Author Topic: Iphone 4G  (Read 14507 times)

Re:Iphone 4G
Reply #45 on: June 09, 2010, 16:30:38 PM
iBecause ithere iare imore iApple iSheep(tm) than Psion Sheep.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Iphone 4G
Reply #46 on: June 09, 2010, 16:41:32 PM
Or because at the end of the day, they got it right when it came down to making the apps easy to get at. On my desire its a case of going to marketplace, choosing something, pressing "install", confirm, and then confirm the access rights. Job done. Compared to my old phones, where if I wanted to add something I had to:

Install the phone software on the PC, Download the installer, connect phone to pc, run installer, click ok half a dozen times and choose several options.

And various alternatives to the above including going through the hassle of sorting out wifi/bluetooth connectivity etc.

Re:Iphone 4G
Reply #47 on: June 09, 2010, 17:14:55 PM
Quote from: Dave

If they were that good then why havent they been as successful? Apple came into this late in the game and has a app market that completely eclipses anyone else.

because anyone can buy & download apps + because of the SDK, the apps have the same feel to them, etc.
it wasnt easy for non technical people to install on apps on all the other platforms before hand.

  • Offline Dave

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Re:Iphone 4G
Reply #48 on: June 09, 2010, 19:03:09 PM
Quote from: soopahfly
iBecause ithere iare imore iApple iSheep(tm) than Psion Sheep.

yes and why do you think that is?

why, if it was so good, has Psion completely failed to gain any form of following or market share?

It think egg and zpyder are on the right track tbh...

Re:Iphone 4G
Reply #49 on: June 09, 2010, 19:04:47 PM
Because when Psion were about, it was purely business folk and techies that used them.
Now every asshat has one of these phones, they buy the ones their told.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Iphone 4G
Reply #50 on: June 09, 2010, 19:21:13 PM
Surely you could say that people that follow the herd with the sheep mentality are being idiots. Apple makes idiot-proof products = The reason to their success.

Im not calling all iphone owners idiots btw, many are capable of and do make their own decisions based on what is most suitable for their needs.

Re:Iphone 4G
Reply #51 on: June 09, 2010, 20:02:37 PM
i dunno how anyone who hasnt owned one or used for a length of time can criticise them.
soopah, your biggest fanboy for everything you own & knock whatever the competition is.

I had always avoided the iphone, now I got one.
best phone ive owned? you bet.
So what if the camera isnt great, the battery life is easily on par with my n96.
Im gutted my iphone is only 5 months old, which means I cant upgrade.

Who knows what phones will be out for my next upgrade. I wont rule out an
android because ive never owned one though.

For now the iphone does near enough everything I want. Its user friendly,
and theres only a few niggling things I dont like.. some have been fixed by jailbreaking.

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:Iphone 4G
Reply #52 on: June 09, 2010, 20:03:15 PM
Quote from: Pete

Blackberry, Job Done ;)

Just been doing my BIS and BES training with RIM over the last couple of days, and Im rather impressed with what they have, and whats coming.  Bugger still wouldnt let me have a 9800 though :(

Re:Iphone 4G
Reply #53 on: June 09, 2010, 20:18:17 PM
Some of the success is down to the fact it has an apple badge on it! - Agreed

But the App store was really the first place to get phone apps that was easy to use and the apps largely worked, and I think this was one of its main keys to success!

But now Android has similar and similar functionality as a device, and from the little I have used it and from people I know who own them, they are good phones, some have issues (Battery life - same as iPhone on some models).

I have owned and used several phones as part of my job, my last phone was a WinMo HTC, and although it was quite sturdy had some good features, it also was fiddly to set some stuff up, was missing some features, software was a PITA to install, email sync was also a bit of a pain and HTC cameras are largely sh*t compared to the iPhone (Dont know how the newer HTCs are) but in low light the HTC wouldnt work and the iPhone did. Not saying it is a perfect camera, and my old K800 probably had a better one than either, mostly because of flash, but the new one may make things better! and Megapixels mean nothing!

Im now on an iPhone (I dont own any other apple products) and really like it find it easy to use and just works! My only complaints are the battery and iTunes is a bit sh*t!

I can configure everything I want to, and synced everything with our exchange server in a matter of minutes, and had all my contacts, mail and calendar all up and running.

At the end of the day, people who get iPhones are not generically sheep, just because they buy something that loads of other people have bought, maybe it is because it does just work, its easy to use and its versatile! But I wouldnt be against getting an Android phone in the future as they are in reality similar devices and both pretty much can do the same thing.

But I would not consider going back to any other OSs at the moment, they just dont give the flexibility that Im now used to, Win Mob 7 might open this up to a 3rd contender, but Im sure they will end up making a hash of it TBH, but who knows!

Edit: Completely forgot about Blackberry! - I actually like these too and think they make great work phones and handy with UMA if you live in a house with no reception!

  • Offline Dave

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Re:Iphone 4G
Reply #54 on: June 09, 2010, 20:48:24 PM
Quote from: soopahfly
Because when Psion were about, it was purely business folk and techies that used them.
Now every asshat has one of these phones, they buy the ones their told.

Its up to them how they design them, who they chose to market them to, its not like people wouldnt have bought them a few years back if they were designed/implemented appropriately... the fact is they failed at their attempt.

Xerox came up with the first implementation of a windows based GUI - apple were the ones who spotted the potential in it and developed the idea, microsoft later copied much of apples implementation... you dont see people walking around with laptops running Xerox operating systems these days...

ditto to the mouse - Xerox were the first - it only gained popular appeal when apple spotted its potential

they didnt get to be successful because there were a bunch of so called fanboys waiting around, apple was in major trouble and no-where near as popular in the 90s - products like the ipod and iphone have since been very successfully launched - if there are fanboys around now its because apple has won them over with their products

the iphone, the app store are successful because theyre well implemented and well designed

there is a good reason why Apple is now worth as much as Microsoft - they design and build **** that is easy to use and works and they are innovative with it

I never took much interest in apple until I got an iphone, it was after that that I thought Id try a macbook - Im pretty happy with that purchase too

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Iphone 4G
Reply #55 on: June 09, 2010, 20:49:26 PM
I think for a lot of people, they may not be sheep, they may be like my sister. She weighed up Android versus iPhone. In the end she went iPhone simply because of the larger number of apps. A lot of people out there might be swayed one way or another not by the phone, but simply on the grounds of the amount of accessories (soft and hardware) out there for it. I cant fault android, but then Ive not had an iPhone to compare it to. Who knows, though Ive not found myself wanting more apps, maybe if I had an iPhone Id find theres 2x as much out there for it that I want already!

Re:Iphone 4G
Reply #56 on: June 09, 2010, 20:57:05 PM
Quote from: XEntity
Some of the success is down to the fact it has an apple badge on it! - Agreed

This is the whole point Im getting at.
A more open OS means that people can fix bugs, tweak and make the phone do what you want it to do.

Eggs argument against me is flawed, Im not a fanboy for what I own.  Ive got a PS3 and think its useless for gaming.  The controllers are good for asians and children.  Surely I should be doing a "Batch" and sing how good it is from the rooftops.
Ive owned a hackintosh, but would prefer to go down the Linux route and choose my own hardware.

Ive made my own choices, and Ill champion them.

They arent without their flaws, but usually they are open enough to fix.

Re:Iphone 4G
Reply #57 on: June 09, 2010, 20:57:15 PM
im actually considering a career change & looking into app development.

the potential is massive.

theres still quite a few bells & whistle programs I would like & quite a few old games
would work well as well.

Re:Iphone 4G
Reply #58 on: June 09, 2010, 21:00:26 PM
If I could code, I would too.

But it seems quite easy to pirate though.

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:Iphone 4G
Reply #59 on: June 09, 2010, 21:05:50 PM
Quote from: XEntity
Edit: Completely forgot about Blackberry! - I actually like these too and think they make great work phones and handy with UMA if you live in a house with no reception!

2nd best selling Smartphones after Nokia (Who do a MASSIVE range of the things), iPhone is in third place, but they are ALL losing ground to Android.  WinMo isnt selling well at the moment because people appear to be waiting for WinMo7.  

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