Author Topic: got burgled 4pm last thursday  (Read 7606 times)

got burgled 4pm last thursday
on: March 16, 2022, 22:07:25 PM
neighbour phoned me about 4.30 in a panic, she heard an alarm looked out and saw 3 guys in ski masks and a chain saw running out of my house and jumping in the back of a van which sped off..., at 4pm on a Wednesday!

I live right at the end/corner of an estate, only one way in and one way out, lots of curtain twitcher neighbours, deffo not an easy target

they tossed a rock through my patio door and got in that way

they tried to cut my safe off the floor with the chainsaw but the fumes set off my smoke alarms which scared them off

or maybe fire alarms went off when the power cut off when the water pipes under the floor they cut through flooded my fuse box on the ceiling below it... downstairs flooded

there's naff all in the safe, passport etc.

they'd raked around, opened draws, pulled computer out from under desk etc. but didn't take anything (guessing scared off first)

no idea how anyone knew where the safe was it is or how to find it, has to be a targeted attack... when I text my girlfriend about it she text back "you have a safe?" not really the kind of thing I talk about... and deffo. wouldn't talk about it with any undesirable

I work non stop, never really have anyone in house

neighbour found my front door key in the outside of the front door, it's normally in the back of the door, I think that means they came in and searched the place then went and came back for the safe

BUT.... there was cash on my desk and some more in a draw, they missed both... they opened the draw and didn't take cash, missed cash sitting on plane site on my desk which they'd had to crawl under to pull PC out.... very fishy

police came about midnight.... not much hope of catching anyone unless, van had fake plates on it

I've got cameras up outside, going to add more that only record when I'm not home (off when I connect to wifi)

need an alarm too but no idea what to get :-o

using a synology nas to record cameras too, it'll do the stop recording those cameras when I'm home thing

would be nice to have the alarm tie into it, and have it upload cctv feeds to offsite backup when alarm goes off

anyone got any ideas about smart alarms?

  • Offline matt5cott

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Re: got burgled 4pm last thursday
Reply #1 on: March 17, 2022, 01:11:10 AM
My CCTV is pretty basic but you could plausibly setup a camera that only triggers when sh*t hits the fan and emails you pictures/videos , ie actually in the safe or such.

I've said you've needed to write a book about your life before, I'm taking this opportunity to re-iterate that.

Re: got burgled 4pm last thursday
Reply #2 on: March 17, 2022, 17:59:50 PM
they synology nas will trigger motion detection etc. to my phone already - I'm pretty impressed by it tbh

I've said you've needed to write a book about your life before, I'm taking this opportunity to re-iterate that.

I'm boring as hell 99.99999% of the time, just get into strange situations sometimes

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Re: got burgled 4pm last thursday
Reply #3 on: March 18, 2022, 08:55:22 AM
How long have you had the safe? Maybe someone saw you having it delivered?

Like Matt, I'm not surprised any more but add this to the memoirs!

What you've discovered is that a visible safe is actually a good distraction and that usually its wise to put sod all in one and hide the real valuables/expensive stuff elsewhere.

All I know about alarms is that you can now get consumer ones that inform the police right away for a response, it's not just commercial ones any more.
Last Edit: March 18, 2022, 08:57:26 AM by Clock'd 0Ne #187;

Re: got burgled 4pm last thursday
Reply #4 on: March 18, 2022, 12:35:50 PM
safe has been there since a week after I moved in... about 7 years now.... in bedroom built in cupboard, in the corner of the room... have to slide open the cupboard door to see it

there was more cash sitting on my desk in plain view than there was in the safe.... I'm already pretty paranoid about burglars/fire anyway so pay everything in the bank pretty quick... plus most people use cards these days anyway

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

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Re: got burgled 4pm last thursday
Reply #5 on: March 18, 2022, 13:24:08 PM
Very strange, it definitely does sound like they would have to have known it was there and been planned somehow :-\

  • Offline neXus

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Re: got burgled 4pm last thursday
Reply #6 on: March 20, 2022, 22:58:39 PM
Sorry to heat this man but glad it failed for them.
A few take aways though.

1. You should not be able to put a brick or a rock through a patio door. They are supposed to have safety level so people cant just accidentally run into them and supposed to not shatter either. IF that was fitted any remotely in last 5 years (I swear most of those have a warranty or like for 5/7 years) and complain.

2. Security wise you could look to replace camera's with Ubiquity for network and cameras and as its mFI you could get all manner of accompanying network alarms and smoke alarms. You can have cameras detect motion and set off etc.

3. The fact they brought a tool to go for the safe and seems to be their main target is a worry. It seems they were going for that, tried to get anything else once that failed and alarm went off and backed out due to time.
So it is honestly the conversation of who knew it was there.

If your are snooping around can you see it through a window?
IF NO then...
- Who knows you have it?
- With your work who would think it would have money etc there?

Not nice to think about but in this case that is exactly the conversations you need to have and let the Police know.

IF YES (you can see it)
They probably been looking into houses and targeted yours so you may have them on camera from another day.

Re: got burgled 4pm last thursday
Reply #7 on: March 20, 2022, 23:31:39 PM
no way anyone from outside can see the safe

pretty sure I know who it traces back too..... I expect there's been a bunch of coke heads sitting around bigging it up to each other and they'll have expected a safe with a million quid in it

I thought Ubiquity had subscriptions for everything?   screw that I hate subscriptions :-o

patio doors were safety glass, like car windows, shattered into a million little (not sharp) bits

  • Offline neXus

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Re: got burgled 4pm last thursday
Reply #8 on: March 22, 2022, 02:03:51 AM
no way anyone from outside can see the safe

pretty sure I know who it traces back too..... I expect there's been a bunch of coke heads sitting around bigging it up to each other and they'll have expected a safe with a million quid in it

I thought Ubiquity had subscriptions for everything?   screw that I hate subscriptions :-o

patio doors were safety glass, like car windows, shattered into a million little (not sharp) bits

 - When you get the patio replaced there is stick on clear/one way/frosted stuff you can get that when on if shattered keeps it all there and is extremely hard for someone to then get through.
 - Kind of glad that you know who may have told others about the safe. What will you do about them?

Re: got burgled 4pm last thursday
Reply #9 on: March 22, 2022, 19:28:35 PM
new glass is thick laminate glass... the stuff they use for jewellery shops etc. - you can break it but you'll be on all day trying to make a hole to get through

sooner or later I'll find out for sure who it was.... only guessing right now

then then I'll do nothing of course Mr. Police man ;) ;)

  • Offline neXus

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Re: got burgled 4pm last thursday
Reply #10 on: March 22, 2022, 23:00:16 PM
new glass is thick laminate glass... the stuff they use for jewellery shops etc. - you can break it but you'll be on all day trying to make a hole to get through

sooner or later I'll find out for sure who it was.... only guessing right now

then then I'll do nothing of course Mr. Police man ;) ;)

Will it be a drunken talking to bad people affair or the more horrible thought that a friend or someone you know has done you a bad one?

Re: got burgled 4pm last thursday
Reply #11 on: March 23, 2022, 00:00:04 AM
I'll find out eventually because...... horrible little druggie sh*ts can't keep their mouths shut... and I sell dog food to half of Sunderland

and.... nobody likes horrible little druggie sh*ts

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Re: got burgled 4pm last thursday
Reply #12 on: March 26, 2022, 01:47:45 AM
Instantly makes me think of the film Panic room. Spoiler alert below.

2 of the 3 goons involved knew of the panic room (and safe in the room) as one of them installed the security system and the other was the son of the person who owned the house.

Sounds like they obviously knew there was a safe and would have left everything else as they'd have assumed the big bucks were locked up if you had other valuables lying around! So it comes down to who knew it was there (presumably the company you bought it from and those who delivered it for starters).

If I had some kind of racket going on where we broke into people's houses to get the safes they'd bought from me, I'd certainly be going for the ones several years old, not the one installed last week...

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Re: got burgled 4pm last thursday
Reply #13 on: March 26, 2022, 09:39:32 AM
It was advertised on eBay, but I phoned the guy up, collected it and paid cash, so no traceability to me there   (back in the days when listings could contain phone numbers)

plus, it's only a little safe on the cheap end of safes, I can pick it up on my own no problem... not the kind of safe you'd expect to contain a fortune

I'm 90% sure who it traces back to, just waiting to find out 100%

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Re: got burgled 4pm last thursday
Reply #14 on: March 26, 2022, 19:23:28 PM
I didnt even know you had a safe, it must have been someone you know, have you been drunk recently
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