Author Topic: Just had a go on an Ipad.  (Read 6913 times)

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Re:Just had a go on an Ipad.
Reply #30 on: May 19, 2010, 23:06:33 PM
Id personally rather put the £500 it’s costs for one towards a top range lappy that can do a lot more, or upgrade my Desktop.
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Re:Just had a go on an Ipad.
Reply #31 on: May 20, 2010, 00:48:58 AM
Quote from: Goblin
Quote from: Bacon
Will it not be better waiting for competitors versions to come in and at lower price point?

No, because like everything that is defined by its ability to "compete with the random_apple_product" they will be sh*t. Companies need to stop chasing Apple and make their own products because it is impossible to out-apple Apple.

Not everyone is an Apple fanboy so there will be plenty of people looking for something cheaper/better than their offering..

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Re:Just had a go on an Ipad.
Reply #32 on: May 20, 2010, 07:47:08 AM
Quote from: Serious
Quote from: Goblin
Quote from: Bacon
Will it not be better waiting for competitors versions to come in and at lower price point?

No, because like everything that is defined by its ability to "compete with the random_apple_product" they will be sh*t. Companies need to stop chasing Apple and make their own products because it is impossible to out-apple Apple.

Not everyone is an Apple fanboy so there will be plenty of people looking for something cheaper/better than their offering..

Im not wearing my fanboy hat right now ;)

What I mean is I would rather see other companies try an innovate in a space instead of blindly following in the wake of Apple. Fanboy or not, their ability to completely change/invent markets is their greatest strength and you end up with the other companies just trying to emulate those ideas and either a) failing, releasing a completely inferior product, or b) making something that looks like a knock off with no innovation. (See all the recent LG & Samsung iPhone wannabes).

The iPhone has single handedly caused the biggest shift, and improvement, in smartphones in history and now everyone is clamouring to keep up. The *only* people that are close to making something as good (indeed, for many people it suits them better) is Google. A company with a history of… completely changing/inventing markets.

Although Android was clearly catalysed by the iPhone, its ferocious rate of upgrades and improvements make it the only real contender worth looking at. They are not just slavishly copying features but are actively going out and trying to make the phone experience better, make it integrate better with your life. For that they should be applauded.

If you are Samsung, or LG, or, heaven forbid, Nokia and think that slapping a touch interface on your phone is "good enough", then you have a world of pain ahead of you in your market.

Will there be cheaper alternatives to the iPad? Probably. Will they completely suck? Almost definitely. Will there be similarly priced competitors that dont suck? Yes. But not for at least a year. The "great iPad killer", the JooJoo, née Crunchpad, is an unmitigated disaster. HP have cancelled their slate because they realised that 11 years of sticking Windows on a touch interface is retarded. Android tablets are a way off yet and the Symbian/Maemo stuff is an interface disaster. HP may have a trick up their sleeve having bought Palm because WebOS is actually quite a nice, and more importantly touch oriented, interface.

The fact remains, the iPad is the first tablet device to do it right. It has its flaws, but not enough for me not to buy two of them. It has sold more devices that probably all the tablet computers in history combined, remains sold out across the US, the initial UK/European allotment is sold out and virtually everyone that uses one goes "Oooo". Its an expensive(ish) device for what amounts to a secondary device, but for those of us with a little discretionary income it will become out main device for sofa surfing and quick out-and-about use. Its not a laptop replacement, but a lot of the time I, and most people if youre honest, dont actually need a full-blown computer/OS for the tasks they need to do.
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Re:Just had a go on an Ipad.
Reply #33 on: May 20, 2010, 10:55:46 AM
I think more sales than all other tablet pcs in history is a bold statement - lets not forget tablet pcs have been about for YEARS. Acer alone claim 10% of their notebook sales are tablets - and that has to be a good few.

iphone is still behind symbian and blackberry - and android too now if Im not mistaken? Might have read the news wrong though.

Lets not forget apples first foray into the phone market, the motorola rokr, wasnt so revolutionary or magical. In fact, it didnt sell very well at all.

The apple newton also springs to mind as a recent(ish) balls up, as does apple TV, apple pippin, macintosh TV, mac portable (Would like one for my collection),The cyberdog web browsing kit, the list goes on. Magic only goes so far to cover up recent balls ups.

Lets not forget their OS cock ups as well - how about the bug ridden almost useless first few releases of OSX, and going back further the OS that they deemed to be revolutionary - Pink/Taligent, quickly cancelled after its bastardised release.

Interestingly, dealextreme are already selling knock off android tablets !!

Re:Just had a go on an Ipad.
Reply #34 on: May 20, 2010, 10:59:10 AM
To be fair, and its not often I defend apple...

I wouldnt say the Newton was a flop.  It was just before its time.

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Re:Just had a go on an Ipad.
Reply #35 on: May 20, 2010, 11:09:17 AM
I have 2 of them, theyre not great. Theyre not as awful as the mac puck mouse, but still not brilliant.

The Palm devices, and the psion devices are MUCH better. In fact, the psion devices are so much better its almost a laugh. I still use a psion device to this day, and the battery still lasts forever!

I also have one of almost every recent mac computer - as part of lab kit for work. So Im not an unexperienced magic non-believer. I do have to give them back though!

We had a couple of ipads on loan since the US launch as well, I couldnt get it to produce white rabbits and things out of thin air - all we could get it to do was fail to run the applications the customer had developed for it.

Re:Just had a go on an Ipad.
Reply #36 on: May 20, 2010, 11:28:55 AM
I used to have a Palm Pilot, but it fell off my desk and broke :(

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Re:Just had a go on an Ipad.
Reply #37 on: May 20, 2010, 12:04:16 PM
Quote from: Mark
I think more sales than all other tablet pcs in history is a bold statement - lets not forget tablet pcs have been about for YEARS. Acer alone claim 10% of their notebook sales are tablets - and that has to be a good few.

I was referring to dedicated tablets, not convertibles with a rotating screen.

Quote from: Mark
iphone is still behind symbian and blackberry - and android too now if Im not mistaken? Might have read the news wrong though.

Overall users its behind Symbian & BB, but miles ahead of Android. Android devices outsold the iPhone in the first quarter of the year in the US, but not worldwide. Also there are a lot of people holding off for the new iPhone next month, especially after the Gizmodo theft.

Quote from: Mark
Lets not forget apples first foray into the phone market, the motorola rokr, wasnt so revolutionary or magical. In fact, it didnt sell very well at all.

That was more a cross branding exercise, Apple dipping their toes in the "music on the phone". It was a piece of crap as a phone and the iTunes use was pretty awful as well.

Quote from: Mark
The apple newton also springs to mind as a recent(ish) balls up, as does apple TV, apple pippin, macintosh TV, mac portable (Would like one for my collection),The cyberdog web browsing kit, the list goes on. Magic only goes so far to cover up recent balls ups.

The Newton was great, just not successful.

?TV is freaking awesome, sales arent great and theyre not pushing it much, but I love mine. Its another example of an Apple device that does one thing very well. Sure Boxee might do more, but the interface is a piece of sh*t, and your wife and kids wont be able to use it. My two year old can work the ?TV. Ill be sad if they abandon it because it has a ton of potential, but is a bit nichey, especially in the US where people want to be able to access Netflix streaming and Hulu.

Pippin, Mac TV, Mac portable, Cyberdog were all released when Jobs wasnt with Apple. Nuff said.

Quote from: Mark
Lets not forget their OS cock ups as well - how about the bug ridden almost useless first few releases of OSX, and going back further the OS that they deemed to be revolutionary - Pink/Taligent, quickly cancelled after its bastardised release.

Yeah, OSX took a while to get awesome, but it has been updated and improved at every release to become the best consumer OS on the planet. I wish MS had the balls to make a completely new Windows because its really starting to creak.
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Re:Just had a go on an Ipad.
Reply #38 on: May 20, 2010, 12:25:44 PM
Always makes me laugh:

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Re:Just had a go on an Ipad.
Reply #39 on: May 20, 2010, 12:54:25 PM
Quote from: Goblin

Quote from: Mark
The apple newton also springs to mind as a recent(ish) balls up, as does apple TV, apple pippin, macintosh TV, mac portable (Would like one for my collection),The cyberdog web browsing kit, the list goes on. Magic only goes so far to cover up recent balls ups.

The Newton was great, just not successful.

Newton was massively overpriced and not too good either, the original handwriting recognition was bought in IIRC. The technology wasnt there to support the idea. Financially it was a complete flop. It directly led to the Palm Pilot and eventually Iphone and Ipad.

It wasnt the only failure, Apple have had several, like the Lisa. This is pretty normal for a company thats often at the edge of technology. What matters is that the successes make more profits than the failures lose, which Apple has managed to do quite successfully.

Again, not the point with the iPad. People going ooh just indicates its something unusual, not something completely new. Within a year there will be alternatives out that do exactly the same, better and cheaper. Like the iPhone they are trying to depend on the name as much as the technology to sell the product, and it will sell, just not to me.

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Re:Just had a go on an Ipad.
Reply #40 on: May 20, 2010, 13:05:17 PM
Quote from: Goblin

Although Android was clearly catalysed by the iPhone, its ferocious rate of upgrades and improvements make it the only real contender worth looking at. They are not just slavishly copying features but are actively going out and trying to make the phone experience better, make it integrate better with your life. For that they should be applauded.

Android is a far far far far far better O/S than the iPhone. The iPhone one is so bad (from devs point of view) its embarrassing.
But the GUI on the iPhone is fantastic so consumers dont realize how badly it is designed.

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Just had a go on an Ipad.
Reply #41 on: May 20, 2010, 13:06:27 PM
To mark / goblin.

Yes it was just last quarters sales where android > iphone.

However, iPhone is available on ATT only right now. Android is available on every major carrier (ATT, Verizon, Sprint, TMobile).

Its only a matter of time before Androids market share is massively higher than iPhone.

Just had a go on an Ipad.
Reply #42 on: May 20, 2010, 13:10:50 PM

£50... runs Linux.... apparently very hackable.....

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Re:Just had a go on an Ipad.
Reply #43 on: May 20, 2010, 13:23:33 PM

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Re:Just had a go on an Ipad.
Reply #44 on: May 20, 2010, 13:25:20 PM
Quote from: Sam
Quote from: Goblin

Although Android was clearly catalysed by the iPhone, its ferocious rate of upgrades and improvements make it the only real contender worth looking at. They are not just slavishly copying features but are actively going out and trying to make the phone experience better, make it integrate better with your life. For that they should be applauded.

Android is a far far far far far better O/S than the iPhone. The iPhone one is so bad (from devs point of view) its embarrassing.
But the GUI on the iPhone is fantastic so consumers dont realize how badly it is designed.

I agree. Ive started with messing with porting a few small tools to mobile devices, and android is pretty excellent to work with. Nothing fancy - a few interface apps for an oxygen sensor, and a digi dash

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