is It Anyway? Where the rules are made up and the numbers don't matter' I'm done with 2020. I've got three weeks booked off for Dec-Jan so I'm gonna eat, drink, watch the LOTR in 4K and be merry then wait to see what a sh*tshow 2021 becomes! :santa: :ptu:

That is the thing. It is never about us normal people, All this is what the people in power get or do not get and what the big companies that actually drive the money for the country and the people in the positions at those companies.
Basically the multi millionaire / billionaires.

Everything and anything else politicians do OR moreover SAY is to drive Votes and try to keep the mob shush.

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Re: Boris and EU play deal or no deal.
Reply #3 on: October 21, 2020, 20:50:53 PM
Boris has claimed that the talks have ended, except, nobody believes him. Oh the real Brexiteer loons are beating their shields like crazy saying how he's done the right thing and that a no deal Brexit would be so good for us, but that's it.

Even with that statement it's obvious that talks haven't stopped, all you have to do is watch the EU negotiators and what they are saying. Previously when Boris made such a statement the markets reacted negatively, the pound dropped. This time they didn't even blink.

The EU didn't believe him, the markets didn't believe him, the politicians didn't believe him and I certainly didn't either. Boris is like the little boy who shouted wolf far too often. He's a well known liar and being treat as such.

Brexit isn't there to limit the shafting that average people get, those with less than ten million pounds in investments and property,- excluding home value. It's to protect those with hundreds of millions to billions, and international corporates. from having to pay their fair share, and so that the Tory backers in disaster investment can make a load of money from our loss.

Brexit happened, I got over it, except, as I've said before it hasn't died and it won't. We now have the specter to deal with and covid-19 won't make it any easier.

I wonder if I can invest a few billion I haven't got in government loans? Would be a great income for the future, with everyone else paying.

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Re: Boris and EU play deal or no deal.
Reply #4 on: December 16, 2020, 17:39:51 PM
More lies from Boris and Tory ministers/MPs. Tory newspapers still intermittently putting out fake news. Still stuck in negotiation and under two weeks to a no deal.

Note that we were promised a deal would be quick, easy and better than remaining inside the EU - four and a half years ago.

Oh and some goods meant to be unloaded in England have been diverted to EU ports and are presently stuck there. Some shipping companies are refusing to release because it's the wrong port and importers are facing the issue of huge amounts of paperwork and additional costs involved. Note that we are still in the EU trade area, we don't exit until January.

From BBC "On top of skyrocketing shipping rates, carriers are adding congestion charges for imports to Felixstowe and Southampton, because of severe delays."

"Alex Veitch, boss of trade group Logistics UK, blamed the disruption on "the three C's".

"It's the Christmas rush, coronavirus, which is still causing supply chain disruption, and now customs - or the uncertainty around it, with businesses taking the decision to move goods in and out of the UK in case there is a no-deal Brexit," he told the BBC. "

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Re: Boris and EU play deal or no deal.
Reply #5 on: December 24, 2020, 21:39:23 PM
Seems like the have a deal, inevitably far worse than the deal we had before the referendum. They haven't released full details yet but we gain a little fish that we don't eat and inevitably lose a lot of our financial services.

MPs have been recalled to vote on 30th December. Starmer says Labour will support on the basis of a bad deal for the UK being better than no deal.

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Re: Boris and EU play deal or no deal.
Reply #6 on: December 29, 2020, 09:11:56 AM
What happened.

Boris "we surrender give us a few fish."  :( :(

EU "there you go, sign. Oh and services, meaning 80% of your trade, isn't covered. Our exports are all in there. You still have to follow our rules or better. More negotiations later."  :ptu: :ptu: :ptu:

Boris "fine." :(

EU "now drop your pants and bend over like a good little bitch."

Boris  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Me WTF happened? :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :disappointed:

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Re: Boris and EU play deal or no deal.
Reply #7 on: January 02, 2021, 02:26:39 AM
We're seeing the beginnings of problems here in Northern Ireland. Dpd, hermes and several other couriers have stopped delivering here. That's already causing major problems for some retailers.

A friend runs a courier firm here that deals with palletised freight and a system is in place only for single items. Since new years he has been unable to move goods to GB

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Re: Boris and EU play deal or no deal.
Reply #8 on: January 02, 2021, 13:08:21 PM
The reason we ended up with congestion around the ports before Christmas was companies were trying to get ready with no help from the UK government. At the moment Dover is not full, mostly because few drivers wants to risk going.

This is not going to get any better soon. UK has some extra supplies in but how long will they last?

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Re: Boris and EU play deal or no deal.
Reply #9 on: January 27, 2021, 20:04:59 PM
Port of Dover surprisingly empty. It is still blocked but the UK lorries are being held in parks for two days or more. Often that means they are getting fined £300 for being in Kent without a valid permit.

That's why fishing companies aren't working, they can't export their produce fast enough to be regarded as fresh. Meanwhile the EU lorry drivers are coming over, no stopping, dropping their load and going straight back empty. No cargo no customs.

Some might think it's Boris' horrid deal that is the problem and it is to an extent. In order to cure it you would need to be inside the single market.

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