Author Topic: Ideas to increase forum exposure/members  (Read 7637 times)

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Ideas to increase forum exposure/members
on: July 18, 2011, 23:17:45 PM
It's pretty obvious that the forum is getting quieter and something really needs to be done about it now.

I've had a few ideas thrown about in conversations with people such as a tech review type frontend for the site, but would welcome any and all suggestions, hopefully some ideas that will mean everyone can get involved and be a part of to get some growth back in the forums.

Re: Ideas to increase forum exposure/members
Reply #1 on: July 18, 2011, 23:19:22 PM
what about a youtube channel with videos of the guides section or somthing along those lines.

also we need to be better placed in google search if someone searchs for advice on computers/components etc
Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 23:21:23 PM by DEViANCE #187;

Re: Ideas to increase forum exposure/members
Reply #2 on: July 19, 2011, 00:00:34 AM
guild..... that gues for the nas box thingie has brought a lot of new people in ?

the problem is... we need to be unique guids to stand out....  or at least more in the same guild all at once ?

a windows re-install guid would be a good idea ?  and then the first things to do after a re-install ?

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Re: Ideas to increase forum exposure/members
Reply #3 on: July 19, 2011, 00:14:19 AM
The guides do seem to work really well. I'd like to do a really comprehensive home cinema guide but I don't really have the time for it and I think there's already plenty of really good guides elsewhere on dedicated forums. Definitely more computing guides would be a good thing. A basic hardware guide perhaps for people looking to do new builds.

Re: Ideas to increase forum exposure/members
Reply #4 on: July 19, 2011, 00:25:37 AM
a basics to computer building would be good... there's not so many home system builders around anymore....

and all the stuff we think of as basic is being fogotern.... like air flow, cold in at the bottom hot out at the top is obvious to all of us... but not so much to the newbies ?

interesting, friendly, easy to read guides would be good...  so people will come for a specific guide, and then stay to read the rest :-)

how do we move up google search lists ? outside links pointing here ?  (they ignore old links tho right?)  - is there any way we can cheat it for a bit ?  no-one is going to find us unless they search for something very specific :(

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Re: Ideas to increase forum exposure/members
Reply #5 on: July 19, 2011, 00:27:39 AM
Is there a module for SMF that pulls a random or select forum post into a tweet? - Twitter account?

Addons for like, tweet and google plus on posts - should be plugin to do that.

Links - People who have other sites here need to link. External links are the biggest thing.

Banners - Some nice banners to put on sites


Need a Tech website, I have mentioned before about doing obscure funny/fun means of testing tek and putting it on a site, with videos (Vimeo, Youtube)
Every post link to the forums or look to pull the thread to use as comments and you need to sign up to the forums to have your comments show up on the article.

Does not have to be tek either for the site - we always talk about stuff going on in the world and news so why not talk about it too.
One section on site for hardcore topics or something as well.

Key is getting it linked with the forums so things post once and show up and make a thread here or something.
This now Being SMF all that is doable.

Just needs some effort.

But yeah, if we do not create something that is of interest the forums will die and I do not think just keeping them as forums is enough any more.
Google Plus when you all get into that is great and while it may or may not kill facebook it will finish off forums for good.

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Re: Ideas to increase forum exposure/members
Reply #6 on: July 19, 2011, 00:30:45 AM
Inbound links are always best, but really they need to come from social networking these days but that will only happen by generating things of interest (like frying eggs on your CPU).

I definitely agree on the basic guides though, I remember how invaluable it was coming onto the forums for the first time to ask lots of silly questions and things you can't read about in PC Format or whatever.

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Re: Ideas to increase forum exposure/members
Reply #7 on: July 19, 2011, 19:54:39 PM
Maybe in addition to the home user guides / mods etc... we could have a section for some IT Admin stuff - AD guides, scripting, Exchange etc..? I know I come across a hell of a lot of forums everyday searching for info while I'm working. I know there's a fair few on here that could add content to this sort of stuff - I'd be happy to. 
Career, Wife, Mortgage... my sig was better when it listed guitars and PC's and stuff!

Re: Ideas to increase forum exposure/members
Reply #8 on: July 19, 2011, 20:02:46 PM
^^  thats a very good idea :-)

a basics to networking one too ?  the easy stuff we all take for granted ?  ipconfig, ping, etc. etc... even start/run/cmd ?

need to rebuild my pc right now... but I'll have a go at a win 7 reinstall and what to do after an install one later on..... is there any way to lock down a thread so only the person who made it can reply to it ?  (i know it's a long show) then we could have a link to another thread to talk about it ? (to keep things tidy) - or something along those lines ?

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Re: Ideas to increase forum exposure/members
Reply #9 on: July 19, 2011, 20:25:03 PM
Maybe in addition to the home user guides / mods etc... we could have a section for some IT Admin stuff - AD guides, scripting, Exchange etc..? I know I come across a hell of a lot of forums everyday searching for info while I'm working. I know there's a fair few on here that could add content to this sort of stuff - I'd be happy to.

 :stupid: An IT Admin section would be awesome!
I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

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Re: Ideas to increase forum exposure/members
Reply #10 on: July 19, 2011, 20:26:02 PM
I don't think that's possible Alan, but I'll see if there is a mod or something that might allow it.

Re: Ideas to increase forum exposure/members
Reply #11 on: July 19, 2011, 20:30:31 PM
guild..... that gues for the nas box thingie has brought a lot of new people in ?

the problem is... we need to be unique guids to stand out....  or at least more in the same guild all at once ?

a windows re-install guid would be a good idea ?  and then the first things to do after a re-install ?

were you drunk when you wrote this?  :cheers:

I think the guides recently have generated the most hits, would be good to see if bargains are having any impact, I know historically some bargains have.. check the stats.

One concern about a dedicated review site, is it will only be good if it has enough content and is updated fairly often, and then you still need to convert those people that visit the site to forum visitors. Essentially you will be competing against big names like bittech and I don’t think we have a chance with the man power we have, most of us have full time jobs. To do this we would need a unique selling point.. Will it blend, nopunctuation etc etc.. The fried egg brought in loads of new people, I think I may have even been an indirect result of that… Would it be rude to create a guide, maybe using the original footage?

Twitter can bring a lot of short term hits…. But Digg can bring even more I believe, and StumbleUpon even more than that.. Looking at some stats I have seen before.. If we really want to promote what we have we need buttons to do so! (Facebook, Tweet, Digg, Stumble etc..) Would be good to look at our most successful guide and get a few people to suggest it on Stumble…

BUT first things first… Let’s sort the things that caused us to lose members! Can we please please relocate the server to the other data centre? I still get terrible lag/non access at times, I expect I’m not the only one, and we don’t want to start adding to something like stumble if it is only going to result in the server melting?

Also we have Tekheads who we provide a service to for free, and I know before we have tried to get special member deals, but have heard nothing since, can we do something like free postage, or reduced postage, or free picture of Knighty with your order? Anything to get people to register here to get a bit more with Tek… We could even in our guides link to products on Tekheads and return the favour, although we already provide support? (But I don’t want to start limiting us to Tekheads products as we know how that works out!)

End of the day I think make the most use of what we have, rather than building other sites, think of some USPs to add to the forum and make it easier for people to like/dig/tweet stuff..

“If you build it he they will come” – Field Of Dreams 1989

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Re: Ideas to increase forum exposure/members
Reply #12 on: July 19, 2011, 20:52:19 PM
Thanks for that XEntity, those are very good points and I definitely agree on the server. It's fine for me most of the time but I have other sites also experiencing problems, so I will see about arranging a switchover onto the other datacentre.

Re: Ideas to increase forum exposure/members
Reply #13 on: July 19, 2011, 20:56:01 PM
Sorry just to add.. about the youtube thing, I think that would be a great idea, especially if we have a mix of stuff, some funny some guide based, I'm not sure how easy it is to link back to tek, but I guess you could create a standard intro with the logo and url?

edit: Just to add Kunal who used to be frequently on here, previously KuniD.. has setup a new company based around social media and making it profitable, so might ask him to get back on here and see if he has any advice, he's not been on here for a long while as he has been buying a new house, getting married and setting up a new company (so been a little busy!)

Edit 2: Also out of interest, what's the server backup policy? (Going back to the things that cause us to lose members)
Last Edit: July 19, 2011, 21:08:18 PM by XEntity #187;

Re: Ideas to increase forum exposure/members
Reply #14 on: July 19, 2011, 21:27:34 PM
In additon to the above edits, what about apps?

Anyone here capable of making apps, and what devices?

If we don't have iPhone developers, I might* be able to get my brother to write one.

I was thinking of a tool for use by techies, could contain things like:

- Commands from things like tracert, to more complicated things..
- Network cable wiring layout
- Subnet range tool
- CSS commands
- Registry entries
- Binary converters

... I'm sure we could come up with some ideas? maybe have it list all of the guides on Tek maybe? Or link to the guides section?(I expecct we would need an iphone css template for this?

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