Author Topic: Half of new jobs go to migrants  (Read 3717 times)

  • Offline neXus

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Half of new jobs go to migrants
on: October 30, 2007, 21:37:28 PM

Glad I am leaving with all the crap the Uk keeps getting done to itself or ripped off by

  • Offline SteveF

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Re: Half of new jobs go to migrants
Reply #1 on: October 30, 2007, 21:57:24 PM
To be honest most of the jobs being created are low paid and thats why theyre being filled like that.

Almost every supemarket I go to I still see a sign in the window hiring.  Theres no excuse for people not to simply walk into a job at the bottom end.  If there was a shortage of work then fair enough it would be a problem but when someone can get a job the same day they start looking then I cant see a problem.

Its a damn sight harder for graduates to get better than basic jobs and I feel sorry for those.  But these arent the jobs Labours been creating and the graduates can still get the bottom end work while they wait.

Re: Half of new jobs go to migrants
Reply #2 on: October 30, 2007, 22:09:26 PM
cant blame the migrants.
Blame the system.

People in the UK wont work for minimum wage, while the migrants lap it all up.
What will happen eventually is the migrants wont work for minimum wage either & the we have the British dossers & a load of migrant dossers.

Would you work for £220 (before tax)  or would you lay about & get £55 a week + paid rent & paid council tax. Its a sad case. People dont look at it ohh Ill be £200 a month better off or whatever, instead they do maths & think f**k that, Im not working for an extra £10 a day.

Goverments fault.

I remember hearing about 1 Minister in London who went to Tottenham Job Centre. They had 120 people "signing on" & 150 Vacancies advertised.
Its like that right across the country. Id give the 6 weeks to find their primary job, a further 6 weeks after that to look for a broader range.
After that they will take whats given to them. Social Security is supposed to be a safety net, not a life style.

I blame large problems on minimum wage. Because of it the goverment has stipulated that everyone should be entitled to around £200 a week. I know it, you know it, Grocery stores know it, Insurance firms know it, the petrol pumps know it & Alcohol companies know it. Now instead of having to set prices for people who would only earn £3 - £3.50 an hour, they suddenly know that everyone "should" have more disposable income.

They arent the only things, House prices have sky rocketed since minimum wage & so has your council tax, etc.

Even domestic labour rates have shot through the roof.

Under Tories it was well known the poor stay poor & the rich get richer.
Under Labour, the poor have got richer, your middle englander has got poorer & the Rich have stayed rich, effectively getting abolishing the lowest of the low social classes. At least before, we had many layers of classes in society, but now under labour, just like everything else the layers are squashed together. Not just the class system, but think of everything where the goverment always appeals to the lowest common denominator.
Smoking ban a prime example. They could easily have done licenced smoking premises, etc. - but no, whats Bad for 1 person means its bad for all.

Your right, this country has gone to Pot. Nothing will change under the big 3 as all they are corncerned about is getting votes & getting into power.
Once there they just all take the gravy train ride.

What they give you with the left hand, they take with the right.
They rob peter to pay paul.

  • Offline Cypher

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Re: Half of new jobs go to migrants
Reply #3 on: October 30, 2007, 22:21:07 PM
The article doesnt really say what jobs though does it?  If it is the minimum wage long hours jobs that the common engish chav wont get off his backside for then I say kudos to the european who came over here and made the effort.

Christ some of them go through all sorts to get here legally.  As per recent example.

Quote from: Eggtastico
Your right, this country has gone to Pot. Nothing will change under the big 3 as all they are corncerned about is getting votes & getting into power.
Once there they just all take the gravy train ride.

They all seem very good at promising this that and the other ad criticising others, none have the balls to make real strides.  

Re: Half of new jobs go to migrants
Reply #4 on: October 30, 2007, 22:23:41 PM
Quote from: Cypher

They all seems to very good at promising this that and the other ad criticising others, none have the balls to make real strides.  

They are all afraid.. Labour wont say sh*t about immigration because they think they will lose the vote of the African, Afro-Carribean & Asian population who are allowed to vote.
They dont understand that they are just as pissed off as everyone else.

That & they run scared of the human rights bill.

Re: Half of new jobs go to migrants
Reply #5 on: October 30, 2007, 22:26:16 PM
Quote from: Cypher
The article doesnt really say what jobs though does it?  If it is the minimum wage long hours jobs that the common engish chav wont get off his backside for then I say kudos to the european who came over here and made the effort.

Cant be done. Theres the EU Working time directive.
They cant be forced to work long hours. They can sign an agreement saying they will work long hours (which coveres the employers back) but, they can opt out at any time as long as they put it in writing.

Ive done it myself. Agreed to work long hours.
(used to cover as far as North Wales - 4hr drive - our boss wanted us there by 9am & would pay the overtime. I refused to do it as I wasnt interested in the overtime, So I had to opt out the long hours Id agreed to. f**k all he could do)

  • Offline neXus

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Re: Half of new jobs go to migrants
Reply #6 on: October 30, 2007, 22:54:45 PM
Quote from: Eggtastico
cant blame the migrants.
Blame the system.

Goverments fault.

Exactly, they cock up, they balls up and we pay all the time never ending in to many areas

  • Offline Sam

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Half of new jobs go to migrants
Reply #7 on: October 30, 2007, 23:02:03 PM
Quote from: neXus

Glad I am leaving with all the crap the Uk keeps getting done to itself or ripped off by

Youre moving to another country. That makes you an immigrant you fool. Pot kettle.

  • Offline Mark

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Re: Half of new jobs go to migrants
Reply #8 on: October 30, 2007, 23:02:54 PM
does NZ not have a major prob with asian immigrants

  • Offline Sam

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Half of new jobs go to migrants
Reply #9 on: October 30, 2007, 23:04:01 PM
People slag off immigrants. They come here and do the crap jobs no one else will do. You should be angry at the white trash living next door to you who would rather scrounge dole. And people who think immigrants can come here and get benefits from day 1 are idiots who read the Sun. Ive ran a business and know plenty of business owners and hiring people is a real problem.

  • Offline Dave

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Half of new jobs go to migrants
Reply #10 on: October 30, 2007, 23:39:13 PM
Quote from: neXus

Glad I am leaving with all the crap the Uk keeps getting done to itself or ripped off by


how is the fact that people come over here and work a bad thing?

Come on dude - what exactly are you going to be doing when you go to New Zealand - pretty much exactly the same thing that the people you are moaning about are doing over here - i.e. moving to a foreign country in the hope of a better life.

Out of the recent intake of 16 people in my firm there were 2 French, 3 Africans, 1 Italian, 1 American and 1 Russian. Of the 8 British citizens 5 are Asian.

The city definitely attracts a very diverse workforce. Plenty of the jobs at the opposite end of the scale are dominated by eastern Europeans, auzzies and south Africans happy to work for minimum wage.

  • Offline neXus

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Half of new jobs go to migrants
Reply #11 on: October 30, 2007, 23:49:33 PM
Quote from: Dave
Quote from: neXus

Glad I am leaving with all the crap the Uk keeps getting done to itself or ripped off by


how is the fact that people come over here and work a bad thing?

Come on dude - what exactly are you going to be doing when you go to New Zealand - pretty much exactly the same thing that the people you are moaning about are doing over here - i.e. moving to a foreign country in the hope of a better life.

Was not the point I was making and others got
Did you miss the bit on how they cocked up on the numbers and by how much ? ^^

  • Offline neXus

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Half of new jobs go to migrants
Reply #12 on: October 30, 2007, 23:50:28 PM
Quote from: Sam
Quote from: neXus

Glad I am leaving with all the crap the Uk keeps getting done to itself or ripped off by

Youre moving to another country. That makes you an immigrant you fool. Pot kettle.

Another missing the whole point, lol, Read what I quoted from egg and said ^^

  • Offline Dave

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Re: Half of new jobs go to migrants
Reply #13 on: October 30, 2007, 23:52:26 PM
You dont exactly make yourself very clear in your posts; try reading them through before clicking submit.

  • Offline neXus

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Re: Half of new jobs go to migrants
Reply #14 on: October 31, 2007, 00:01:38 AM
did not say what you thought I said, I left it open and said what I wanted to say, posting news and saying I am glad I am going

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