Author Topic: Dyslexia  (Read 1992 times)

on: July 11, 2006, 15:03:34 PM
I just recieved the results of a dyslexia test and I am dyslexic.

However ... my reading and writing are at a professional level and are also within the average ability range for my age. They are just very low for my IQ.

I have been awarded by the University a computer with printer/scanner, a digital recording device and 25% extra time in my exams (which I dont think I will use)

Im not complaining but I dont think its right, because im dyslexic I cant afford a computer? And im not even below the average level so do I deserve extra time?

I just think its interesting, obviously im happy to be given the help.

Wondering what everyone thought?
Formerly sexytw

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Reply #1 on: July 11, 2006, 15:38:05 PM
Milk it. Everyone else does.

Reply #2 on: July 11, 2006, 15:42:21 PM
The first person to point out DNA is the National Dyslexic Association gets a pint...oh wait, that was me.

To be fair, Ive never had a problem with mine, studies have shown that changing contrast ratios can help some people so the use of a computer can completely negate the effects if set-up correctly and with milder cases.

Having said that my cousin is dyslexic and has epilepsy and reading text books at school could cause him to fit. He ended up being a director for one of Hong Kongs biggest IT projects pre-Chinafication (the technical term Im sure..)

Extra time and aid in your studies is there to help you reach your potential, you may be above average with dyslexia but your tests confirm your below your own ability. Make the best of it and get those grades.

Reply #3 on: July 11, 2006, 15:43:41 PM
A pc for free GREAT

Reply #4 on: July 11, 2006, 16:41:53 PM
The extra time can really probably come into play and help you in exams, I can imagine that stress could make dyslexia worse and that some exam papers especially when poorly printed can be very difficult to read.

But a free computer?! meh... come on mun... you have access to all of that anyway for free in university itself which is only what.. 5 mins down the road?. Dont see how its fair to award such things to folk who have dyslexia.

Its akin to giving a free wheelchair to someone who can walk but requires a walking stick just for a little extra support. aka its overkill :)

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Reply #5 on: July 11, 2006, 17:01:23 PM
actually the free voice recorder - fair enough

extra time in exams is unfair though

it isnt as though your future employer can say to a client we need 25% extra time becasue the guy working on the project is dyslexic

if people have had extra time to do an exam then it should state that on the certificate else it is a false result.

Reply #6 on: July 11, 2006, 17:06:08 PM
tbh my dsylexia isnt a problem. I nearly always leave exams early. My spelling it crap but my work is legible so its usually ok.

The PC will be converted into a HTPC which i feel kinda guilty about.

I think dyslexia should be graded, I am technically dyslexic but it doesnt cause a problem. I know people whos dyslexia causes them serious problems in exams and lectures. If there were some kind of scale i think the help could be handed out more efficiently.
Formerly sexytw

Reply #7 on: July 11, 2006, 17:06:50 PM
Quote from: Clockd 0Ne
Milk it. Everyone else does.


Clamp onto that teat and SUCK IT. :mrgreen:

Reply #8 on: July 11, 2006, 17:07:55 PM
If the man can read something in work im pretty sure he can ask a colleague to describe the issue to him.

This isnt possible in exam conditions.

Either they should get extra help, or extra time. As it is Exam Scribes in my uni get paid £15 per hour minimum, some get more as they have to attend training in order to do it. If every dyslexic person in a uni had to have an Exam Scribe for every exam as well as the people who have no ability to write then Universities budgets would go through the roof.

Granted the Computer is a complete waste of dosh, voice recorder is fair game except some lecturers refuse to allow you to record their lectures due to copyright, we had trouble (me and sexytw) this year from a guy who sent an email around to say "DO NOT USE THE NOTES THAT HAVE BEEN CIRCULATED VIA EMAIL. YOU WILL BE BREAKING COPYRIGHT LAWS" This is a guy who gives no handouts, has no handouts on his web pages, and doesnt seem to stop speaking in order to give us a chance of catching up when writing down important stuff.

I tried once to capture this guys lectures legitimately, I lasted 3 pages... before my arm just completely died on me after writing so much stuff so fast, and it was mostly illegible crap as my handwriting went out of the window.

Extra time is about the only thing I agree with, and I can see a point to the recorder but just dont see how you can justify it when some uni lecturers are complete cocks as above.

Reply #9 on: July 11, 2006, 18:24:17 PM
I forgot to mention that I may be able to select a scribe for lectures, fancy getting £18 p/h for atending lectures rich? LOL
Formerly sexytw

Reply #10 on: July 11, 2006, 18:34:51 PM
Quote from: sexytw
I forgot to mention that I may be able to select a scribe for lectures, fancy getting £18 p/h for atending lectures rich? LOL

Youll get stick for that.

Reply #11 on: July 11, 2006, 18:40:48 PM
Quote from: sexytw
I forgot to mention that I may be able to select a scribe for lectures, fancy getting £18 p/h for atending lectures rich? LOL

Roflmao!!! :D I work with a scribe mate :D lol. But er... oh hell yea!!! :D ROFL! :D

How come Tickles doesnt get this?? or is he just not chosen to go for it? :)

Reply #12 on: July 11, 2006, 18:54:07 PM
Its an optional thing, he just about manages to take notes, just not legible ones.

Dont worry Privateer , twas only a joke. I wont be taking advantage of any more of the universitys generosity.
Formerly sexytw

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Reply #13 on: July 11, 2006, 19:09:18 PM
I couldnt even get them to buy me a special keyboard...

should have sued em TBH :(

Reply #14 on: July 11, 2006, 20:30:35 PM
Quote from: sexytw
Its an optional thing, he just about manages to take notes, just not legible ones.

Dont worry Privateer , twas only a joke. I wont be taking advantage of any more of the universitys generosity.

lol :D Noticed that after photocopying some way back in the first year :) mind you couldnt have done the first year without em :D lol.

You living in the same place next year mate? Just finished pay me deposit for Joes place :D Rather excited! :D lol first time living away from home innit!

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