Author Topic: Creationism - We wont go the way of the States yet...  (Read 6436 times)

  • Offline Sara

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...I hope!

Asked in an interview with the Guardian if he was comfortable with the teaching of creationism in schools, [Archbishop of Canterbury] Dr Rowan Williams said: "Ah, not very."

Creationism - We wont go the way of the States yet...
Reply #1 on: March 21, 2006, 16:02:39 PM
Its not taught in any schools here either, but crap laws putting stickers on books such as "evolution is just a theory" have gone through.

Its used as a political and cultural weapon. Ugh.

The people treat the bible as a literalists buffet, instead of a collection of inspired and sometimes enlightening musing.

...gotta go, time to stone my daughter to death for not doing the dishes properly...

Re:Creationism - We wont go the way of the States yet...
Reply #2 on: March 21, 2006, 20:10:47 PM
Yup! hes got the same opinion as me.

Discuss religion in the correct theatre. For example in religious education class, not during science lessons.

I think thats the failing with american schools to be honest, theres no "religious education" lessons to discuss topics like this in, so they feel compelled to force it in with other lessons that just dont make sense.

Add a new lesson to your curriculum covering religions of the world in your class, dont involve prayer it doesnt belong in a non-church school, but give kids the opportunity to learn about different religions around the world as over here. Ive visited mosques, synagogues, churches discussed ethics with rabbis, canons, vicars, and imams and various other religious leaders. Ive also discussed things through with athiests and agnostic group leaders.

This is all through my school in Religious Education lessons. Its left me a more rounded person, I am familiar with all there is to know about creationism, and also theories surrounding vishnu and co.

Why the hell cant american schools get the same idea?

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Re:Creationism - We wont go the way of the States yet...
Reply #3 on: March 21, 2006, 20:16:21 PM
Thers quite a bit of real history in the bible but a lot of it has been misheard and translated over the years so it aint what it used to be.

There is some pressure here now but so far its not had any actual effect and it isnt likely to. We are far too much of a multicultural society for any one group to impose an issue like that, America has a far higher proportion of evangelists and Born Again Christians (most BACs need their heads examining TBH).

Quote from: M3ta7h3ad

I think thats the failing with american schools to be honest, theres no "religious education" lessons to discuss topics like this in, so they feel compelled to force it in with other lessons that just dont make sense.

I think on previous evidence they would do it anyway. At least one religious group has put up an edutainment museum that tries to indicate that dinosaurs lived alongside humans rather than predate them. Must admit I had a good laugh at that one before I realised the consequences to IQ challenged people in the US.

Creationism - We wont go the way of the States yet...
Reply #4 on: March 21, 2006, 20:34:01 PM
Id just be happy if the Book of Revelation was excised from the collection. Makes folks around here act really [twirls fringer around ear] nutso.

Somebody asked Bush if his apocalyptic mindset affected foreign policy yesterday. Ohhhh, the uncomfortable silence, then stuttering denial. :evil:

Creationism - We wont go the way of the States yet...
Reply #5 on: March 21, 2006, 20:38:19 PM
Quote from: maximusotter
Id just be happy if the Book of Revelation was excised from the collection. Makes folks around here act really [twirls fringer around ear] nutso.

Somebody asked Bush if his apocalyptic mindset affected foreign policy yesterday. Ohhhh, the uncomfortable silence, then stuttering denial. :evil:

lol I love the book of revelation, adds a bit of excitement :) Admittedly if your a nutter it could affect you. But dont deny us sane folk our kicks :D

Used to be a softy and loved the book of Corinthians too :D

  • Offline Sara

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Creationism - We wont go the way of the States yet...
Reply #6 on: March 21, 2006, 20:38:49 PM
Quote from: maximusotter
Id just be happy if the Book of Revelation was excised from the collection. Makes folks around here act really [twirls fringer around ear] nutso.

Somebody asked Bush if his apocalyptic mindset affected foreign policy yesterday. Ohhhh, the uncomfortable silence, then stuttering denial. :evil:

Aye, its all a bit fire-and-brimstone, expecting the "Rapture" and all that.

Anyone read any of the "Left Behind" series of books? Ive read on or two - interesting story about the end of the world, Rapture, Rise of the AntiChrist etc and I gather the Second Coming. But also a bit weird.

I do wonder what Bush et al think of loving and praying for enemies, turning the other cheek, those who live by the sword die by the sword, etc. Maybe doesnt consider the invasion of Iraq to be a war. Sigh.

I know this is totally off topic now but you know - I think Saddam would have been better left in power. He obviously knew how to keep the warring factions in Iraq under control.

Creationism - We wont go the way of the States yet...
Reply #7 on: March 21, 2006, 20:48:41 PM
Everything was bungled from day one. Compared to whats happening now, the average Iraqi had it much better under mr. moustache. Before, you knew that if you kept your mouth zipped and faked your allegiance to the Bath party, youd most likely live a long time, but now they have the excitement of roving murder squads. Yay! Woo! Eek.

Happy third war anniversary everybody! :(

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Re:Creationism - We wont go the way of the States yet...
Reply #8 on: March 21, 2006, 21:09:36 PM
Firstly they really muffed up after the invasion, Bush didnt put enough troops in to keep the peace. As it stands we have no proof either way that they are better or worse off. In the long term they might be better off but we will never know, they could have been a lot better off than they are now though.

Really all you have to do to get most BACs going is to suggest switching around the first six days in the creation bit so that the making of the sun comes before light, it really pees them off ... :twisted: :mutley:

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Creationism - We wont go the way of the States yet...
Reply #9 on: March 21, 2006, 21:11:32 PM
Quote from: Sara

I know this is totally off topic now but you know - I think Saddam would have been better left in power. He obviously knew how to keep the warring factions in Iraq under control.


I can kinda see your thinking, but from what I understand the control was maintained basically by completely oppressing one of the two main muslim groups in Iraq (and anyone else who disagreed with his regime), and because they were seen to be getting preferential treatment, the other lot fell into line.

[/vast oversimplification]
"Within your 'purview'? Where do you think you are, some f**king regency costume drama? This is a government department, not some f**king Jane f**king Austen novel!"

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Re:Creationism - We wont go the way of the States yet...
Reply #10 on: March 21, 2006, 21:14:51 PM
Not just preferentila treatment, he opressed everyone and killed/tortured those that were judged to be any threat. He included families in the torture not just the suspect so a man being taken in could see his wife and children tortured or murdered.

The Sadam regime wasnt a walk in the park

Creationism - We wont go the way of the States yet...
Reply #11 on: March 21, 2006, 21:17:40 PM
To sort of bring the thread back around, the Busheviks are now using this need to overthrow an evil dictator to free people as the sole defendable reason for invasion.  Faith and freedom are mixed in the same speeches. Urg.

Plenty of repressive regimes around the world, Saddam was pretty far down on the list compared to Korea, and many of the notorious corrupt dictatorships in Africa.

Dont think oil had anything to do with it. No, never oil, it was about Christian brotherhood...yeah, thats the ticket.

Re:Creationism - We wont go the way of the States yet...
Reply #12 on: March 21, 2006, 21:19:44 PM
Quote from: Serious

The Sadam regime wasnt a walk in the park

Yeah, but thinking that a vacuum of power in an arab country full of clashing tribes, somehow creates natural democracy instead of insurgency and violence is pretty naive.

Creationism - We wont go the way of the States yet...
Reply #13 on: March 21, 2006, 21:28:01 PM
My boss is a bible-basher... now before i get flamed, i dont use this a an insult, i use it as a descriptive term of someone who tries to force their beliefs on others, ie bashing the bible down their throat.

I say this because whilst in work the other day i mentioned that in my opinion, religion is the source of all war.... to which he agreed, and said this was a good thing... how else could we protect our religion?

So my point to him was...."Well maybe we should abolish all religion, after all, you dont see athiests warring with each other do you?"
Him.."That would never work, its a silly idea"
Me..."So what would you do if your son, at 19, turned round and said im an athiest. Would it bother you?"
Him.."Of course it wouldnt bother me, everyone got the right to make a mistake"

Not "got the right to make their own choice" or "make their own decision".... "Make a mistake" i was silently livid!! (he writes the reports on me to uni!!)

Creationism - We wont go the way of the States yet...
Reply #14 on: March 21, 2006, 21:33:19 PM
Make a mistake? Ask the jerk for empirical proof that believing in something that cannot be seen is a mistake.

Religion can do some folks good, but when its taken to its extreme, like insisting on teaching creationism when there is compelling evidence that its bogus--thats when youve taken the train to stoopidville.

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