Author Topic: Guys and talking to girls..  (Read 5382 times)

  • Offline Madrocker

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Re:Guys and talking to girls..
Reply #15 on: October 15, 2007, 14:48:51 PM
on another point some woman find it flattering when a man trys to talk to her and gets all choked up.
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  • Offline Pete

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Re:Guys and talking to girls..
Reply #16 on: October 15, 2007, 14:55:56 PM
1) Dont put women up on a pedestal. They just women.

2) Dont hit on her while shes working. Itll be awkward, lunchtime is best.

3) "Alright?" is your no.1 chat-up line in this situation. Catch her when shes walking past. Big goofy smile, "alright?"

4) Dont stare at her or anything, but do the eye-contact thing if you make eye contact after youve spoke to her.

5) Quick common ground. "God I hate/love that [thing about work/boss]."

I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

  • Offline Pete

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Re:Guys and talking to girls..
Reply #17 on: October 15, 2007, 15:00:08 PM
While were on the topic... Theres a thing called swarming. If you walk up to a random girl in a group and start talking to her, her friends will pull her away out of instinct. So you cant just walk up and talk to one. Generally pick one of the other girls and then engage the rest of the group. Generally the theory goes you agree with the one you like each time but ask/speak to them all.

We call this the ugly one technique. Chat the least good looking one from the group but then switch when you meet the group. The ugly/fat one will be flattered and youll get Nice Bloke status.

It works both ways; If theres a group of girls that are all good-looking theyll pick on guys that are on their own. I got off with 4 or 5 girls (they were a group) the other week using this knowledge and only one of them was a bit skanky.
I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

Guys and talking to girls..
Reply #18 on: October 15, 2007, 15:01:59 PM
all good points, id say going from a book isnt the best idea handy tips in it im sure but itd seem too scripted.

  • Offline BigSoy

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Re:Guys and talking to girls..
Reply #19 on: October 15, 2007, 15:07:55 PM
A small tipple in your coffee might help?  8-)

Or alternatively a gun between her shoulder blades?  :twisted:
"Within your 'purview'? Where do you think you are, some f**king regency costume drama? This is a government department, not some f**king Jane f**king Austen novel!"

  • Offline shofty

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Re:Guys and talking to girls..
Reply #20 on: October 15, 2007, 15:12:13 PM
the book is a good read. the game by neil strauss.

however some of the techniques in it are played out, but it does give you the insight into ugly blokes picking up beautiful women which is when you realise the key difference between women and men. men fall in love with curves and women fall in love with minds. sweeping generalisation but you get the point.

i once tried walking up to two girls and asking them if my mate was right to split up with his ex cos she got off with a girl, which is strt outta the book. they saw through it but we chatted to them for ages. that was a big turning point for me. ive never been able to chat to girls, but that night i realised i could chat to any girl.

certain things work. Ive found the following has really helped interactions with female friends as well as girls i want to get thru.

give em some stick. most women want to be liked, dont mind a bit of banter and will give it back. if a girl gives you stick back, she likes you. i dont mean raw abuse, but if she calls you a dumbass with a mischevious grin on her face youre in.

talk to their friends. the sort of women theyre after in the book are the sort who are keen to be the centre of attention. when you turn back to talk to them, shell talk back to you. youll also get encouraging smiles form her friends if you engaged them all and didnt make it blindly obvious. if youre lucky, theyll leave you to it.

the stuff about touching is right, but the high five is so american girls over here will spot you a mile off. punch her playfully on the arm. if you get one back its on like donkey kong.

im sure the lasses on here are cringing because of the nature of this thread. sorry, but some of us need a little help. and in the words of the cribs, girls like mystery.


  • Offline red

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Guys and talking to girls..
Reply #21 on: October 15, 2007, 15:30:47 PM
ask her about setting her ugly mates up with your ugly mates. dont word it like that unless youve already spiked her drink.

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Re:Guys and talking to girls..
Reply #22 on: October 15, 2007, 15:50:47 PM
Quote from: sdp
The ugly/fat one will be flattered and youll get Nice Bloke status.

You can end up with the hippo clinging to you though and acting as a blocker.

  • Offline red

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Guys and talking to girls..
Reply #23 on: October 15, 2007, 15:54:16 PM
cock block is easily resolved with small bottles of laxatives.

Guys and talking to girls..
Reply #24 on: October 15, 2007, 21:17:10 PM
lots of good points there.... not much to add to that,,, but im going to come in at a different angle...

if youre new to chatting up girls like this then you need to talk to her quick while shes still new and before you decide youre in love with her. (maybe that sounda  abit harsh... but you know what I mean!)

and... you work with her, so you have a million and one reasons to talk to her...

you work with her... so youre not going to chat her up one day and have her in bed that night... if I were in youre situation Id try to talk to her and get to know her for a week before I asked her out....

plus if shes new to youre team etc.. she might be a bit nervous...

and lastly... the thing with chat up lines is... any bollocks will do.... if she likes you then she likes you, if not then youre wasting youre time anyway...

the last chat up line I used was "do you like my socks"..."theyve got red bits".... "theyre really cool"..."I got them from asda"...

(Id had a lot to drink)

...but it worked ;) ;)

  • Offline Dave

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Re:Guys and talking to girls..
Reply #25 on: October 15, 2007, 21:35:57 PM
"the game" isnt a pick up guide per say - it is an account by a rolling stone journalist of his time amongst a group of pickup artists from an online community. Tis quite a good read IMO and the stuff they get up to is impressive.

Anyway for a collection of articles etc.. this site is a useful resource:

I wouldnt use this stuff on the girl at work - you could look fake/sleazy etc.. especially if you lack confidence - just practice approaching random girls in general then if you mess it up who cares youll probably never meet them again. As long as you look clean & presentable then pulling girls is purely down to having confidence and being interesting. Some of the stuff on the internet is useful in that regard in terms of tips for conversation openers etc.. you dont have to use a canned routine (though the pick up guru types do recommend you do till youre really confident) but at sites like the one above do tend to have the odd bit of info that can be quite useful.

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Guys and talking to girls..
Reply #26 on: October 15, 2007, 23:35:37 PM
Quote from: bytejunkie
the book is a good read. the game by neil strauss.

Quote from: Dave
"the game" isnt a pick up guide per say - it is an account by a rolling stone journalist of his time amongst a group of pickup artists from an online community. Tis quite a good read IMO and the stuff they get up to is impressive.

There you go, of the 3 people whove read the book you have 3 recommendations.  And frankly none of the 3 people listed seem to have a lack of confidence or obvious probs with women.

Seriously, it seems weird but its very worth a read.  Its not about picking up women - although thats one of the uses of course.  Its purely about psychology and chatting to people be it man, woman, taxi driver, whatever.  The point is its about how to engage people in conversation.  Its a real skill and the books are definitely worth a read.  I got given it by a girl I know who loved it a couple of years back for my birthday and have passed it around guys and girls I know and most have found it interesting/useful.  The books in general boil down to one simple thing.

You need to go out and talk to people and just put yourself in the spot.

Theres nothing more to it than that but reading the book just drives the point home.  Theres not many books Id strongly recommend but the game would be one of them as it tells you a hell of a lot about the way peoples minds work and is funny as hell.

It sounds dumb but seriously - go read it.

As Dave says I wouldnt recommend using any of it on the girl at work.  Itll tell you how to talk to people in general which will build your natural skill at it and then youll just end up talking to the girl at work or anyone else without even thinking twice.  Its not about the girl - its about being able to comfortably talk to anyone regardless of the end goal.

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Guys and talking to girls..
Reply #27 on: October 15, 2007, 23:46:32 PM
Quote from: bytejunkie
i once tried walking up to two girls and asking them if my mate was right to split up with his ex cos she got off with a girl, which is strt outta the book. they saw through it but we chatted to them for ages. that was a big turning point for me. ive never been able to chat to girls, but that night i realised i could chat to any girl.

Exactly - had a similar night ages back where I realised most people in a bar/wherever actually just want to talk to other people but dont because its weird when someone you dont know approaches you and its easier not to do the work yourself.

The hard bit is getting past the weirdness of wandering up to someone to talk out of the blue.  Theres a lot of stuff I learnt from that book that wouldnt have occurred to me by myself.  Even in big sociable groups of mates you tend to kick around with are people you already know or have something in common with and dont generally meet totally random strangers.  So this isnt stuff youre likely to work out yourself.

Trying to think what some of them where that I now take for granted.  One was letting them know you arent going to bug them all night by pointing out youre with other people and have to get back.  Things like that.  Its not a script - it just points out why people find strangers weird and how to not make people put up shields.  Its a while since Ive read it tbh but remember it being genious.  In fact 90% of the time I actually started conversations by saying - hi - have you heard of a book called the game?  And then going from there.

There is a load of stuff purely about pulling people which is things like statements of intention etc which I never really bothered with - but the talking to strangers stuff is better than youd think.

As soon as you cross the point of caring you can talk to anyone.

  • Offline Edd

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Guys and talking to girls..
Reply #28 on: October 16, 2007, 00:28:54 AM
try and catch her at the coffee machine or whatever, offer to buy her one, then slip some rohypnol in, bish bash bosh, job done, lets face it thats the only way youre gonna get her

  • Offline red

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Guys and talking to girls..
Reply #29 on: October 16, 2007, 08:36:41 AM
another piece of bad advice is to set up a hideously complex accident where she gets slightly hurt and the important bits not mangled like her feet (unless your into feet) an be the first to say,

ITS QUICKER BY CAR, ILL TAKE HER! perfect opportunity to stop by your house.

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