Author Topic: Life after COVID-19  (Read 27348 times)

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Re: Life after COVID-19
Reply #120 on: November 25, 2020, 14:30:53 PM
Coronavirus infections in south east England still rising? I wonder why? <with sarcasm>

On that page,



No results,           so that'll be just an article stoking fear based on positive tests then (which incidentally do not automatically equate to cases)

It's not about a virus anymore, there is a virus I'm sure, but this is all being used as a trojan horse to ramrod a load of world economic forum policies and slogans like "build back better" and "great reset" Klaus Schwab the WEF version of Dr Evil says this himself, before someone comes in and asks me where my tinfoil hat is  :lol:

Yep, put on your tin hat. World Economic Forum has nothing to do with this. Their mission is stated as "committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas". Basically increase profit for the rich, same as Trump and the Republicans in the USA, Boris and Tories in the UK.

Meanwhile Rishi Sunak announces a pay freeze for government employees, effectively a cut in pay due to inflation. Oh and despite denying it more austerity.

Tests now indicate far more correctly the number of infections, although still with a tendency to be too low. Reality is we are only going to get an end to this with a worldwide vaccination program.

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Re: Life after COVID-19
Reply #121 on: November 25, 2020, 15:27:46 PM
this is all being used as a trojan horse to ramrod a load of world economic forum policies and slogans like "build back better" and "great reset" Klaus Schwab the WEF version of Dr Evil says this himself, before someone comes in and asks me where my tinfoil hat is  :lol:
Yep, put on your tin hat. World Economic Forum has nothing to do with this. Their mission is stated as "committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas".

So you put the WEF into a search engine, and read the synopsis  :lol:

I don't expect you to watch all the below, but the title is

#WorldEconomicForum #TheGreatReset
COVID-19: The Great Reset

World leaders are parroting this, along with wearing Agenda 2030 badges, with this coloured ring logo
Last Edit: November 25, 2020, 16:46:05 PM by matt5cott #187;

Re: Life after COVID-19
Reply #122 on: November 25, 2020, 17:04:21 PM
Thanks, every day is a day closer to feeling 100%. Just worried about what the virus has done to me in the long term...

Hopefully you are one of the lucky ones that will have no long term afflictions.

I really hope so!

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Re: Life after COVID-19
Reply #123 on: November 25, 2020, 17:13:14 PM
As I know you to be a sound, rational fellow Matt, I feel we can have some good discussion about this all here that can't really be had on Soshul Media. Try and bear with me, this might start rambling  :lol:

There's a lot of layers to this, from the pretty far out ideas of Bill Gates masterminding a vaccine for some sort of global control - not sure how that works or why he would give a sh*t, I haven't bothered to even look at that rabbit hole - to the great reset/agenda 2030 stuff, all with varying degrees of credibility attached.

I don't really believe 99% of it other than perhaps some of the economic goals to secure more wealth inequality, as I think its easy escapism for most FB Karens and Kens to assume govt wants an Orwellian future where they can read your thoughts, force you to be micro-chipped before you can ever leave the house again, etc via the sweet globally-masterminded delivery of a virus. That is before you even consider that it would need the entire world to be in on it, including China. That's a lot more fun to rant about and easier to justify contempt and disobedience for than the simple idea of a global pandemic making them miserable since they should avoid spreading it so they don't endanger loved ones, have their liberties curbed, have to wear masks, etc.

There is the argument that COVID-19 has presented a convenient opportunity to start implementing measures towards Schwab's goal, but again this does rely heavily on global co-operation that frankly I don't believe exists beyond a handful of countries that might scratch each others backs. It also needs people in power that can be puppeted accordingly. Many countries are already going back to normal again.

Given all of the above, and given the exposure that this idea is all receiving and massive media attention, why is the whole thing so publicised? Why wouldn't this agenda be as secret as the contents of Area 51; surely no-one should have a clue about it and it should come across as proper lunatic, Illuminati conspiracy stuff? I don't get where Gates fits into any this either and why he's up there with Schwab as one of the prime evils, despite the fact people hate him for M$ and vilify him even though he's the most recognised philanthropist on the planet.

You've obviously spent more time attempting to understand all this so I'd really like to hear your views on how much of it you think is plausible and how much is nonsense.

To me right now, it just seems like our govt has bumbled through a situation that could have played out drastically different (much like McDonald Trump's handling in the US). I feel like normality is perhaps realistically coming in 2022 in tangible terms, even if the economy is f**ked. I also think Bojo and the cabinet of clowns are too inept to follow some master plan even if it was laid out for them.

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Re: Life after COVID-19
Reply #124 on: November 26, 2020, 00:42:25 AM
Matt, "It's on the web so it has to be true!"

I've had all of this already from US conspiracy theorists out to make some money from themselves. Their immediate assumption is that if it isn't politically hard right then it's got to be commie sh*t.

So precisely what is your point here? You really want to get less money and pay more tax while UK government ministers commit fraud while give huge amounts to friends and family?

If we continue on that then Brexit is going to be a key theme. It's the Tory way to get out of giving the general public a fair deal.

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Re: Life after COVID-19
Reply #125 on: November 26, 2020, 11:07:35 AM
As I know you to be a sound, rational fellow Matt, I feel we can have some good discussion about this all here that can't really be had on Soshul Media. Try and bear with me, this might start rambling  :lol:

There's a lot of layers to this, from the pretty far out ideas of Bill Gates masterminding a vaccine for some sort of global control - not sure how that works or why he would give a sh*t, I haven't bothered to even look at that rabbit hole - to the great reset/agenda 2030 stuff, all with varying degrees of credibility attached.

I don't really believe 99% of it other than perhaps some of the economic goals to secure more wealth inequality, as I think its easy escapism for most FB Karens and Kens to assume govt wants an Orwellian future where they can read your thoughts, force you to be micro-chipped before you can ever leave the house again, etc via the sweet globally-masterminded delivery of a virus. That is before you even consider that it would need the entire world to be in on it, including China. That's a lot more fun to rant about and easier to justify contempt and disobedience for than the simple idea of a global pandemic making them miserable since they should avoid spreading it so they don't endanger loved ones, have their liberties curbed, have to wear masks, etc.

There is the argument that COVID-19 has presented a convenient opportunity to start implementing measures towards Schwab's goal, but again this does rely heavily on global co-operation that frankly I don't believe exists beyond a handful of countries that might scratch each others backs. It also needs people in power that can be puppeted accordingly. Many countries are already going back to normal again.

Given all of the above, and given the exposure that this idea is all receiving and massive media attention, why is the whole thing so publicised? Why wouldn't this agenda be as secret as the contents of Area 51; surely no-one should have a clue about it and it should come across as proper lunatic, Illuminati conspiracy stuff? I don't get where Gates fits into any this either and why he's up there with Schwab as one of the prime evils, despite the fact people hate him for M$ and vilify him even though he's the most recognised philanthropist on the planet.

You've obviously spent more time attempting to understand all this so I'd really like to hear your views on how much of it you think is plausible and how much is nonsense.

To me right now, it just seems like our govt has bumbled through a situation that could have played out drastically different (much like McDonald Trump's handling in the US). I feel like normality is perhaps realistically coming in 2022 in tangible terms, even if the economy is f**ked. I also think Bojo and the cabinet of clowns are too inept to follow some master plan even if it was laid out for them.

To start with here's a brief overview with some interesting WEF tweets for reference (hopefully we're all mature enough to look past the site it's published on and give it a fair read)

I don't think micro-chipped thought reading ultra techno facism is coming in the short term, but whilst people laugh and easily dismiss concepts like this as tin foil hat ramblings what they're not aware of is the fact that Schwab has literally written about these concepts in his book the fourth industrial revolution a breakdown of some of the wacky sh*t in the book is here as an example if you search "29" on that page you'll see where the thought reading comes from.

On the subject of the fourth industrial revolution, here's Matt Hancock, you know him, practically fellating him in an introduction for a speech a few years back recorded on the gov website,

I won't spend ages replying as ultimately people will believe what they want, if everyone wants to dismiss it out of hand fair enough, that's up to them  :) But to be brief, I do think "Covid" has given wealthy elites an opportunity to launch a global co-ordinated mutually beneficial effort for all those with the real wealth, I'm not talking about daily puppet show government politics of "BOJO DID THIS" or "BREXIT" but the layers that sit firmly above, will it all be a success? I don't know. Is it in the best interests of the ordinary person? No.

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Re: Life after COVID-19
Reply #126 on: November 26, 2020, 11:23:15 AM
Cheers for that. I can definitely see elements of this being played out. One of the things I can't possibly see happening is the whole abolition of private property scenario as it would cause absolute chaos and probably bloodbath riots somewhere like America, unless global society literally broke down into a free-for-all following some kind of nuclear war. Something I do notice about all this is that there's a lot of speculation but never much in the way of offering suggestions on how people can fight back and resist against any of these things.

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Re: Life after COVID-19
Reply #127 on: November 26, 2020, 23:25:54 PM
I just wanted to add on this:
It does not seem that the really rich have been effected much by anything (as always). Where a lot of businesses have shut down and properly left vacant, something I have seen around here in Sydney that someone is picking up all the property. While some have taken over by other small/medium businesses there are a lot Sold but just being held for "Something".
I can see a lot of rich property folk snapping up property at low prices during COVID-19 and when things start returning to normal making a killing on them as things pick up.

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Re: Life after COVID-19
Reply #128 on: November 27, 2020, 07:33:01 AM
The rich/investors always make a killing in times like this. I'd imagine shareholders of Pfizer are laughing.

Re: Life after COVID-19
Reply #129 on: November 27, 2020, 09:35:22 AM
Some of you have far too much time on your hands.

Re: Life after COVID-19
Reply #130 on: November 27, 2020, 19:18:28 PM
Some of you have far too much time on your hands.

If you havent got too much time on your hands you're doing covid wrong.

Work, eat, sleep, repeat  :-\

like a good little worker ant.

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Re: Life after COVID-19
Reply #131 on: November 27, 2020, 23:51:05 PM
I am just coming out of recovery from covid. Can't say that it was fun (more than one point I was convinced I was a gonner) but I'm out the other side now and breathing more easily. Stay safe people!

Hello everyone by the way, I really must try and post more often again.

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Re: Life after COVID-19
Reply #132 on: November 28, 2020, 06:27:58 AM
Glad to see you back Mark, hope you have a swift full recovery  :ptu:

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Re: Life after COVID-19
Reply #133 on: November 28, 2020, 17:36:39 PM
Matt, the real cheats here are the rich Republican right and associated loons. They want to shove as much wealth to themselves as possible and will use whatever tactics needed to do that.

Which includes putting up lies on Breibart, they have been doing this for years, decades. Backing Trump put $billions into the hands of the rich, who also got huge tax cuts.

So it's not tin hat stuff, it's intentional lying by Republicans to deceive the American public. Same as claiming that anything that isn't hard right Republicanism is commie.

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Re: Life after COVID-19
Reply #134 on: December 15, 2020, 09:51:37 AM
I have to agree with neXus & Clock'd 0Ne observations on this one, shareholders of pharma stocks along with stocks that benefit from house arrest like Amazon are flying, meanwhile worldwide "elites" Are continuing to absolutely mop up assets with newly printed funny money, I've seen people saying it's one of the biggest wealth transfers in history, now that may or may not be true, but predictably the trajectory of wealth is of course up :disappointed:

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