Author Topic: Do not place fingers inside of high-speed rotary cooling devices when power is on.  (Read 5249 times)

meh... cant really see it, as I folded the skin back into place. See the red line to the left of the white ming?... it sliced all that skin back like a big flap, just took a chunk out of me thumb, under the white skin is a hole where the chunk was. :)

you have more flesh than that.

stop being a pansy :P

lol :D bled like a bastard last night :P and hurt like hell. Looked more ming too. :|

did it smell of feet.

i cut my finger while i was in school. cut the top off it, wrapped it up with electrical tape carried on what i was doing.  

Who says I stopped what I was doing. I got a plaster on it and carried on pratting around with the bastard fan. :D

plaster lol

real men use air to seal their wounds

aye but real men dont like blood dripping over their computer cases :)

or.. like flaps of skin catching on stuff.

big pandsy !

your suposed to wait till you find little blood splaters around, then look and say "oh i cut myself" then ignore it and keep working...... not run off to your mother !!! :p

lol!! :) You try cutting a plaster strip with one hand in your mouth pouring blood out.

Easier to just get someone else to do it. :) (in my defence, I put it on myself once it had been cut to size :))

No.... try walking 300m back to your villa from the shared pool you were just running round, when you accidentally slammed your big toe one side of the other foots achelies(sp) tendon and the toe next to it the other side, thus tearing the webbing ALL the way round and causing it to bleed a pool of blood with ever step.

Then try sitting in a car for 30 mins whilst you drive to the nearest hospital in Spain.

Then try haveing it stiched by one doctor whilst another holds you toes apart.

Then try walking round Benidorm the next day because youve GOT to go and visit a rondom friend of your parents.....

Thats pain! :D

This is turning into a Yorkshiremen thread

"We were so poor that i had to...."

just with whining pansies

Im not whining.... just saying that slicing a bit of thumb isnt pain compared to other stuff!

Having a car drop on your hand now that is pain, had to help jack the car off my dads hand. Also when my dad had Meningites he said you will never feel any worse pain then having to bend over and have a needle lined all the way up your spine to drain fluid, and also release pressure on your brain... (He brought it up when I wanted to try out some illegal substance and gave me a scare story of having to go to hospital to take the fluids out my spine :( )

lol... Ive had an epidural. Sure it hurts.. for about 30 seconds then the lignacaine kicks in you cant walk let alone bloody feel anything. :D lol.

Lay on the bed, drop trousers, then wince as they shove a needle inbetween your ass cheeks, by your coccyx and get yelled at for "clenching". Then ahhh all gone.

This thumb thing was more of a "F**k ow! ow bastard aahh twat! ow!!" for the best part of 20 minutes, then it was "ahhh.. caught it.. bastard!" for the rest of the night and day.

meh, try getting both your big toe nails removed at the same time.. yeah its fine when u wake up but when they change the dressing and you try to be a man and not take any pain killers... you will know all about pain

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