Author Topic: General Election  (Read 5786 times)

General Election
Reply #30 on: April 13, 2010, 22:35:47 PM
Quote from: sexytw

EDIT: How could I forget, the very annoying and more ridiculous proposal from the Tories, charging a bond to foreign students to come to the UK to study which they have returned when the leave. We desperately need foreign educated workers, during the time theyre here theyre a low burden on society and highly productive. They students hugely supplement our university system with their payments, and we are incentiveising them to leave once theyre educated which is the opposite of what we should be doing.  An idiotic policy.

but plenty come over on bogus student visas & dont contribute, so they have to be seen as doing somthing..

Just read them both, one seems full of bullsh*t & lies & the other seems like some ideas written down in a 5minute brainstorming session, while passing around a copy of the sun & the guardian.

General Election
Reply #31 on: April 14, 2010, 07:17:06 AM
Quote from: Eggtastico

but plenty come over on bogus student visas & dont contribute, so they have to be seen as doing somthing..

I can see what theyre trying to achieve, but surely those who are on fake visas will avoid paying the bond as well? Only students legally here will have to pay this bond. Also capping the number of skilled migrants coming here is a bad move, unskilled mass migration yes, but skilled labour no. If i look around at work probably 30% of the worforce is non-EU, highly skilled and educated workers from all over the world, American, Irish, South African, Austrailian, Indian, Pakistani. It huge organisation cant hire internation workers because of immigration caps there it will adversly affect the economy.
Formerly sexytw

General Election
Reply #32 on: April 14, 2010, 08:50:43 AM
Quote from: sexytw

I can see what theyre trying to achieve, but surely those who are on fake visas will avoid paying the bond as well? Only students legally here will have to pay this bond. Also capping the number of skilled migrants coming here is a bad move, unskilled mass migration yes, but skilled labour no. If i look around at work probably 30% of the worforce is non-EU, highly skilled and educated workers from all over the world, American, Irish, South African, Austrailian, Indian, Pakistani. It huge organisation cant hire internation workers because of immigration caps there it will adversly affect the economy.

its because people say theres high unemployment.. go to any jobcentre for a look of those unemployed... I wouldnt give a job to the majority of them either.
The NHS would prob crumble if it wasnt for the migrant workers, but people complain about migrants & are to stupid to understand the difference between being here legally & ilegally...
The countries you listed your workforce btw are all english speaking nations, I doubt you have many middle-east or french africans?

  • Offline Cypher

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General Election
Reply #33 on: April 18, 2010, 22:43:18 PM

Quote from: zpyder
I thought the digital rights bill was in favour from most of the parties now, in one shape or another?

In principle, yes.  Its still a joke.

Quote from: sexytw
I like the £150 tax break for marriage, i do think it should be encouraged. I also like Camerons guts in stepping up and saying hes pro-hunt.

Im impressed labour hasnt lowered itself to claiming it can cut taxes and increase spending, their budget looks far more reasonable than the Tories. Its still stuck with Brown leading who has just a few too many strikes against him now, although Cameron is obviously not a likeable fellow, too posh and too sleazy for a lot of people, but he somehow has the edge over Brown imo.

I dont agree with Tax breaks for marrige, I dont agree with it being beneficial to be single either.  Camerons push for a Family based UK does push my buttons.  Personal lives and choices have no place in politics and should not be influenced by some backhand cash deal.

I havent made my mind up who to vote for, Brown has impressed with me the steady iron fist he has provided the last few months.  Hes made the right decisions where needed.  He may not be the most likeable person or the best personality but should give a sh*t about that.

Nick Clegg, I do like his entusiasm for not going for the "Birth Right" vote of Labour or Tory governments and actually having clean politics, if there is such a thing.  But I really dont have a clue what they stand for.

Cameron from day one has been a walking PR machine for me and a series of contradictions, how many months did he mention Tax breaks for marrige and not tell us whether he was going to put in the manifesto or not.  I still cant get my head around a party called Conservatives with a slogan, a year for change.  I still dont know what he stands for other than telling us how bad the others are.  

I will vote this year, but I fear I may have to vote for the devil I know.

  • Offline Edd

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General Election
Reply #34 on: April 19, 2010, 19:00:08 PM
Im in two minds. I think the lib dems might inject some youthful vigor into politics but their policy to scrap trident/trident replacement is intolerable and I wouldnt vote for them on that basis alone. If they were to change that however I would consider voting for them.

  • Offline Pete

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General Election
Reply #35 on: April 19, 2010, 20:16:09 PM
Quote from: Edd
Im in two minds. I think the lib dems might inject some youthful vigor into politics but their policy to scrap trident/trident replacement is intolerable and I wouldnt vote for them on that basis alone. If they were to change that however I would consider voting for them.

 :stupid: Getting rid of Trident would be stupidly short-sighted imo.
I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

General Election
Reply #36 on: April 19, 2010, 21:00:13 PM
Quote from: Edd
Im in two minds. I think the lib dems might inject some youthful vigor into politics but their policy to scrap trident/trident replacement is intolerable and I wouldnt vote for them on that basis alone. If they were to change that however I would consider voting for them.

trident can be extended... america arent renewing theirs, they are extending it..

  • Offline Edd

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General Election
Reply #37 on: April 19, 2010, 22:02:11 PM
Quote from: Eggtastico

trident can be extended... america arent renewing theirs, they are extending it..

Thats nice........the lib dems are still scrapping it though

Re:General Election
Reply #38 on: April 26, 2010, 12:53:25 PM
Im not sure if it bothers me more that "none" is currently second in our little pole, or that according to thats about right for the proportion of people who wont vote.

General Election
Reply #39 on: April 26, 2010, 14:08:48 PM
+ Marriage Allowance
+ Increased inheritance tax threshold
+ Vote on hunting ban
- Bond for foreign students
- Theyre anti new runway at heathrow

+ Economic policy and alignment with the financial services sector
- Increase in national insurance
- Treatment of the Drug Advisory Council

Lib Dem dislikes:
- Scrapping of Trident
- Diabolical plan for financial services reform
- Plan to break up large banks
- Plan to cap cash bonuses at £2.5k
+ Nick Clegg and his wife but only because hes in competition with two useless puppets.

None of the parties align closely with my views, if going to be very much a compromise.
Formerly sexytw

Re:General Election
Reply #40 on: April 26, 2010, 18:22:15 PM
I was not going to bother but I might vote torys now in an attempt to avoid a hung parliament.

The way I see it is Labour have more than had their chance and have royally f**ked up, big time. Especially that slack jawed, 1 eyed monster ex chancellor.

Lib dems are all tree hugging hippies that will price us all off the roads and onto bikes and piss stinking buses and will leave us open to an ass rapping by any country that fancies some land, if there is any land left after 1million illegal immigrants come here to live.

Torys seem to have the most common sense approach to tax, the debt, immigration and public spending.

Also as a petrolhead tory is the only way to vote imo.

only thing I dont agree with is their policy on fox hunting, sick f**kers, how anyone can get enjoyment out of watching a poor fox getting ripped to shreds is beyond me.

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Re:General Election
Reply #41 on: April 27, 2010, 19:55:04 PM

Seems the tories are worried that it might end up a hung parliament.

But I bet they wish they had hung this one instead of giving him a second chance.

Latest poll of polls

Con 33%
Lab 28%
LD 30%
Other 9%

Re:General Election
Reply #42 on: April 27, 2010, 20:14:48 PM
This election is really exposing the issues with our first past the post voting system, labour can be a long way into third place and still take the government because of a large number of low population safe labour constituencies.

Dont really know a huge amount about the reality of the other proposed systems to comment on the various moves towards proportional representation.
Formerly sexytw

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Re:General Election
Reply #43 on: April 27, 2010, 22:39:41 PM
True proportional representation would mean that we would always have a coalition government in. That according to some is a bad idea, to others a good one.

Coalitions can be rather less stable than absolute majority, it also means a lot more discussion getting legislation through but would also tend to prevent dodgy legislation being passed by a single party.

Plenty of other countries do run on a proportional system and have no real problems doing so.

Chances are though, once the switch was made, the Tories would have real problems ever getting in again. That is probably the biggest reason why they are so against it.

  • Offline Eagle

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Re:General Election
Reply #44 on: April 27, 2010, 23:29:21 PM
Ill be voting Conservative.

Id be willing to give LibDem a chance but the risk of letting Labour in is far too great... and theyre nuclear disarming wimps to boot.

Bout time marriage and family was given recognition again, albeit a minor nod.  We should work to stigmatise (once more) "partnerships" and more importantly, single mothers.

Pro Hunt?  Not all that bothered but I would like my guns back please.


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