Author Topic: Do not place fingers inside of high-speed rotary cooling devices when power is on.  (Read 5251 times)

  • Offline Thrawn

  • Posts: 250
  • Sr. Member
Ha try being fed testicle first into a blender filled with tcp and sulphuric acid, whilst mr T slaps you about the face with a cricket bat and your own mother jabs you in the eyes with jagged rusty scissors. All this after you just slid down a rusty razor blade with (again) only your testicles for brakes. Then after this an alien burst through your chest cavity and dances the fandango on your face whilst wearing ice skates.

Then after this try having fire ants inserted into every oriface and laceration caused by the previous incidents.

Frankly I think going to the S&M club was a mistake.


pmsl thats... err... imaginative

erm.. mommy! the bad man scares me.

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